Academic Master


Faculty Member Appointment Reaction Paper

Institution: Seton Hall University

The Interview

Kelly A. Freeman is a student advisor at the Seton Hall College of Nursing. Mrs. Freeman has been my advisor since 2016 and has been a witness to my development as a nursing student for over two years. During the years, I spent under her advisement I have always been curious about Mrs. Freeman career choices as an advisor and what got her to where she is currently as an advisor. She has always been so helpful and emphatic towards students modeling how a student counselor should be.

Q: When did you first realize counseling was what you wanted to do?

A: It was an accident. She was a peer advisor and majored in economics in undergraduate and was very unhappy. Came back to graduate and work a mentor in freshman studies and after grad school ended up working as a college nursing advisor

Q: What do you enjoy about it the most?

A. I love being in the college environment. I enjoy seeing a student who struggled the most and came back and succeeded in their field.

Q: What do enjoy the least about?

A: When I advise student information that I know will help them succeed and they don’t take the advice and end up hurting academically because of it.

Q: how would you describe the work environment and corporate culture?

A: Interesting to be around the nursing faculty members as administer and being exposed to the nursing culture and requirements. Very fast paced corporate culture

Q: How long have you been in the company and what makes you stay?

A: Since August 2016, I enjoy my job, my sister is an undergrad, and we are very close, I have Tuition readmission, so Seton Hall University pays for my doctoral tuition.

Being educated and being employed is one of the most exciting that every successful student thinks of while in school. After interviewing with Mrs. Freeman, I came to learn the following aspects. The first one is that it is important to listen to advice being given to you while at school. This is because most successful people in the world especially advisors have experienced a lot and therefore when giving counseling a student they always reflect their experience before providing the final advice which when disregarded can lead to a failure. It is from experience that I have benefited a lot from advice that Mrs. Freeman has been offering me and therefore I have undergone a lot of development to enhance success in my field of nursing.

The second aspect is that successful people learn too. If you consider the case of Mrs. Freeman, she is also a doctorate student at the university. This means that despite her being employed in the university as a counselor, she has a higher ambition of acquiring higher education. Thus being doctor will make her learn what she doesn’t know from other tutors and professors in the classroom.

The third aspect is that as a student you should undertake a course that you have a greater interest in it. The greatest mediocrity is pursuing a course that you think not important to you and therefore this is something that every student should take into their heart. This will be essential in getting a job in which a person is interested in and hence making him/ her work for a long time without moving one job to the other.

The last aspect that I have learned is that all people both employees and students are affected by struggles and challenges. For instance, Mrs. Freeman faces the challenge of advice not being considered by the students hence making them to fail in life. Similarly to me as a student, I have been struggling in deciding the best studying environment, but I have realized that this University is the best since it’s loved by other people like Mrs. Freeman.

In summary I have learned that listening to advice is key for the success of the student, professionals also learn too, pursuing a course of interest is key for success and lastly, challenges affect every individual in the world. Therefore I may conclude that the most successful people follow advice from their counselors and failure to advice adherence may lead to failures.



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