Academic Master


Balance In Your Life

Balance of life is a vital figure to discuss. Achieving a balance doesn’t mean that the goal is achieved. It is an ongoing process, which means that an individual should have to adapt to a routine which would be helpful in keeping calm, relaxed and comfortable with the regular routines of the current time. There are many ways through which the balance could be achieved, and the best ones include prioritizing things, setting goals (both short and long-term), being highly specific (but on a comfortable level), and keeping failure in mind while performing a task. The main aim of the paper is to discuss the importance of balance and the consequences faced when life gets unbalanced.

Balance in life is essential. It creates the sense of completeness and satisfaction necessary for properly taking care of regular activities. If the balance is achieved, then an individual is seen to be sound in his health, work, personal activities and other chores of life. Our life is made up of a number of different and highly important areas, including the family, financial, intellectual, social, spiritual, recreational, romance, and friendships, which can only be carried out at the level best when we have a proper balance.

When an individual is unable to perform his daily tasks or is mentally upset, it means he is not physically or mentally performing sound in all subjects of life. It is the symptom of getting out of balance. The main reasons for getting out of balance include the lack of nurturing, lack of priorities, creating an ineffective mindset, inability to accept the unexpected and the lack of a positive attitude in regular tasks (Greenhaus, Collins & Shaw, 2003). They could be highly painful for a person whose life is unstable. He loses control of a number of different chores in life, which is not a good way to live a happy and comfortable life.

If life gets out of balance for a temporary period of time, then the loss is not as much, but if the time gets extended, then there are possibilities of getting severe damages to regular life, and it is almost impossible sometimes to get back to the previous lifestyle. Health is an important factor in life, and it could be discussed as a priority. Almost half of the world faces an imbalance time in their life because of long-lasting health issues, including the flu, cancer, Diabetes, and many other diseases, which result in either death or make an individual unable to adjust to a tough and healthy lifestyle (Greenhaus, Collins & Shaw, 2003).

People who feel the inability to defend themselves from being out of balance usually move towards the wrong and depressing environments. It includes Alcohol abuse, Cigarette smoking, illegal drug abuse, gambling, over-the-counter medicine abuse, and extended spending of alone time. They would not be able to get back to their normal life without any external help. For this purpose, rehabilitation centres provide proper medical cures where emotional health is improved. Depression, Suicide, STDs & STIs are also some of the most important issues of unbalanced lifestyles (Ferrett, 2010).

The people who want to keep away from this kind of situation perform precautions, and the topmost is food management. Restrict diet foods, cut down on caffeine, take a multivitamin, drink water and maintain an ideal weight. Rest or having sleep is one of the most important factors for maintaining sound health. The best time to sleep is at night and, almost 6-9 hours (Ferrett, 2010).


Ferrett, S. (2010). Peak performance: Success in College and Beyond (9th ed., pp. 336-354). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Greenhaus, J. H., Collins, K. M., & Shaw, J. D. (2003). The relation between work-family balance and quality of life. Journal of Vocational Behavior63(3), 510-531.



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