Academic Master


Biblical Analysis on Prohibition of blood and fat by God

According to the Biblical scriptures of Leviticus, human beings are not allowed to eat blood or fat. There are many types of food which are allowed and not allowed due to certain reasons. Human beings can eat anything which comes from sea, land, or air. However, blood and fat are two things that are prohibited. God has prohibited to eat unclean meat which has fat in it and food items which have blood in it. Modern research has recognized the negative relationship which shows the harmful effects of consuming fat. Furthermore, scientific research on the human heart and body suggests the cause of significant diseases by consumption of fat and blood. This realization of modern research upon the prohibition of blood and fat has further validated the importance of God within my perspective. God allows and prohibits anything (fat and blood) for a valid reason. The biblical scriptures are based on valid and logical reasons. After this analysis, it can be understood that God has stated everything for a purpose and valid reason. Therefore, we should find these reasons rather than questioning the instructions of God.

Biblical Analysis on Importance of Heart

The Biblical scriptures view the heart as the governing power of the whole body literally and associatively. In the literal sense, the heart is the biological center of the body which pumps and regulates blood in the entire body. The heart has gained importance in the literal and associative sense in scientific research and Biblical research. However, the heart is viewed in associative meaning which reflects it as a hub of all desires and emotional actions in the Bible. In the biological context, the heart is the main organ of the body. Without the existence of the heart, the body will cease to exist. Therefore, God has given associative importance to the heart as the spiritual center and the representor of the internal self. Without heart, a person has no character or identity. So it is benign and valid to say that God has made the heart, the center of all evil and good thoughts and actions. According to the biblical scriptures, the heart is known as the spiritual source which is responsible for all actions and emotions. A man is recognized through his heart. A heart can be good with pure thoughts and evil also with poisonous/ evil thoughts.

The concept of Breath representing life: Biblical context within Literal and Metaphorical Implications

The supreme creator of all beings (God) breathed his breath into Adam to give him life. He made Adam from dust and gave him life from his breath signifies the superiority and importance of a human being over all other human beings. According to this scripture “God breathed into his nostrils” (Genesis 2:7), God breathed a soul into Adam’s life through his nostrils. This phrase has both connotations; metaphorical and literal implication. In the literal implications, the scientific research suggests that breathing is the main sign of a person to be alive and it is carried out through the nostrils in a respiratory system. Therefore, God gave life to Adam by his breath into his nostrils. In the metaphorical context, this phrase signifies that God has breathed a part of himself (a reflection of God) in the man to show that man is the direct representative of God because he gave him life from his breath. Furthermore, God’s breath signifies the importance of man’s superiority because God made man his representative.


Wilfong, M. M. (1988). Genesis 2: 18–24. Interpretation42(1), 58-63.



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