Academic Master


Career Vision Statement

My vision is to be a hardworking, competent, honest, and impactful project leader and a prominent international leader within my company. After completing my studies, I would like to be committed to growing as a leader and delivering value-added projects to my customers. I would also wish to encourage young people, both skilled and semi-skilled, to create their own businesses and neglect the idea of looking for colour jobs (“Alignment of Your Personal Vision to Your Mission and Career Strategy: Implementation Now Begins!” 2013). I wish to be the leading company, upholding all necessary business ethics and strategies to enhance the acute delivery of services to all my customers internally in about fifteen to twenty years to come. My dream is to create a world where everybody depends on him/herself and works according to their strengths.

On the other hand, my mission is to help the venture managers to learn the best skills and transform into impactful and strategic project leaders. I will apply the expert skills learned during my studies to shape the leadership skills of project managers (“Alignment of Your Personal Vision to Your Mission and Career Strategy: Implementation Now Begins!” 2013. I will incorporate all strategic skills from locally available materials and globally, and this will help me to surpass knowledge to all project managers and the community at large. Incorporating all resources, organizing all strategic plans, and involving all stakeholders’ employees and managers will lead to my success. Also, attending global business summits and conferences to learn more about business management will help me achieve my dream. I desire to create a world where everyone can depend on her/himself and give the best in delivering services and goods to the customers.

My vision and my mission are clear and concise so that every person can read and understand them. I have a passion for leadership and inspiration, and this keeps on propelling me to be a project leader (“Alignment of Your Personal Vision to Your Mission and Career Strategy: Implementation Now Begins!” 2013. In my career objectives, I want to be honest in all my deeds, competent in performing business activities, and hardworking. Furthermore, my core values are honesty, hard work, competence, and innovation. I want to encourage people to take risks in business since the higher risk will lead to higher returns. I would also like to build a teamwork and business network globally, bridging the available gaps in the market and giving the best to my customers and leaders. I would like my project to be the leading provider of high-quality products at affordable prices, considering my core values in the process of delivering the services.

My desire and inspiration to be a prominent project manager came from my father, who is an average businessman. I also like searching and blogging for business prominent and successful business people across the world. I have been reading journals and newsletters on business and learned many ideas on how to be a successful business person (“Alignment of Your Personal Vision to Your Mission and Career Strategy: Implementation Now Begins!” 2013). I decided to project on this goal statement paper since I gathered a lot of inspiration from my father and research from the internet. I learned more concepts from this material, which impacted my knowledge of how to start a business and become a prominent project leader. Also, through reading these materials, I found that the richest and wealthiest personalities are the business persons but not the employed personnel. This idea keeps on motivating me and inspires me to start a project to be successful in the future after finishing my studies.


The Alignment of Your Personal Vision to Your Mission and Career Strategy: Implementation Now Begins! (2013). Preparing for Today’s Global Job Market, 127-130. doi:10.1057/9781137347404_9



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