Academic Master


a case study for evaluating different sexual behaviors


It is important for a married couple to fulfill the desire of each other, more so sex is one of the important act between a couple that increases values in their relation and unity. Veronica is a man of age 57 years old, and he is experiencing the problem of low libido. It’s causing problems between him and his wife who is 55 years old. He even began to smoke marijuana to assist him in improving his sexual desire, but it didn’t. Furthermore, he thought to use a chemical to enhance his mood.

In this situation, we must understand the cause of the problem because at age 57 years Veronica should be sexually active to fulfill the desire of his wife. According to my understanding, I asked Veronica if he experiences some psychological problems like family problems, stress, and anxiety from the strain of daily life, mental disorders, and depression. The other cause of low libido may result from medical issues or diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and obesity. These are the main causes of low libido if the patient has not been involved in an accident that affects his sexual system.

Veronica was frank to illustrate his problem. He explained that he normally experiences a psychological problem like stress and depression due to his daily activities and their relationship. He also has a medical issue because he has diabetes and high blood pressure. He doesn’t understand if there if another may be affecting him that he is not aware. Despite his illness, he said his health is good.

My advice to Veronica and his wife is to eliminate stress and pressure in their life. Try getting out of things that may cause stress and pressure. I encourage Veronica to participate in physical activities or exercise that will make him more social, relaxed, and less competitive. This will improve his health condition, which will lead to high-sex desire. I also told them to have foreplay to motivate body feelings, like kissing, touching each other, and hugging. It will raise their sexual feeling, and they will have good sexual intercourse. Also, I encourage them to watch little porn that will motivate Veronica’s sexual desire. I discouraged the use of chemicals he was thinking about because they may cause more harm to his health. Therefore, the couple should have a better-balanced diet that will facilitate the development of the harmonies, which in turn will improve sex desire.


Jorge is an active heterosexual man at the age of 19 years. He experienced a lack of libido and the ability to perform sexually when he began taking SSRI antidepressants for depression. Even his friends complain he does not hook up with women at parties. It is serious issues that need this young man to be rehabilitated from this habit of heterosexuality. According to my observation, Jorge started this habit while still very young, and he has grown to do it. What I am more concerned about is the cause of depression use of SSRI antidepressant-treated.

Jorge was open to my concern, and he expressed that he normally has sex with many women regardless of their age. He started this at the age of fifteen years and was introduced to this group by his friends who were older than him. He does this for entertainment and due to pressure from his fellow friends. However, he developed stress and depression when he thought about her future life.

My advice to Jorge is to leave out heterosexual groups or parties because it is destroying his life. He should reconcile himself and get married to a woman he loves. This will assist him in not returning to heterosexual parties. Additionally, I told him to leave friends who encourage him to continue with their heterosexual habits and find other activities that will make his mind busy, which will make him not think of his previous activities.

The low libido that Jorge experienced was due to the stress and depression he was experiencing. However, it was not due to the SSI antidepressant he was undertaking. It is the mindset of a person that results in low sexual desire. As depression and stress are eliminated from his life, his libido will be better. It will be possible for him to engage in physical exercise that will make him more social, relaxed, and less competitive. This will improve his health, and everything will be good.



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