Academic Master


Development And Application Of Reflective Method

Literature Review

The reflective method is considered the one feasible approach when it comes to the paradigm of learning. It is considered one effective form of practice that is used to enhance the features of knowledge. The reflective method can be defined as the process of learning that encourages one to think critically about different learning practices and adopt the approach best suited to the situation (McIntosh, 2010). The practice approach can be changed to attain better learning results. The overall approach of the reflective method gives the opportunity to think critically about different aspects of learning and develop the technique according to the requirement.

Loughran, in his research work, explains the idea that the development of the effective reflective method approach is crucial because it provides a better understanding of the world. It highlights different questions to find solutions to the assumptions of different learning parameters (Loughran, 2002). The application of reflective methods can be immensely helpful for teachers to enhance their teaching practices. Barbara Larrivee highlights this specific scenario. The following study indicates how efficiently the teacher can use the approach of reflection to transfer knowledge to others effectively (Larrivee, 2000).

It is immensely crucial to consider the stage of the application of reflective thinking to gain maximum benefit from the following approach. Janet and Moyles defined it as a journey which comes with many considerations and experiences (Moyles, 2010). The learner must critically examine different aspects and adopt the most suitable approach to enhance knowledge and deliver it through a better perspective. There are some tools which can be used to apply the facet of reflection effectively. Visual techniques are the one facet that can help successfully adopt the approach of the reflective method and gain maximum benefit from this process.


Larrivee, B., 2000. Transforming teaching practice: Becoming the critically reflective teacher. Reflective Pract. 1, 293–307.

Loughran, J.J., 2002. Effective reflective practice: In search of meaning in learning about teaching. J. Teach. Educ. 53, 33–43.

McIntosh, P., 2010. Action Research and Reflective Practice: Creative and Visual Methods to Facilitate Reflection and Learning. Taylor & Francis.

Moyles, J., 2010. Thinking About Play: Developing A Reflective Approach: Developing a Reflective Approach. McGraw-Hill Education.



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