Academic Master


Cybercrime Causes And Effects


Cybercrime is an issue about which all the countries in the world are too much concerned. Any activity or a criminal act that is done by using a computer or any other electronic device is called cybercrime. Practitioners and computer experts are always trying to control and investigate all the illegal activities that are happening in the virtual world. All the countries differ in their economic and social patterns. Every country has its own culture, and thus, criminal activities and their consequences and the reasons behind those criminal acts differ from country to country.

Computers can be used as a basic tool to commit a crime. Data stored in computers can be easily accessible by hackers or criminals who are experts in the computer field (Paternoster, 2011). With the theft of this extensive data, various criminal activities can be done.


Cybercrime is a name given to crimes in which the internet, computers, or any other electronic machines are used as primary tools. Dispersion of viruses, fraud, having, and theft are some of the crimes that are used to be called cybercrimes. On the other hand, cyberbullying refers to one particular online crime: bullying. It occurs when someone is bullied online by another person (Ford, 2006). Although, as per the harassment laws, we can say that cyberbullying is not different from cybercrime. However, the fact is it cannot be taken into the courts until it is considered to be a very serious issue.

So, what is the difference between cybercrime and cyberbullying? Any illegal activity that happens online is known as cybercrime. Hacking, identity theft, identity fraud, illegally copying copyright material, and different online scams are known as cybercrimes. Whereas abusing or harassing someone or hurting someone emotionally online is called cyberbullying (Peter et al., 2006).

Cyberbullying and cybercrimes are very serious issues, and as soon as they are discovered, it’s everyone’s responsibility to report them so that necessary action can be taken against these crimes. If we opt for a tolerance policy against the crimes that are happening online, we can build a community that will be safe for everyone, i.e., in real life as well as in the digital world (Tapaswini, 2013). Although different countries are working on the implementation of policies through which they can stop cyberbullying and cybercrimes, this has to be done quickly in the fast-moving world so that we can stop cyberbullying from converting into cybercrime.

Causes Of Cyberbullying

A comprehensive study shows that the bullies sitting online have their own intentions and their own motives. The basic reasons why they are bullying are power, retaliation, anonymity, jealousy, attention, the pleasure of pain, and boredom.

Effects Of Cyberbullying

People of any age are affected by cyberbullying. You can feel totally devastated because of cyberbullying, due to which you will feel embarrassed while going in public. Especially for children, cyberbullying affects their daily routine life and makes them a patient of stress. It lowers the self-esteem of the one who is being bullied. The person who is being bullied withdraws himself from going into public and starts to spend most of the time alone.Cybercrimes/ cyberbullying is a negative thing, and serious actions should be taken against these so that no one becomes a victim of this anymore.


Cybercrime is an act of stealing assets, money, or information, in short, anything that has some value over the internet. These types of crimes are committed by people who are experts in the computer field and can easily hack any computer or system. Cyberbullying is an attempt to force the victim online so that he can develop a sense of inferiority in the way the other person is trying to do.

Works Cited

Das, Sumanjit, and Tapaswini Nayak. “Impact of cybercrime: issues and challenges.” International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Emerging Technologies 6.2 (2013): 142-153.

Gordon, Sarah, and Richard Ford. “On the definition and classification of cybercrime.” Journal in Computer Virology 2.1 (2006): 13-20.

Ngo, Fawn T., and Raymond Paternoster. “Cybercrime victimization: An examination of individual and situational level factors.” International Journal of Cyber Criminology 5.1 (2011): 773.

Smith, Peter K., et al. “An investigation into cyberbullying, its forms, awareness and impact, and the relationship between age and gender in cyberbullying.” Research Brief No. RBX03-06. London: DfES (2006).



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