Academic Master

Human Resource And Management

Career Counseling and Krumboldtz’s Learning Theory

Career counselling is similar to clinical and marriage counselling options that one knows already. All professional counselling forms are united in the sense that it is the client who is given support and helped to tackle difficult situations and complex decisions. Out of the many practice types of career counselling, Krumboldtz’s learning theory of career counselling is chosen (Mitchell, 1996).

The learning theory of career counselling has many positives; for example, the learning process takes place via direct observations and through direct observations (Krumboltz, Mitchell, & Jones, 1976). Moreover, the theoretical process, when applied, allows for simplification of the process of career selection. Primarily, life events are used to determine career selection.

There are many factors of career development that are taken into account with the learning theory (Mitchell, 1996). Any special abilities and genetic endowments are assessed as part of the process; this includes inherited qualities and any other limit-setting factors that may be seen as important while setting individual career opportunities. The second factor includes any environmental events and conditions; this can also include factors that are known to influence the individual beyond anyone’s control. Moreover, events can also shape one’s skill development and performance (Krumboltz et al., 1976). The third factor relates to the importance of learning experiences; there may be individual or associative learning experiences, in addition to a positive and negative reaction to neutral situations (Krumboltz & Worthington, 1999). The theory looks at many other skills that the individual has developed that including work habits, problem-solving abilities, and cognitive-emotional skills.

Essentially, the person’s learning experiences during the lifetime allow the professional to suggest a career choice; this is seen from the generalization of experiences and performances. Moreover, environmental coping abilities are also an important aspect. The theory is one of the many theories that may be applied, but I chose this because it depends on learning and not developmental patterns entirely (Mitchell, 1996). Career development depends mainly on associate, instrumental, and vicarious factors. Instrumental factors act within the environment and have consequences. Then, associative factors have cognitive and emotional connections. In the end, there are vicarious factors that look at a type of associative learning (Krumboltz et al., 1976).

Keeping in mind these factors that are common in the learning theory, any counsellor, can help in facilitating learning new things. Moreover, it will allow the visitors to create a highly satisfied life within the constantly changing environment that one lives in. The most important aspect is that it promotes learning (Mitchell, 1996). The application of this learning theory will help clients identify new aptitudes, develop new interests, and also encourage growth in personality (Krumboltz & Worthington, 1999). The professional will be fully confident because he/she will have helped stimulate new learning. The theory fully encapsulates the changing work environment as well and looks at the progress that the client is making to ensure a satisfying life (Krumboltz et al., 1976).

The theory has many implications and is preferred by others because it empowers people to take action as mere diagnosis is not sufficient. People ought to prepare for the ever-changing tasks while also looking to expand their interests and capabilities. These are some of the most important and influential goals that a career counselling professional can underline.

The Role of Krumboldtz’s Learning Theory for One-Self

Krumboldtz’s Learning Theory was previously described as one that essentially is the best-fit counselling theory in most cases. One of the most important behavioural strategies that are expected from the counsellor include reinforcement; this is the most imperative technique that can be used in different phases of career counselling. One will look at aspects of positive reinforcement in terms of verbal communication as well (Mitchell, 1996). Also, counsellors are expected to become role models and value associative learning experiences. Mostly, counselors are role models for the client, or they can choose to select a role model other than themselves. Other aspects of career counselling can include giving the client a role-playing activity and some form of simulation to further help the client (Krumboltz, 2015).

The learning theory allowed me to check all the boxes that were associated with my learning experiences more than my developmental outcomes. Being raised up in an environment where physical activities and careers were valued more than other aspects of my life, it was expected that I was to join a similar path. I took many career tests growing up, and they mostly classified me as either the brainy one or one who was to become a creative type, such as a writer or such professional roles. I never found becoming a neuroscientist or a writer as oddly satisfying though (Krumboltz et al., 1976). It was under such circumstances that I started to become more aware that I did not know what my future held for me. I identified early on that I was adept at helping my peers determine their goals in life; such events gave me satisfaction (Krumboltz, 1994). Moreover, the world we live in has over half the population unhappy with their careers and jobs (Krumboltz, 2015). It was via learning experiences that I identified that career counselling could help change the world. This is one type of counselling that looks to help people and make the best out of life.

Moreover, career counseling’s first-ever book was written in 1909 (Shark, 2016). The early 20th century had many different applications as well (Krumboltz, 1994). The learning theory’s application allows me to identify that thinking outside the box is a good thing all. Clients will, more often than not, be trapped when they choose their career path. In most cases, a career counsellor will help them choose a career that they would have otherwise not chosen (Krumboltz, 2015). An example can be seen when a counsellor took a client on a field trip to choose a career and jot down ideas. The client was highly passionate about mountaineering but did not know whether that passion would be translated into a career path. Upon visiting the parking in the vicinity, the client was able to pick out brochures about mountaineering training programs.

