Academic Master


Capstone Change Project Evaluation Plan

Evaluation of the outcomes to evaluate the effectiveness of the nursing intervention is crucial in the capstone change project so that modifications can be made accordingly to improve the quality of the care offered and to enhance the effectiveness of healthcare teams within the organization. Therefore, a high-quality evaluation of the nursing intervention implemented is required to determine the success and impacts of the intervention to make healthcare providers understand how an intervention transforms the care delivery and patient safety methods. In addressing the issue of prevention and management of Covid-19 within a care delivery system and in the community, preceptorship training intervention is widely implemented. During this week’s discussion about how I can rigorously evaluate the effectiveness of my change project, my preceptor suggested me to use the theoretical insight of Kurt’s unfreezing-change-refreezing model to evaluate the behaviors of preceptors through a survey instrument. Kurt Lewin’s theory depends on how nurses as a driving force within the healthcare system support or oppose the proposed change (Hussain et al, 2018). Deriving from the change model of Kurt, the implementation of the intervention will require educational resources as well as human resources such as PowerPoint presentations, handouts, the Internet as well as nurses and preceptors for monitoring and training. My preceptor and I concluded that our informatics team would gather data from the preceptors and nurses on strategies and policies for the prevention and management of Covid within the organization.

The long-term objective such as prevention and management of Covid will be achieved through the implementation of preceptorship training by educating preceptors about the novel policies and strategies to cope with the pandemic. Whereas the short-term objective of nurses’ retention will be achieved through the active participation of all the healthcare professionals, nurses, preceptors, stakeholders, and volunteers in the care delivery during Covid-19 times (Kelly, 2022). The refreezing stage of Kurt’s change theory demands that preceptors, nurses, and stakeholders should adopt a new habit through the intervention implemented within the hospital setting (Wojciechowski et al, 2016). The implementation of the intervention will definitely take time to ensure the success of the change project implementation as a necessary step. It will be evaluated through the survey tool to assess the effectiveness of intervention and the competency of preceptors in managing and preventing Covid within the hospital setting and in the community.


Hussain, S. T., Lei, S., Akram, T., Haider, M. J., Hussain, S. H., & Ali, M. (2018). Kurt Lewin’s change model: A critical review of the role of leadership and employee involvement in organizational change. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 3(3), 123-127.

Wojciechowski, E., Pearsall, T., Murphy, P., & French, E. (2016). A case review: Integrating Lewin’s theory with lean’s system approach for change. Online journal of issues in nursing, 21(2).

Kelly, D. E. (2022). Initiation of a New Nurse Preceptor Program in the Era of COVID-19. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 53(5), 221-224.



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