Academic Master


Critique of qualitative and quantitative studies on the use of preventive care in different social groups

Qualitative research

Lifestyle Inequalities: Explaining Socioeconomic Differences in Preventive Practices of Clinically Overweight Women after Menopause.

The research was conducted using a qualitative research approach. Qualitative research designs are determined by the research topic being used. The choice of design determines how well the research questions will be answered. The design used in this research was case study design which included the use of semi-structured questionnaires to investigate the use of preventive healthcare practices by postmenopausal overweight women from different economic statuses in Canada. The use of a case study design was the most appropriate in this research since the research was seeking to understand the difference in the different socio-economic groups which made it necessary to use individual responses to the formulated questionnaires (Audet, 2017).

Ethical issues involved in the study include the use of direct patient responses. The autonomy of the research subjects is crucial in every research is crucial to avoid conflicting with the requirements of human research. The researchers observed this ethical consideration by ensuring that the identity of the subjects used was not a requirement in the questionnaires provided. The classification of people into either needy or wealthy is also unethical. The researchers dealt with this aspect of research by obtaining the financial status of the research subjects without directly giving the implication of the use of this data to determine the accessibility to preventive health care (Ellis-Barton, 2016).

The results obtained through qualitative research showed a class-based difference in regard to preventive health practices use and long-term health. The use of quantitative research would have led to more specific findings based on specific research questions. The individual aspects of health affected and the extent of the effects of socio-economic factors on specific health parameters would have been captured (Wright, 2016).

Quantitative research

The purpose of life and reduced risk of myocardial infarction among older US adults with coronary heart disease: a two-year follow-up.

The research has a fully stated purpose: examining whether a purpose in life had any associations with myocardial infarction among a sample population of old people who had been previously diagnosed with coronary heart disease. The research topic is specifically about the sample population which offered a way to population filtering and set up research controls. The use of an identifiable baseline was also a good precision marker since all the subjects had to fulfill the condition of having suffered from coronary heart disease.

A quantitative approach is suitable for this research since the different variables can be measured and expressed in numbers. The independent variable is the purpose in life was quantified using a six-point measure and its contribution to the development of the independent variable was quantified in multivariate-adjustable odds.

The study was based on the assumption that more baseline purpose in life was associated with reduced odds of developing myocardial infarction after diagnosis and treatment of coronary heart disease. The use of correlational design was used in the study. The design was appropriate since the only important aspect of the study was observational and valuation using statistical analysis. The data obtained led to specific conclusions on the positive effect of the presence of higher purpose in life and lower odds of developing myocardial infarction after the management of coronary heart disease (Kim, 2013).

The use of qualitative research in science

The use of qualitative research in the study of healthcare aspects has received a lot of criticism. The lack of designs that offer specific findings seems unnecessary in clinical care and practice. In reality, qualitative research is just as important in the development of evidence-based care as is quantitative research. A notable difference between quantitative research and qualitative research is the depth of understanding of the research topic offered by qualitative research. The lack of restrictions on the use of quantifiable variables makes it possible for the researcher to explore topics that cannot be quantified statistically. Such variables can include feelings about the services offered by healthcare professionals or even the impact of a care practice on the religious affiliations of the patient (Kavoura, 2014).

The use of qualitative research in a study gives the researcher an option to understand the issues concerning health and how they are perceived by the people. Lack of a specific measure of success ensures that the researcher can avoid the use of controlled groups which in turn yields a better comprehension of the perception of the aspect being researched in the real world.

The most commonly targeted concepts in qualitative research include human perceptions of issues, social experiences, cultural understanding of health, and organizational precedents. Qualitative research cannot be dismissed. It is a crucial part of science that explores topics that would have been impossible to understand using a quantitative research approach. a complete understanding and application of evidence-based care are dependent on the use of both quantitative and qualitative research in the study of different health aspects (Sutton, 2015).


Audet, D. B. (2017). Lifestyle Inequalities: Explaining Socioeconomic Differences in Preventive Practices of Clinically Overweight Women After Menopause. NCBI, 27(10), 1541-1552.

Ellis-Barton, C. (2016). Ethical considerations in research participation virality. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 11(3), 281-285.

Kavoura, A. a. (2014). Methodological considerations for qualitative communication research. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 147, 544-549.

Kim, E. S. (2013). The purpose of life and reduced risk of myocardial infarction among older US adults with coronary heart disease: a two-year follow-up. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 36(2), 124-133.

Sutton, J. a. (2015). Qualitative research: data collection, analysis, and management. The Canadian journal of hospital pharmacy, 68(3), 226.

Wright, S. B. (2016). Research design considerations. Journal of graduate medical education, 8(1), 97-98.



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