Krumboldtz’s Learning Theory in the workplace

As a counsellor operating within a workplace, it is important that the theory is applied positively under social conditions. There are many environmental and social conditions that are important in the client’s life (Gould & Taylor, 2017). As such, the professional’s role is to point out the positive in one discipline over others and help the clients to avail any change that they have under the many circumstances that they face (Lyseng et al., 2016). As the counsellor, it is important that the clients are given incentives to explore learning opportunities. They need to be given persistence values when dealing with obstacles. Moreover, they need to be given flexibility when addressing different events and circumstances. Optimism can also maximize the benefits that can come from unplanned events (Gould & Taylor, 2017). The learning theory and its application can be highlighted as imperative in career management professional settings as they help develop commitment when looking at skill and learning development (Lyseng et al., 2016). There is an establishment of self-assessment as well, along with feedback and assessment from the clinical too. The professional can help develop a work-life balance for the client and also look at the financial expectations that the client has (Paulsen, 2016). Social learning theories are highly important in any workplace, let alone career counsellors. There are principles within the learning theory that allow workplace professionals to encourage positive practices and ensure that role-playing or positive reinforcement activities can help bring about positive results. Professionals can help take advantage of these predispositions by applying most of the aspects of the learning theory.

Assessment Tests in Professional Practice-Advantages and Disadvantages

In choosing an occupation, one is, in effect, choosing a means of implementing a self-concept. Many assessment procedures are used in career counselling today; most of these testing methods have roots in personnel hiring in the olden days and the various diagnostic screening methods that existed. As a result, one can identify the relevance that testing has seen with the passage of time (Tananchai, 2017). In essence, there is nothing wrong with assessing people as it one of the core aspects of human nature to weigh out the positives and negatives of one choice over another. In most cases, one needs to realize that choosing a major is a highly intricate decision. As such, professional practices and counsellors will use assessment tools that will allow clients to select the most suitable majors. In most cases, test results will allow clients to narrow down viable options (Hancock, 2016).

Two assessment tools that I will incorporate into my career counselling practice include the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the Strong Interest Inventory (SII). MBTI assesses and evaluates personality strengths and preferences; it is a computer-based test (Tananchai, 2017). SII looks to expand the dislikes and likes in leisure and work areas; this is also a computer-based test. Using the MBTI or SII is highly beneficial for the client as only qualified career development professionals, psychologists, or other professionals in the mental health departments can administer such instrumentations (Hancock, 2016). The MBTI allows a professional to identify the preferences of the client and identify the closest personality that the individual has among the 16 different personality types that Myers Briggs introduced. One of the best reasons to choose MBTI over many other instruments that are available is because it is both reliable and valid. It supports studies that have been carried out for over 40 years (Hancock, 2016). The MBTI measures accurate factors, hence the validity is seen; it is also reliable as it will give the same results when carried out again with the same input. It is essentially the most accurate profile that one can obtain with a specific personality type (Furnham, 2017).

There are many advantages and disadvantages of incorporating the MBTI test ((Furnham, 2017)). The test is invaluable and helps one understand oneself better. It allows one to give oneself an insight into the various personality types and helps people learn that every brain works differently (Furnham, 2017). The obvious disadvantages include the fact that people tend to typecast themselves. While MBTI is an advantageous tool, it is not the final personality or career test that an individual will take. The MBTI test does allow people to discover the various facets of life goals (Hancock, 2016), but one ought to make sure that the test results do not dictate boundaries and that the particular individual always strives for the best.

Multiculturalism in Career Counseling

Multiculturalism deserves a special place in career counselling as it is known to be the fourth force in psychology (Flores & Heppner, 2002). The movement is seen in counselling as it seems to have a great influence on the field of psychology and counselling as a whole (Ponterotto et al., 2009). In my practice, there will be special relevance to the different social, political, and economic influences that exist. Moreover, socioeconomic, gender discrimination, and socioeconomic status need to be disregarded in any professional setting. Previously, I gave special relevance to role modelling and how all young clients will be assigned one specific role model. All these aspects will be completed keeping in mind one of the most primary- Lent, Hackett, and Brown’s (1994) social cognitive career theory and implications (Flores & Heppner, 2002).

Essentially, it is important that my establishment makes apt use of conceptual frameworks, as that will help in understanding clients and all their educational and career concerns. It is only through identity development models that one can understand the internalized profess that a person deals with in a referent group (Arthur & McMahon, 2005). There are many racial identity models that are used selectively for whites and other racial and cultural groups. I understand the high value that understanding one’s racial identity has on career counsellors and the results that these factors have on the entire process. In case an Asian American client walks in for career counseling due to a job-related stress, there will be a different method to deal with the client’s perception of the community around him/her (Ponterotto et al., 2009). A multicultural approach will help to influence the client’s attitudes in his or her own referent group.

