Academic Master


Contributions of Psychological Research

There are three controversial discussed in the article. The first one is Suicidal behavior disorder. This disorder was to be characterized by behaviors which would cause injuries to a person, and would later result in death (Armstrong et al. 2015). The diagnosis would be given immediately after an attempt of one committing suicide and would remain sufficient for two years, the period of high chances of reattempting suicide. This disorder needs to be taken seriously, and its diagnosis could be used in saving lives. The naming of the disease will enable the creation of a history which would be traced as a way of preventing reoccurrence. I think the idea of labeling an individual suicidal may be harmful and can lead to stigmatization.

The second controversial change was in classifying Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). All subcategories of ASD were combined into one in the change. This means that if one were to be diagnosed with disorders like Childhood Disintegrative, Asperger’s, etc., ASD would be used in its diagnosis. This gives way to stigmatism. The idea that stigma can be associated with ASD’s change in classification is a legitimate issue.

The last one is Paraphilia disorder, disorders which involve the need for unusual sexual stimulation. The word disease was not labeled in the previous version of DSM Paraphilia. This change was made to distinguish the mild from the harmless (Federici et al. 2017). Those in opposition to this idea felt hat it would be dangerous to others and to those afflicted it would be distressing, which is a legitimate concern. Classification of paraphilia is useful in determining the extent of paraphilia actions of an individual, labeling and differentiating the degree of potential danger is essential.

The disorder which requires more research according to the study is Depressive episode with Short Duration Hypomania which has bipolar behavior which is distinguished by hypomanic episodes, which has a limit of for days.

Research question: Determine the factors that start an episode? Does the environment of an individual play a significant role in initiating the episode?

The research method which may be used is carrying out interviews (Smoyak, 2016). Determining occurrences, environments, as well as factors which would cause the episode and following the episode over a given period will help in identifying factors one should consider to reduce the occurrence of the incident.


Armstrong, D., Price, D., & Crowley, T. (2015). Thinking it through: a study of how pre-service teachers respond to children who present with possible mental health difficulties. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 20(4), 381-397.

Federici, S., Bracalenti, M., Meloni, F., & Luciano, J. V. (2017). World Health Organization disability assessment schedule 2.0: An international systematic review. Disability and rehabilitation, 39(23), 2347-2380.

Smoyak, S. A. (2016). What’s in a Name?: How Conversant are You With the New Alphabet Soup?. Journal of psychosocial nursing and mental health services, 54(8), 13-15.



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