Academic Master

Health Care

Care For Patient Suffering From Alzheimer’s Dementia

a) The primary sources that can provide information about Mrs. Walker’s medical history are the people who were taking care of her earlier. According to the case study, it elaborates that those people who were caring for Mrs Walker were the family, the medical team and her psychogeriatric (Alzheimer’s, 2015). These people must have kept some records concerning the medicine Mrs. Walker takes.

b) The case of Mrs Walker requires an adaptive stage of interview (Burge et al.2014). The reason for the adaptive method of the discussion is that the patient, Mrs. Walker, may fail to speak at this moment. Her health has deteriorated. When diagnosing her, one should concentrate on the non-verbal movement she is making (D’onofrio et al.2015). On the other hand, she may also get angry at any moment. There is a need to be patient while diagnosing Mrs. Walker. One should acknowledge the feelings of Mrs. Walker in order to get to the cause of what is happening to her. It is what is referred to us as the adaptive stage of the interview, where one acknowledges how patient the feels.

c) Identifying health problems in older people requires some concentration. How nurses assess younger people differs from that of older people. There are various reasons why older people need specific assessment tools (Groot et al.2016). The first reason is that older patients have some particular complications that come with ageing. For instance, the older person may experience walking difficulties; due to this, he or she may need a diagnosis at home. Another essential thing is that older people may have hearing problems, which is why while assessing them, one needs to even concentrate on the facial expression of the patient. The vital assessment tools that are inevitable in the case of Mrs Walker are the psychological assessment tool and the medical assessment tool (Holthoff et al.2015).

Question 2

a) Mrs Walker is suffering from dementia, which may cause some memory problems (Kentish-Barnes et al.2015). After the unsuccessful effective communication with her, it may be essential to discuss the difficulties of a psychiatric nurse. The psychiatric nurse handles both memory and mental issues. The nurse may provide an effective way of treating the patient. After that, it is easy to identify the unmet ways that are important to address (Lee et al.2018). The nurses will assess Mrs. Walker’s situation and give her the best direction. In addition, it is good to handle the nurse with an assessment tool. The psychological assessment tool that was earlier elaborated on may be given to the nurse for further assessment.

b) The nurse who should operate with Mrs. Walker is required to maintain the standards. These standards comprise ensuring the confidentiality of Mrs. Walker. Another thing is that the nurse should support the policies of the law (Mace & Rabins, 2017). On the other hand, the nurse should also ensure that the services are timely and of quality. Lastly, he or she should maintain good communication.

Question 3

a) Restraints refer to the preventive steps that are applied to a patient to control the movement or behaviour of that specific patient. The reason why this limitation is used in the patient is to prevent further injuries that may be reported (Miyajima et al.2014). In addition to that, the boundary also helps to maintain the safety of the people around the patient. The nurse taking care of the patient is the one responsible for deciding on how the restraint is going to take action.

b) The type of restriction applicable in the case of Mrs Walker is a physical restraint. The reason why this is the best restraint is that she had become a stressor to both caregivers and the family. Besides that, she burnt herself due to instability in the kitchen. Physical restraint will control her movement, hence no more physical injuries. Once this restriction is put in place, only specific people should attend to Mrs. Walker.

Question 4

a) The first reason for weight loss in the case of Mrs. Walker is the loss of interest in food. The family states that she is not eating and this may lead to this problem. Food is essential to increase the weight of the body. The second reason for weight loss is unbalanced eating. Mrs. Walker has been only consuming food, which cannot maintain the weight of the individual. A balanced diet is one that puts the body weight at a good point. The third point is that dementia causes memory loss. Most probably, she has forgotten to eat most of the moments (Ornstein et al.2015). The last thing is the stress; dementia brings a lot of pressure to the patient, and the concentration drops. This is why the caregiver must monitor Mrs. Walker’s eating habits.

b) Physical disability causes some complications, such as Mrs. Walker not being able to cook herself in that case. When one does not prepare, there is no eating, thus leading to weight loss. In addition to that, Mrs. Walker may experience some problems with taking food to her mouth. This problem persists, and on many days, she can go without food.

c) Several health professionals can help Mrs. Walker’s family deal with her condition. The general health practitioner has the skills to help in the situation. It is essential to discuss changes in Mrs. Walker’s body with the general practitioner. Besides that, the type of medication she has been undergoing is also necessary. The public health practitioner will use all these to give the best healthcare.

Question 5

a) There are various ways in which inadequate oral health care contributes to poor health in older people. The first way is poor chewing of food. The reason that might cause poor chewing is dental problems. One needs to visit a dentist to ensure that the tooth is in the right condition. The second unfortunate care is inadequate saliva flow. Saliva is responsible for good swallowing. If the patient has weak saliva flow, she may develop a dry mouth and poor swallowing of food. The other thing is the decay of teeth. Teeth take part in digesting food. If they are worn out, older people do not understand well and thus bring inadequate health care. The other thing may be the lips problem, which may prevent the older person from consuming hot food.

b) Good health is essential for everyone; however, caring for old people who have dementia may be a bit challenging. In this case, Mrs. Walker needs oral health care to maintain good health. The vital things that one should look at while doing oral assessment should comprise the following. The first one is the missing teeth. Teeth are an essential part of the mouth that helps in digesting food, and if one is missing, it is possible to replace it. The other thing is the rate of the periodontal infection that is affecting Mrs. Walker. Moreover, tooth decay is another aspect that determines oral assessment. Lastly, the lips need to be checked whether they have cracked or not.