The client may face additional problems due to the unwarranted discrimination that is common in his/her workplace (Arthur & McMahon, 2005). Essentially, the process refers to acculturation and how individuals from different ethnic and racial groups adapt to one dominant culture (Flores & Heppner, 2002). As part of the practice, one needs to ensure that individuals are given due credit and awareness of the struggles that they have had to face in new cultures, educational systems, and work environments (Ponterotto et al., 2009). Different patterns of interaction and communication exist. A primary application of Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT) is visible and can be noted in its application to counselling practices. More often than not, career interests relate to the goals and actions that relate to career performances and attainments. An acknowledgement of the various ethnic and racial changes in society is necessary. For any career counselling practice to work efficiently, there needs to be an expanding approach to training and counselling (Arthur & McMahon, 2005). It is only by increasing one’s knowledge about skills and world practices that different ethnic and racial groups will become an effective part of society.

State Laws and Ethic Codes

Professional counsellors have a huge responsibility to maintain public trust. As such, they are under obligation to ensure that all testing methods, supervision, and other ethical applications are in line with the state requirements. There is little oversight as counsellors practice. Ethical standards relate to the behaviour of specific groups of professionals. Ethical requirements by ACA include autonomy, that is, independent decision-making (Herlihy & Corey, 2014). Justice is also included as part of ethical requirements and includes the fair treatment of the client. Beneficence also relates to doing what is in the best interests of the client. Fidelity also includes loyalty and faithfulness (Herlihy & Corey, 2014). All counsellors are also responsible for non-maleficence, that is, not doing any harm to others. The NCDA code of ethics also dictates the how’s of practice standards (NCDA, 2015). There are general measurement-evaluation standards and processes that any private practice needs to follow. In my practice, as mentioned above, there needs to be a multicultural approach to guiding individuals. In cases of career counselling and development, people from all backgrounds are to be included.

Moreover, I will also ensure that different policy statements are included for career development; that is, K-6, 7-12, and adults will have different basic predispositions (NCDA, 2015). Moreover, different methods will be incorporated during group and individual counselling skills. The client will be made aware of false assumptions if he or she is from a different cultural background. The practice will also regularly update technological resources that look at evaluating information and resources while tending to the diverse population set. The NCDA also highlights how important updating knowledge about multicultural and diversity truly is. My clinical practice will look at incorporating all legal values and professional frameworks. Also professional and supervision consultations will also be included as part of incorporating legal and ethical values in the workplace.  Every student and client deserves high-quality services within the scope of my practice.

To summarize, a few of the most important aspects that one can identify in NCDA is a professional relationship and its establishment with the client (NCDA, 2015). Confidentiality issues are also important, and professional responsibilities are part of the ethical purpose.

Career Counseling People with Disabilities

Millions of people in the United States are known to have disabilities. As such, it is important that the career counselling practice is trained well enough to benefit people with physical or mental impairments. I plan to bring the best possible outcome for all people with learning disabilities (Foley‐Nicpon & Assouline, 2015). In case the client has a disability in reading, writing, or abstract reasoning, it is my job to use assessment tools that are all-inclusive. Colour-coded systems and electronic calculators can be added for people who have weak math skills or attention deficits. The counselling process, in itself, will look to reducing the time pressure whenever possible. Moreover, I will make sure to reduce any distractions that exist in offices, such as electronic reminders of cellphone voices for my clients to make full use of the time that is appointed (Stone & Dahir, 2015).

In case people have autism or lie in that spectrum, there needs to be a subtle acknowledgement of unusual or repetitive behaviours. The practice will pay special attention to social cues when clients are uncomfortable making eye contact or making repetitive unusual motions. All stress management techniques need to be shared with the client, and the practice will also have role-playing and exploration requirements that the client will require to complete during the interviewing and networking process. Many people also tend to have psychiatric disabilities, and these include bipolar disorders, PTSD, anxiety, depression and so forth. These disabilities are likely to be challenging during the practice. The client, if aware of his/her disability, needs to be encouraged that such disabilities are normal and that there are employers in the corporate world who will hire them (Sharf, 2016). These will be apt usage of positive redirection and enforcement in a liberal manner. In case any client says, “I will never be able to get a decent job,” I will inform the client that this might be true, but there has been a great progression since the first meeting that was seen. Clients with special needs will find it difficult to maintain attention span and stress management options, but as the counsellor, I will make sure that the client can benefit from the brief sessions that are scheduled.


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Foley‐Nicpon, M., & Assouline, S. G. (2015). Counseling Considerations for the Twice‐Exceptional Client. Journal of Counseling & Development93(2), 202-211.

Furnham, A. (2017). Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). In Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences (pp. 1-4). Springer International Publishing.

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Herlihy, B., & Corey, G. (2014). ACA ethical standards casebook. John Wiley & Sons.

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Mitchell, L. K. (1996). Krumboltz’s learning theory of career choice and counseling. Career choice and development3, 233-280.

NCDA. (2015). NCDA- Laws and Guidelines . Retrieved from NCDA:

Paulsen, M. B. (2016). Higher education: Handbook of theory and research (Vol. 31). J. C. Smart (Ed.). Springer.

Ponterotto, J. G., Casas, J. M., Suzuki, L. A., & Alexander, C. M. (Eds.). (2009). Handbook of multicultural counseling. Sage publications.

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