When a human body is stressed, an organ named the hypothalamus starts sending signals to the nervous system and the pituitary glands. When the process starts, all these elements start to make epinephrine, which is commonly known as the stress hormone. This process helps the human body to deal with stress and to run if any dangerous situation occurs. The endocrine system and the nervous system are linked to each other, and the hypothalamus is the major element that connects these two organs (Henley, Kaye & Lightman, 2011). The workings of the hypothalamus include the control of pituitary glands, which regulate sleep, rest, and stress factors in the human body. When the hypothalamus starts controlling the pituitary glands, it leads to the production and release of the hormone through which the human body reacts in a certain way. The function of the hypothalamus is important in both conditions: sleep and stress factors.
2. Discuss the importance of lymphocytes and describe where they are found in the body. What are some issues or diseases that affect lymphocytes?
Lymphocytes are considered the types of white blood cells, and due to their importance in the human body system, these are significant for the immune system. These can analyze the immune responses, especially to the infectious germs of elements. In adults, lymphocytes can make more than 40 per cent of the human body’s white blood cells. They are available in the circulation system and help actively participate in the lymphoid organs and tissues. A disease named leukocytosis is one that creates a high number of lymphocytes in the body system. Lymphocytes always respond against infectious diseases and try to decrease their rate if attacked by some infectious disease. Viral infection is also a major reason behind the increased number of lymphocytes in the body (Territo, 2018). When diseases such as bacterial diseases attack the human body system, then it leads to a higher rate of lymphocytes.
3. What are the roles of the various components of the digestive system? How are ingested materials moved through the digestive tract?
There are several components of the digestive system, including the oesophagus, stomach, gallbladder, small and large intestines, rectum, and anus. The oesophagus is present in the human throat, and its responsibility is to deliver food to the human stomach. The human stomach is the food processor of the human body, and its tasks include breaking down food into small parts and processing them. The component of the gallbladder can store the bile, and after its processing measures, it releases it to the duodenum to help the fats to digest effectively. The rectum is like a small chamber in which the colon connects with the anus. It can provide the stool to colour and shift into the anus. The anus is the ending part of the digestive system through which the waste of the human body is released (“Digestive System | Cleveland Clinic,” n.d).
Through the mouth, the ingested materials move through the digestive tract. It starts digesting the food whenever it enters the human body system.
4. Based on studies, what constitutes a balanced diet, and why is this important? Provide a small example of a vegetarian lunch menu that includes all the amino acids necessary for a vegetarian diet.
A balanced diet is a healthy and nutritious food that can maintain the human body system healthily and active. In this pattern, humans eat food in the most appropriate proportions. It helps to maintain a healthy body weight and makes the body more active. It is important because it significantly provides a healthy lifestyle. People who want to maintain a perfect weight and shape in their body use a balanced diet routine. In this way, people maintain their active and healthy lifestyle. Vegetable smoothies include amino acids and are filled with proteins that are healthy for the human body. Vegetable smoothies are not only filled with nutrients but also help add a refreshing taste to human food patterns. Spirulina is a type of vegetable smoothie in which blue and green microalgae are added with the extract of chia seeds.
7 Mouthwatering Complete Protein Vegetarian Recipes. (2018). Creative & Healthy Family. Retrieved 6 April 2018, from https://creativehealthyfamily.com/7-mouthwatering-complete-protein-vegetarian-recipes/
Digestive System | Cleveland Clinic. (2018). Cleveland Clinic. Retrieved 6 April 2018, from https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/7041-the-structure-and-function-of-the-digestive-system
Henley, D., Kaye, J., & Lightman, S. (2011). The endocrine response to stress. Oxford Medicine Online. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/med/9780199235292.003.2249
Territo, M. (2018). Lymphocytic Leukocytosis – Blood Disorders – MSD Manual Consumer Version. MSD Manual Consumer Version. Retrieved 6 April 2018, from https://www.msdmanuals.com/home/blood-disorders/white-blood-cell-disorders/lymphocytic-leukocytosis