Academic Master

Business finance covers a multitude of diverse occupations, such as in global finance, budget analysis, portfolio management and financial forecasting

Capital Asset Pricing Model

Weighted Average Cost of Capital depicts the overall combined cost of equity and debts to finance the business operations or acquisitions. It is calculated as follows

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Laughing Planet Restaurant Purchasing Process

Laughing planet is a fast-food restaurant first opened in 1995 by Richard Satnick. The rising number of customers led to the opening up of more branches in Portland, United States. The restaurants’ heads sought to standardize their food in Portland because it had opened more branches.

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Benchmarking Essay

Benchmarking occurs when one firm compares itself with another one either within the industry or in broader perspective in terms of processes or operations. In most business context, benchmarking processes can be applied against any given process, product, business approach or function within or outside an organization.

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Nike Company Review

I chose to discuss about Nike company .Nike is one of the best companies manufacturing footwear in the whole world .Every company has to have marketing strategies so that they can sell their products .Given that Nike started it has used different strategies that is why their products are sold widely because of its top brand .The company brands its products by advertising their products by the use of the

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Federal Reserve

What are the requirements for something to be considered money? Why does the dollar have value?

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Comparison and Contrast

Personal presentation is a business card; more precisely, even what your partner will see before you have time to give him a business card.

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Commerce without Morality

The aim of any business is just to maximize profit through the exchange of goods or services. Commerce without hypocrisy involves people engaging in any business in order to make a profit without bothering about business ethics. This means that, today people engage in business to make a profit regardless of whether the business is legal or illegal to improve their living standards. This essay is aimed at critically evaluating

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Alibaba vs. Amazon Essay

With the evolution of information and communication technologies companies like Amazon and Alibaba have made efforts to exploit the online market. They advertise their products through their websites and applications and provide an online platform that can be used by users to interact with them. However, Amazon and Alibaba have taken different approaches and strategies in their methods of operation.

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Nike Company Strategies

I chose to discuss Nike Company. Nike is one of the best companies that have the best footwear in the whole world. Every company must have marketing strategies so that they can sell their products .since the time Nike started it has applied different strategies that is why their products are sold widely.

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The Process of Federal Budget Essay

The process of formulating and implementing federal budget is cyclic in nature. The entire cycle of the federal budget can be divided into four important stages. These steps are described below.

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Characteristics of Federal Budget

The federal budget is a legal document. It includes the planned expenses and the incomes of the whole country for a specific period of time. The budget develops the rules of expenditures by the executive authority and the administration depends on it. However, the federal budget is not merely a document mentioning the income and the expenses of the country. Rather, it demonstrates the actions to be taken by the

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