Just like any other business, an Airline Company has challenges regarding human resource management; according to Baum (2015), the human resource department of an organization is critical to the success of that organization. Therefore, if it experiences challenges, then the performance of the company would likely go down. This department deals with employees, what motivates them, how they should be motivated, job satisfaction, and retention (Vance & Paik, 2014). Other issues that affect human resource management include the integration of technology, social media in advisements, creativity and innovation, communication, employee motivation, and decision-making.
First, employee motivation and recognition are challenges that affect airline companies. Motivation is key for one to realize organizational performance and objectives. Without motivation and incentives, employees may not perform to their expectations. Employees should be given awards and recognition (Baum, 2015). The recognition is given to the workers to motivate them. The award can either be in the form of money or a promotion from the current work post. This will motivate the workers to work harder and dedicate more time and effort to ensuring the success of the company. Moreover, the sales incentive plan, especially for sales employees, the company is insensitive to them by paying the employee a percentage of the sales.
The organization should embrace a group incentive plan whereby the company pays for the team members if they accomplish the goal. Usually, the company sets exactly the time target and how much the company will pay for the team. In addition, every member of the team should know how much he will get equally, or the team leader will pay more.
The reason for incentives and motivation is that they help promote employee identification with the organization’s objectives. Currently, several companies try to focus the attention of their workers on the objectives of the company. This is very relevant to the company as it ensures the quality of the services offered by the company and the overall success of the company (Vance & Paik, 2014). The HRM department ensures this by linking the achievement of the worker to the reward that the employee is given. This has been proven to work as all the employees will strive to complete the set projects successfully in order to receive the set reward.
Secondly, a lack of open and effective communication is a major HRM challenge that affects airline companies. The top management should be able to allow open, effective communication because it ensures that the organizational goals are achieved. Also, through open communication, employees will motivated and engaged in the vision of the organization. Indeed, employees will feel like they are part and parcel of the organization because communication instils a sense of belonging. According to ( effective communication is key to organizational success because it is through that the employees who are the implementers of the objectives of the organization will get to understand what they are expected to accomplish. Thus, an organization that does not embrace effective communication has a higher chance of not realizing its goals.
Thirdly, lack of creativity and innovation. Indeed, the department of Human Resources should be creative and innovative. The implication is that they should come up with new ideas on how to better manage the organization as they strive to achieve their goals (Bolman & Deal, 2017). Most firms have experienced a lot of challenges because their HRM department has not embraced or given space for innovativeness. This means that employees should be motivated to innovate and come up with new ideas that will benefit the company.
Besides, the HRM department should embrace technology. They should keep abreast of technological advancements. Most studies have established that strategic contribution, HR technology, business knowledge, and internal consultation have a crucial correlation with the performance of companies (Helmreich & Merritt, 2017). This, therefore, means that HRM practices can support and enhance the performance of companies. Currently, firms that have not evolved and embraced technology found down the ranking in reads to the economic prosperity of those organizations. Thus, it is important to embrace technology. For instance, presently, big data helps store huge amounts of data that could not be manually documented. Additionally, automated payment, signing in, and advertisements, among others, are done through technology.
Another HRM challenge that affects most airline companies is poor decision-making ability. Decision-making is a vital task for every manager and a very difficult one. Decision-making relies on the knowledge we have of the results of our actions. One end of decision-making involves uncertainty (Harzing & Pinnington, 2010). Thus, uncertainty becomes the reality of life and business. Under uncertainty, the person who makes the decision lacks the knowledge of the state of the results or outcome of the decision he or she is going to make. Uncertainty involves not knowing. Organizations can obtain some benefits from the application of knowledge management in their operations. First, getting the maximum benefits knowledge should be shared and communicated among related departments within the organization to ensure learning on the most appropriate operating system. The right use of knowledge management can lead to innovation, which maintains the company’s competitive advantage in the economy.
Moreover, the good customer relationship is key to organizational vision. Customers are core elements of an organization’s commitment to achieving its objectives (Bolman & Deal, 2017). Most thriving firms evolve with the demands of their consumers. Customers form the fundamental centre of any business. Without customers, there is no successful business. It is for this reason recognizing and making one’s customers comfortable is the objective of most organizations. Companies should appreciate their customers in various ways (Harzing & Pinnington, 2010). Customers are at the centre of organizational prosperity. Thus, companies should strive to meet customer satisfaction. One of the ways companies can meet client’s satisfaction is by knowing their insight and giving quality services. The management may also ensure their prices are affordable to the customers (Vance & Paik, 2014). This will not only motivate them but will also ensure their retention. They will then become regular customs. Organizations that do not value good customer retention and embrace their customers will stand a chance of not achieving their goals.
In summary, HRM is the vital department that ensures that firms achieve their goals. Organizational managers should understand that HRM incentives are essential in achieving the vision and mission of the form. The company should, therefore, embrace HRM incentives in order to gain a competitive advantage. Moreover, the airline Company should continue to motivate the employees because it has been proved that motivated employees work best and increase the level of performance of the company plus the success of the company at large. This will make sure that the company enhances the services it offers to its clients and competes fairly in the market. Further, most studies recommend that companies get the required insight into the incentives that the workers like and work with without problems. Finally, the company should offer relevant motivation and rewards to the workers to make sure that they are comfortable working in the company. Additionally, the company should consider effective communication and HRM practices. Moreover, training programs should mainly be centred on the workers and the skills that they are intended to have.
Baum, T. (2015). Human resources in tourism: Still waiting for change?–A 2015 reprise. Tourism Management, 50, 204-212.
Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2017). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership. John Wiley & Sons.
Harzing, A. W., & Pinnington, A. (2010). International human resource management. Sage.
Helmreich, R. L., & Merritt, A. C. (2017). A culture at work in aviation and medicine: National, organizational and professional influences. Routledge.
Vance, C. M., & Paik, Y. (2014). Managing a global workforce: challenges and opportunities in international human resource management. Routledge.