Academic Master

Education, English

Bullying Essay

It is utmost crucial to effectively understand the facet of bullying and provide necessary preventing actions to deal with this problems. Undoubtedly, there is the existence of the preventive measures which provides necessary insights to all the stakeholders to effectively deal with the problem of bullying. It is notable to mention that bullying in school not only negatively impact the victim but it can drastically impact the overall environment of the school. The tragic part related to the bullying is that the feature of the bullying can cause long-term problems not only in case of victims of the bullying but it also has its adverse implications for the children who bully others. The particular prospect of bullying can be characterized as: “a particularly vicious kind of aggressive behavior distinguished by repeated acts against weaker victims who cannot easily defend themselves.”(Hong and Espelage, 312). The aspect of bullying drastically impact the psychological development of the children and the adolescent. The prospect of bullying can be identified with the help of specific behaviors related to the physical and psychological feature of power. It can be witnessed any harmful action against an individual, or the specific group.

There is the existence of the extensive research about the aspect of bullying and propose effective measures to deal with this chronic issue in case of the paradigm of schools. The Olweus program is known as one the effective preventive measure to deal with the feature of bullying in case of schools. The particular paradigm of the Olweus bullying prevention program can define as: “The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP) is the most researched and best-known bullying prevention program available today. OBPP is a whole-school program that has been proven to prevent or reduce bullying throughout a school setting.” (Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Scope and Sequence, 2). The specific program of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program can be considered as the vital approach to take necessary actions to overcome the issue of bullying in schools. It is the recommended prevention program due to many reasons as it considers the concern of all the stakeholders. It is the effective approach which provides the necessary directions to the students, teachers, school staff, and the parents.

Bullying is known as one of the burning social issues which come up with many negative effects. It is crucial to critically understand the facet of the bullying to provide a better solution to this prevailing problem. Undoubtedly, bullying is the widespread phenomenon which affects some individuals on a daily basis. The prospect of bullying is defined by Hong and Espelage as: “school bullying and peer victimization are major social problems affecting children and adolescents in all parts of the world.” (Hong and Espelage, 312). The implications of bullying are immensely negative as it becomes the reason for the emotional trauma in case of victims. The tragic reality related to the facet of bullying is that many people never consider bullying as the serious issue. They never believe that bullying can be the problematic feature for the psychological development of individuals. It is essential to consider the paradigm of bullying seriously and take necessary actions to stop this in the society. Bullying in school can be considered as the one serious kind of the bullying which can affect children psychologically and emotionally. The implications of school bullying are so adverse that it can negatively impact children for the rest of their lives. Bullying can be specifically defined as the verbal and physical anger that might exist in case of children and adolescents at school. It can be characterized as the conscious attempt of someone to hurt other persons. This feature can appear in the different forms of physical, verbal, terrorization, or cyberbullying. Here the focus is to provide the arguments about the phenomenon of bullying in schools with the consideration of olewus bullying prevention program.

The factor of school bullying is adopted by individuals as the systematic use of abusive behavior for others. This sort of negative attitude can be observed in the form of immense form of aggressiveness for the students who can be considered as weak as compare to other fellows. There are various forms of bullying which can be characterized by the specific application of attitude of power. Direct bullying is one crucial feature of consideration which explains the features of physical assault or verbal attack on the victims. On the other hand, the indirect form of bullying is mostly based on the emotional victimization of someone. Sometimes students spread inaccurate and somewhat hurting rumors about an individual which can be characterized as the element of indirect bullying. It is crucial to understand that many students play their role differently in the overall scenario of the bullying in school. There are some who just witness the whole scenario of activities of bullying against any other individual. There is one specific category in the whole scenario of bullying which is known as bystanders. In can be defined as: “Bystanders are characterized as standing around and watching fights without helping the victim. They enjoy watching fights, often encouraging the bully.” (Hong and Espelage, 312). The proper understanding of all the concerned parties is necessary to understand the true perspective of bullying and take necessary actions to deal with this particular problem. Proper identification of the culprit can be helpful for the school management to avoid this sort of issues in future.

The particular preventive program of OBPP can be an effective solution to overcome the aspect of bullying at the school level. It is the vital approach because it provides necessary directions to all the stakeholders referring to the problem of bullying. The Olweus bullying prevention program (OBPP) can be defined as the multilevel, multi-component intervention program which is specifically designed to address the issue of bullying at the school level and propose better and adequate interventions to provide the solution of the issue of bullying. The OBPP program can be considered as the effective solution to deal with the problem of bullying because it provides necessary guidelines to the teachers. It also provides necessary directions to the overall structure of the school to assess the aspect of bullying in school and take necessary steps to deal with this problem. This particular program helps school staff in the form of the proper guide which includes: “much more in-depth information about bullying and the various components of OBPP.” (Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Scope and Sequence, 3). The focus of the OBPP program is to establish the necessary guidelines which entirely focus on the paradigm of bullying. The prospect of this program is designed to identify the specific behavioral patterns of the students which can cause the problem of bullying.

It is crucial to understand that the issue of bullying in case of schools can only be effectively observed with the proper assessment of the different behavioral features of the students. Teachers can play an important role to align all the students with the positive approach. It is the core responsibility of the teacher to inculcate the positive form of energy in students and guide them to live in harmony with each other. Empowering bystanders can be effective approach by the teacher to develop a positive association between all the students. This particular facet can be defined as: “The ecological system theory contends that bullying victims and perpetrators are part of the complex, interrelated system levels that place them at the center and move out from the center to the various systems that shape the individual.” (Hong and Espelage, 313). A proper understanding of the association between individual and the related environment can be effective approach to address the issue of bullying in school. It is vital to understand that how environment positively or negatively impacts the attitude of students.

The prospect of Olweus Bullying Prevention Program has the potential to formulate the necessary association between the particular behavioral patterns of the students to the prevailing facet of the learning environment. It provides necessary directions to the teachers to enhance the understanding of the students with other fellows and the overall feature of the school environment. It can be a better approach to bring an effective level of confidence in students. This particular aim of OBPP can be described as: “there is a positive link between bullying and student achievement. Preventing bullying may help your school make positive improvements in statewide student achievement assessment.” (Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Scope and Sequence, 6). The focus of this particular prevention program is to identify the particular features which can play a positive role in the reduction or elimination of the issue of bullying in school.

In the concluding note, it is necessary to mention that bullying is one of the severe issues in case of schools. It drastically impacts the psychological and emotional stability of young student, and its negative implications can be long lasting for someone. A necessary consideration is important to address the issue of bullying effectively. The particular prevention program of OBPP can play an immensely positive role to overcome the problem of bullying at the school level.

Work Cited

Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Scope and Sequence. Hazelden, 2007, http://file:///C:/Users/Morning/Downloads/olweus_scope_and_sequence.pdf. Accessed 26 Feb 2018.

Hong, Jun Sung, and Dorothy L. Espelage. “A Review of Research on Bullying and Peer Victimization in School: An Ecological System Analysis.” Aggression and Violent Behavior, vol. 17, no. 4, 2012, pp. 311–22.



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