Academic Master

The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or Gods.

The Doctrine of Sin in Post-Modern Christian World

Harold Pinter (1958), a post-modern disciple once stated that there is no hard distinction between real or unreal things in the world. Besides, nor does the contrast exist between right and wrong. According to him, a thing cannot be true or false rather anything can be both true and false. I believe that this assertion in stark contrast to post-modern Christian tradition explores the doctrine of sin or the theological

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Exploration of Belief System

Interview with a Non-Believing Friend There are many religious schools of thought that are prevalent today however with the advent of science and a vast bank of ideas and theories available, people are more prone to explore and question the purpose of their existence as well as that of a higher power. As a result, many people have emerged as being non-believers. To explore the perspectives of an atheist, an

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Buddhism Essay

Buddhism is a philosophical religion and even though many people may not be officially Buddhists; they practice these beliefs regardless. The teachings of Buddhism allow the people to connect with themselves and gain an understanding of their existence. It is through this understanding that they can understand the world around them. The basic tenets of Buddhism are the “four noble truths”. The first truth is Dukkha which means human suffering,

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The Western misunderstanding of Islam and Daoism

Daoism and Islam are two major religions of the eastern region. The foundation of ethical teachings of Islam is guided by their Holy book Quran and the life of the last prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The teachings of Daoism are also known as Taoism. The religious philosophies of Daoism and Islam have often been misunderstood by western society. This discussion essay intends to analyze the western misconstructions of Islam and Daoism

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Buddhism in Relationships

Buddha taught his followers to lead a simple life that will allow them to reach enlightenment. The basic tenets of Buddhism are known as four noble truths. Dukkha is the first truth of human life as it means human suffering; the cause of this suffering is Trishna which means attachments and cravings. When humans start to let go of these cravings and attachments then they receive Nirvana and the path

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Abercrombie & Finch: Racial and Religious Discrimination

Background Abercrombie and Finch have long branded themselves as being the cool, fashionable brand for young American teens. Brand image not only used to identify the product but is also the critical perception and associations the consumers have (Faircloth et al., 2001). Michael Jeffries as CEO, in an interview, defined the brand to be for young, thin, and beautiful people. To further this brand image, its clothing line did not

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Comparison and Contrast of Postmodernism and Christian theism

Introduction The modern Western societal units are changing day by day according to the modern needs of the time, and the masses tend to explore more than one way of thinking. In this context, the modern aspects and disciplines of understanding the universe are getting new shapes. Modern concepts and views present a multitude of alternatives that interpret and understand the reality and existence of various things. So, human generations

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Biblical Analysis on Prohibition of blood and fat by God

According to the Biblical scriptures of Leviticus, human beings are not allowed to eat blood or fat. There are many types of food which are allowed and not allowed due to certain reasons. Human beings can eat anything which comes from sea, land, or air. However, blood and fat are two things that are prohibited. God has prohibited to eat unclean meat which has fat in it and food items

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Benchmark—Christian Essentials

The perspective of our religious beliefs plays a poignant role in living a life according to norms and values prescribed by the religion. Our lives are shaped by our religious perceptive. The religious perspective and worldview are the same for everyone because of the universality of essential elements of belief and faith. The Christian worldview provides a virtuous guideline of teachings for its believers to overcome all the obstacles and

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Biblical Analysis on Cleanliness and Un-Cleanliness of Food

According to the Biblical scriptures of Leviticus, there are many foods that are allowed and not allowed by God on the basis of cleanliness. We can eat anything which comes from the sea, land or air. However, there are prohibitions for some foods due to un-cleanliness. There are unclean foods like pork, crab, shellfish, and clams according to the New Testament. Animals without cloven hoofs are also prohibited. There is

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Select one historic and one contemporary author and discuss their common and differing perspectives on the relationship between religion and politics

Religion and politics Introduction Religion and politics are integral parts of building a society. Religion and politics are found in all the societies which have ever existed in the world. In the contemporary era, the need to study the relationship between politics and religion came into the limelight. To understand a social problem, we must study its religion and political alliance. Therefore many theorists derived concepts and studied the relationship

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Galatians and Christianity

Galatians “Galatians” is another name for the ninth book of the New Testament called “The Epistle to the Galatians”. The churches in Galatia were organized by Jews and Gentiles who still followed the Jewish Law and their point of view was that salvation is partly achieved by God’s Grace and partly by human intentions and efforts. Whereas in Paul the Apostle’s point of view, salvation can only be achieved by

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Christian Church

Having studied and read about the expansion of the early Christian church and movement, discuss the factors (personal, religious, political, etc.) which contributed to its spread. What are the most important factors that you have discovered throughout this study? Do not just list, but explain why you chose the people, events, or cultural issues that helped Christianity spread through the Roman world. The growth of the Christian churches was very

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Summarise the various challenges that Titus faced while shepherding the church in Crete

Paul left Titus alone on Crete and assigned him with the task of introducing the Gospel of Christ to every single church on the Crete island. It was undoubtedly a difficult task to handle alone. Churches were preaching vague concepts that were based on falsehood, so the people of the Crete island were for long living a sinful life. Paul was aware of the challenges that Titus had to face,

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A Survey of the New Testament

“The Canon of the New Testaments” is the group of books that Christians refer to as divinely inspired books. The books are not solely holy spirits, but they are the foundation of the new testament of Christianity. It is almost universally accepted that the canon has on the whole 27 books. These books are the accumulation of the gospel, letters to apostles, acts, and revelations. Growing up in a Christian

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The Psychology of Christian Character Formation

There are various elements of a Christian story that forms the basis of character formation in an individual (Heie, 2015). Most of the elements fall under spiritual formation which is otherwise referred to as sanctification. Spiritual formation is vital in experiencing character formation. The literature, biblical and theological surveys of nature have shown seven elements of spiritual formation which are very important formative strands of the person in mission formation,

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Comparative Review of Angels within Abrahamic Faiths

Introduction The terminology “Abrahamic Religions” relates to the three monotheistic religions of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. The claim they all share is their belief in Prophet Abraham being their mutual forefather. These three religions form about half of the world’s population, presently. The claim is further explained through the association of Jews’ consideration of Prophet Abraham as their ancestor, Muslim’s belief in Prophet Abraham’s son, Ishmael being their ancestor, and

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The Difference between Religion Esteem and Presentation Esteem

As the general public accomplishes a level of mechanical reproducibility, humans want to “get nearer” to things and “beat their uniqueness” overpower the one-of-a-kind presence of conventional workmanship. The capacity of mechanically duplicating works of art has permitted human culture out of the blue to encounter a genuine feeling of all-inclusive secularization of workmanship. The mass presence replaces the faction propensity of craftsmanship in customary settings with its new show

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The Challenges in Planting a Multi-Ethnic Church in Mid-West

Introduction Background of the study Multinational gatherings are for the 21st century, as well as in the historical backdrop of the United States; they were occasional, fleeting, and quite often sustained racial imbalance and white authority. As indicated by an overview of national assemblages in 1998, just seven percent of American gatherings were multiracial and characterized as close to 80% of racial gatherings [1]. All the more particularly, on account

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In more established circumstances, being Chinese was associated with living in this universe. The universe furthermore portrayed the world inside which the three lessons – Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism – worked. Nevertheless, all throughout their long histories, the experience was checked and renamed like this is how the “universe” itself was considered. This excellent framework dynamically went under strike toward the completion of the superb period and toward the end

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