Academic Master


A Written Presentation

In doing research, we conduct interviews, experiments, and questioners. Shaeffer and Gaes (1998) examined types of housing situations and stress level through urine experiment. Discussions are an excellent way for participants to express themselves broadly out in the world. Technology has advanced through series of research conducted at every invention level.

Project 1: Creating Map of a City Park

To create a city park map layout, one needs to visit the park regularly to research on: how many people sit at the park? At which area do they sit most? Which people regarding gender and age visit the park? How many people walk through the park? To gather this information a person needs to conduct interviews transparently. The use of interview method help in getting the details of the park which are skipped out during person observation. The best people to interview are vendors, due to shop opening on a daily basis it is easy for them to have a clear picture of the park,( Low. 2001). Taking field notes is essential to reference later in case a person forgets something. A person should also print out papers with the specific question you want clarification and issue to people sitting in the park. Surveyor questioners allow asking of targeted questions to participants (Clark and Uzzel. 2002). Taking photographs of a pack help to get a clear view and area it is occupied. After detailed research for weeks, a person should be able to sketch a map of a city park now easily. On the sketch, one should include trees, pathways, buildings or kiosks and people in the park. An investigation is used to dig details and measure how a variety of people perceive or experience a place. Pre-determined questions run the risks of asking participants to bend their experience to the problem proposed. It also leads to self-uncovering new information and also challenging to convert open discussion into quantitive data. (Bryman. 2015)

Project 2: Conduct an Experiment on Pets

To experiment with pets for example dogs and cats, a person needs to outsource these pets from a different place and gather them together. A person should put them in a separate cage with a tag indicating the place of origin and residence. Pets behave differently depending on where they stay. A person should take samples of both stool and urine to determine what they feed. How pets act and component in their stool and urine sample gives a person the clear picture of the environment (Shaeffer, Balm Paulus, and Games. 1998). There is a relation between the environment and a pet which influences behavior. Dogs and cats which are caged all the time tend to be aggressive and unfriendly. On the other hand, pets that are well fed and kept are friendly. Experiments gather details about something helping to clarify a person theory. Experimenting with urine sample helps to perceive health status of a pet.

Participant’s observation is best suitable for project two as it involves direct interaction with people thus better findings. Project one requires mapping for easy display of finding importantly. In the scheme, one diagram is essential for achieving a simple and clear sketch but quickly by the capture of information in real time. Project two is represented by conducting an experiment on pets, which helps to uncover new theories and also understand culture or behavior of pets. Different methods could be adapted to prove the hypothesis that one thing, e.g., the design elements of a building influences another behavior. Experiment sometimes lead to quantitative results which are in associate with different scientific methods in the sense of natural science. The relationship between social science or representative methods and projects discussed above make research more accessible and provide detailed information. Researchers sometimes used themselves as participants, for example, Mazumdar and Mazumdar (1998) tours the Hindu home and provide knowledge about the object and places, used if one has specialized knowledge that others lack.


Bryman, A. (2015). Social research methods. Oxford university press.

Moser, C. A., & Kalton, G. (2017). Survey methods in social investigation. Routledge

Orcher, L. T. (2016). Conducting research: Social and behavioral science methods. Routledge.



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