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Just like any other ailments, it can be tough to diagnose psychiatric disorders accurately among them being Schizophrenia disorder. Schizophrenia is rare, and it affects the brain leaving behind a combination of mood disorder and schizophrenia. At first, the disease might be hard to diagnose as it shares symptoms similar to two conditions which include bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. The state has been evident in various films with the main characters taking roles which portray them as psychologically disturbed. Most of these films also go further to exhibit how these characters try to cope with the condition. In this case, we will explore the movie “Black Swan.”

Black Swan is regarded by most psychologists as a profound psychological thriller outlining a ballet performer’s development into the Black Swan. Behind the freaky plot of the movie, there lies an intense commentary on the expenses of fame, the ultimate sacrifice portrayed by the artists as well as the unrevealed forces in the shady field of high-stakes recreation. We will look at the schizophrenic themes as seen in the movie.

The film, Black Swan, is a narration of a modern production of the traditional ballet Swan Lake as well as other individual chaos experienced by its main young actor Nina. The lady tries to dance both the virginal and the perfect white swan and the deceitful, erotically oriented black swan. The desire and wish to be complete in herself and the rejection regarding her burgeoning sexuality are triggered by her mother who in real sense suppresses the development of her daughter. She smoothers her (daughter) in an exclusively close show with the preset of a clear notion that she had, in fact, made enormous investments towards her daughter’s career instead of her own (Thought, 2011).

The movie scene is for a strong internal psychic antagonism which tends to manifest itself as bulimic vomiting in the washrooms everywhere. This is often accompanied by violent impact driven illusions in which the paintings are moving as the shadows threaten. The film mainly rotates around eating disorders and psychopathology and assesses the actual as well as the symbolic nature of the deliberate and human-induced self-harm, violation of boundaries, family violence and blood itself. Towards the end of the film, the principal actor is seen hallucinating on the assault and killing of her competitor. This represents a psychotic scenario induced by stress which is most likely enhanced by drugs and substance abuse that are surreptitiously administered by her friend or rival. Consequently, the visuals seem to turn into the worst Grand Guignol. However, the film is thrilling and overwhelming but also a good subject for therapeutic arguments and debates (Thought, 2011).


Thought, B. (2011). Black Swan Offers Dark Glimpse Into Psychosis. Broadcast Thought.



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