c) There are many ways in which Mrs. Walker’s daughter can assist her in maintaining good teeth. There are behaviours that the two should adopt to achieve the best result. The first thing is that if Mrs Walker is feeling pain in the gums while using the toothbrush, her daughter can use cotton instead to clean her mouth. The other guidance is that the daughter should do the tooth cleaning when Mrs Walker is calm and able to cooperate with her. If Mrs Walker develops a tendency to swallow the toothpaste, the doctor can try the homemade one to avoid other complications. On the other hand, they can seek professionals to clean the dentures. Most importantly, after every meal, the daughter should clean the dentures to prevent the entry of bacteria. Some dentures may not fit well, and it is advisable that you wait over time. If the problem persists, they should see a dentist to correct the situation. Lastly, the daughter should remove the dentures when Mrs. Walker wants to go to sleep. She can even soak the dentures.

Question 6

The best assessment of this case is the functional assessment. This assessment elaborates on the status of the patient and the environment that may affect the situation. The nurse responsible for Mrs Walker should use the functional assessment tools to establish how Mrs Walker can help herself. In addition, if support is necessary, she should be provided.

Question 7

a) Dementia is a disorder that causes a fall in the brain’s ability to carry out daily activities. In the case of Mrs Walker, the type of dementia that is affecting her is Alzheimer’s. It is the most prevalent type of dementia. This type of infection leads to several defects in the affected individual (Stroebe et al. 2017). The problems include memory loss, poor perception and reasoning, communication problems, and inability to pay attention to a particular thing. The signs and symptoms of dementia start at a low pace in the patient and slowly grow to worsen situations. The brain cells of the affected person are usually interfered with at all moments. Because of that, the brain experiences challenges in communicating with other parts of the body. When you have any member of the family show the signs, you should not ignore them but report them to a doctor. Early treatment helps in managing the disease.

b) The difference between the end of life care and palliative care is a nightmare for many people. Palliative care takes into account the care and treatment of people who are under severe complications (Poblador-Plou et al.2014). In many cases, the cure for the disorder may be painful. The signs and symptoms of the illness are controlled in this care. Palliative care does not focus only on the life of the patient undergoing treatment but also on the people providing care to that patient. Apparently, the way the caregiver lives cares even. It involves consideration across the board, including spiritual, psychological, and social responsibility. On the other hand, end-of-life care is part of palliative care. This portion of palliative care looks at the health of individuals who are near the end of life. When the patient dies, it should be a death of dignity rather than a regretful death. Another essential part of end-of-life care is the incorporation of legal issues while providing care to the patient (Winblad et al.2016).

Question 8

a) After two weeks of medication, Mrs Walker still has deteriorated health. The worse health status brings the need to discuss the situation with a general health officer concerned with dementia. The medical officer suggests that the first thing her daughter can do is to change the medicine used to control the memory loss problem. However, before doing this, a doctor must be consulted (Peters et al.2015). Another option suggested by the officer is to take Mrs Walker to surgery to check for the brain tumour. In addition to the above, the officer indicates some other medication that the daughter can buy for her. The medicine includes vitamins that can rectify the lack of vitamin B12 in her body. The other drug is the one that treats the depression problem. Lastly, the additional step that the daughter should take is to visit a psychiatrist to give further advice continuously.

b) There are benefits if Mrs Walker feels that her environment is physically and emotionally relaxed. The first impact is that it provides ample time for her daughter to give her the drugs. When she follows the dose prescribed, the effect of the disease is reduced. The second important thing is that she will eat very comfortably and gain weight. Peace of mind is also required for proper digestion of food in the body. Feeling positive in her emotional and physical state will allow her to socialize with others (Prince et al.2016). Socializing reduces the lousy feeling now and then. On the other part, people around her will feel free to interact with her. It is evident that everyone feared her because of some physical problems she may cause. When Mrs Walker is cold, she will last longer than expected.

Assessment One Part B

  1. The reason why the Carer Recognition Act was implemented is to educate more people on the roles of carers in ensuring that there is support and care for people with mental challenges, disabilities or those too old (Wiener et al.2015).
  2. The Carer Recognition Act of 2010 provides the way the person caring for the patient and the patient himself should be considered. The following three considerations provide ways in which legal acts care for the two people. a) The person caring for the patient has the right to confidentiality. b) The patient and the carer have the right to complain. c) The two people have the right to be recognized.
  3. When caring for a deceased patient, there are different aspects that still need consideration. The first thing is that there should be continued support for the family. The second thing is that the offices where the deceased might have worked should also take a step to ensure the deceased fares well. Lastly, another thing that is considered is the donation of tissues.
  4. There are things that one should take caution about while caring for the deceased. The first thing is that you must prepare the family members before they come to view the body. Secondly, you should always remain calm. Do not express any anger or attempt at violence in the scene. In case the deceased died in another environment, do not remove anything from the body until the body is identified (Romero et al.2014).
  5. The first way is to contact the bereaving family as soon as possible and establish any need required. The second thing is to leave the family to express themselves. Expression gives the opportunity to do away with all the anger (Wright et al.2016).


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