Academic Master

Business and Finance

Bluffing in Business

bluffing in business is described as giving false information to the client. It is done to get some economic favors from the client. The business class mostly does this. The idea of the message the author is putting across is that any person who has an interest in business must be ready to tell lies.  In most situations, businessmen are forced to deceive their customers or clients so that the transaction may go through.  But he says that even if one is forced to cheat the customer, he/she must ensure that the customer’s will is served and fulfilled.

Sometimes, businessmen are left with no option other than to give false information to their customers. The main reason for that is to convince the client to buy or accept his/her services. For that reason, I am satisfied that there are no damages to the client as long as what the client needs is offered to the maximum. For example, that young man who was forced to lie that he had only read some books and not others, which he considered was not appropriate to guarantee him the job.  Again, the old man was forced to turn his grey hair into black to help him secure the position. Therefore, I fully support the author’s argument that false is necessary for any business.

I am of the opinion that deception is unethical and people involved in such practices should avoid it as much as possible. Most of the clients don’t like to be deceived. If they realize that they have been duped or given misleading information, they may not be happy with the organization. The result of that is bringing a bad image to the business.

On the issue of deception, the author is discouraging the business community from acting so that their clients are not happy. It is the responsibility of the businessmen to ensure that he/she provides the best service and products as is expected by the client.



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