Coal is a fossil fuel used for burning. Officially, a number of different developed and underdeveloped nations are burning coal for power supply and heating the furnaces. There are several uncountable benefits of coal, including the lower price and ease of access. The excessive burning of coal for centuries has resulted in global warming and the increase of several issues. One of the most concerning issues is the environmental issue of coal. The increase in the usage of coal would result in an increase in a great number of environmental issues, the most prominent being pollution, global warming, and uncertain weather forecasts. A great number of people have discussed and analyzed the impacts of coal power plants in society and have raised their voices both against and in favour of coal utilization. From a general point of view, it is discussed that coal mining pollutes the physical environment of the area, and its burning causes the addition of toxins in the air, which are harmful to life on Earth. The main aim of the paper is to discuss the issue related to coal, its importance, and some arguments that would help illustrate these problems clearly.
The issues regarding coal, its mining and its burning were not recognized so clearly during the time of the Industrial Revolution all over the world. In the last twenty years, because of the frequent climatic changes and the unpredictable sudden increase of the global temperature, Scientists have analyzed that coal mining and coal burning on the industrial scale are the major causes acting as catalysts for causing the change in the global settings. It is a tradition that every small issue is enhanced and presented in the form of a disaster (Uvaisova, Sh S., and U. R. Mahanbetova, 4-6). Global warming is caused by a number of different natural and manmade sources, and there is a very low percentage of coal’s existence in creating global problems. Due to the negative debates, coal power plants and furnaces are closing. Since coal is widely available in almost all parts of the world, its utilization could not be stopped at all. Millions of dollars are spent by developing nations as well as developed ones.
Positive Aspects
The benefits of coal are outnumbered, and it is used highly for heating the power plant’s boilers. It is one of the best, most reliable, long-lasting and cheapest ways to generate electricity all over the world. Initially, the electricity was generated by thermal power plants, and burning was performed through coal (Xue et al., 15779).
Currently, steel production is dependent on coal at up to 74%. Coke coal or metallurgical coal is used in vast quantities in the production of steel. This dependence is highly observed by analysts, who have estimated that coal is the best source for the production of steel, and all the other sources are costly if they are used for the worldwide production of steel. The other sources are estimated to be costly and unreliable. The electric arc furnace needs high levels of energy consumed, the same as the open hearth route. Both of them are rarely implemented. There are many other manufacturing and production industries which are totally dependent on coal.
One of the most important social and economic benefits of coal mining, burning, transportation, and dealing with it is that millions of people are associated with this industry. They don’t have any kind of skills, but they have spent years in that industry. Coal is nothing more than the ancient forest’s wood, which has remained under pressure for millions of years.
Global warming is one of the cruellest impacts of coal burning. It is estimated that after the Industrial Revolution, there was so much coal being mined and burned, which was even greater than the overall history of Earth.
Pollution is another main issue that has caused the overall global atmosphere to become unsustainable. The climatic changes are observed, and the uncertain change of the weather forecast is also seen all over the world, including China, the United States and countries on the Atlantic and Indian Ocean shores (Mishra et al., 425).
The globe’s future is not certain, according to science. It would be possible that a great comet would be coming and hitting the earth to end everything, or a great earthquake would grow in the middle of the Pacific and would be able to kill everyone. Coal is a minor issue with respect to these concerns. The contribution of coal to global warming is not as high as explained in the media covers (Kleshchevskii & Gupta, 67). The causes of global warming are many. For the protection of a huge number of people’s jobs, as well as giving access to cheaper ways to manufacture the products, coal is necessary to continue as it is the future.
In a nutshell, it can be explained that, regardless of the number of negative impacts perceived by the increase in coal mining and burning, there are many positive aspects as well. Most of the analysts who had arguments mentioned that the sudden close of coal mining and burning would stop the entire world, and there would be a great system that would be disturbed. That’s why no actions have yet been taken to end coal mining and utilization. Mining coal is never sinister, and people have been doing this for centuries for domestic and commercial purposes.
Works Cited
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Mishra, Devi Prasad, Aamir Ashraf, and Sikandar Azam. “Rock dust requirement for suppression of coal dust explosion in underground coal mines in India: An investigation.” NexGen Technologies for Mining and Fuel Industries (Volume I and II)(2017): 425.
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(Kleshchevskii & Gupta, 67)