Academic Master


Criticism of the story “The Minority Report” by Philip K. Dick

Philip Dick is an American story writer and novelist. He is best known for his science fiction short stories, many of which have been transformed into film. One of the furthermost excellent features of the short story named as “The Minority Report” is in what way it compacts with the ethical and decent discussion adjacent to its basis: avoiding criminalizes in advance of its occurrence. This imaginary story is based on the year 2045, which is one week before the election for the State Pre-crime Enterprise, which will decide if the police departments all over the state will agree on pre-crime or not. Thitherto is being restricted to the metropolitan city of New York. After six years of operative murder anticipation, the killing rate in the metropolitan, which is one of the bloodstained in the country, has fallen to a further 90%, leading its gossip mongers, for example, movie to thrust for its delay as a countrywide rule implementation exercise.

As one would imagine, the struggles have encountered excessive opposition from such people or teams like ACLU, however Lieutenant John Anderson will point out that the individuals and the organism objectives are not actually blameless (“Personal Criticism and Analysis of The Minority Report (2002)”).

How can individuals be detained when they do not have any essentially dedicated criminality? In the actual world scenario, we can only impeach wrongdoings that are being dedicated on the surface, not basically in the notice. Once the purpose to obligate a wrongdoing is voiced, it converts into danger, and it is measured as a criminal parse. However, in the domain of the short story “The Minority Report,” the walls amongst planning of misconduct and the directive of the real wrongdoing himself have been essentially eradicated. Since the Precogs get a bit to distinguish the particular time and date when a killing will happen, law implementation officers, therefore, can sense the planning of the killing. If it were not for the foresight of the Precogs, the organization would conclude that its extrapolative skills were eradicated(“The Minority Report Summary – ENotes.Com”)

As a natural cynic, I support the authorities from the Justice department (DOJ), Danny Witwer (Colin Farrell), who has brought a warrant to study the proceedings of Pre-crime on the basis that it is ethically problematic. Just after Witwer’s early entrance at the Pre-crime HQs underneath the deception of opinion, Witwer defines the DOJ’s pessimism in a discussion with the highest Pre-crime Officers, Gordon Fletcher (Neal McDonough),  Chief John Anderson, Officer Jeff Knott (Patrick Kilpatrick), Officer Jad (Steve Harris), Officer and Officer Jeff Knott (Patrick Kilpatrick)

The holes in the story’s conspiracy are the critic’s indications that are not present in the short story. The competition between the Military and Pre-crime in the story enlightens a lot; the metropolitan had been in military law, but the innovation of Pre-crime eradicated 99.8% of offense criminality and, therefore, eradicated the necessity for martial law. As an outcome, Kaplan tries to practice Anderton’s circumstance to dishonor the structure, misguidedly seeing as the Precogs’ suggestion of himself was flawed. An additional main alteration amongst the story is that Dick portrays the Pre-crime structure as lasting in life, with Anderton is giving the responsibilities and being made in charge of the planet while his wife left the planet for some other planet. (GradeSaver)

“It could only happen in one situation,” Anderson said. “My circumstance was exceptional since I have some admittance to the statistics. It might occur again, however, simply to the next Police representative. So look after your step.” Momentarily, he smiled, originating no small relief from Witwer’s stressed appearance. Alongside him, Lisa’s sore lips jerked, and her hand stretched out and locked over him.


The short story’s idea is centered on paradoxes arising by predicting the future: If one recognizes what will occur, can one alter the result? If so, what is it that says about the capability to forecast the upcoming in the 1st place? Pre-crime ridicules how law implementation can deceive its directive; in the present world, cultural summarizing could be measured as a kind of pre-crime. Anderson obligates his forecast murder to strengthen the legitimacy of his defective arrangement but by liaising so, demonstrates its accuracy.

Works Cited

GradeSaver. “The Minority Report and Other Stories Themes | GradeSaver.” N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Sept. 2017.

“Personal Criticism and Analysis of Minority Report (2002).” N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Sept. 2017.

“The Minority Report Summary – ENotes.Com.” notes. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Sept. 2017.



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