Academic Master

Health Care

the effectiveness of Physical exercise in establishing a healthy weight and a healthier society

Having a balanced diet is not the only factor that should be considered in ensuring healthy humane living. Physical exercise is crucial and essential as compared to a nutritious diet. Physical exercise is an activity aimed at enhancing one’s physical and health well-being. Additionally, regular physical exercises improve one’s quality of life. Researchers have proved that constant exercising does away with health problems which have raised the alarm globally and that exercising makes you feel as good as you should be (Fletcher et al. 860). Vascular training builds a healthy heart and a powerful breathing system. It helps prevent hypertension, obesity, heart disease, and Type 2 diabetes. There are many benefits accrued from physical exercise alongside the apparent benefit of having a good physique, and physical and health satisfaction can be achieved through seizing the exercising opportunity.

To achieve the lean and steady weight everyone desires, it is important to grasp how exercising burns off undesirable fats by understanding how exercise is crucial in burning off fat by developing muscles and speeding up the metabolism rate.  Adding lean muscles enables one to lose at least a hundred calories daily even in body rest. You can perform intensive weight. Metabolic rate is determined by accumulated body muscle in that more muscle leads to a higher rate of metabolism The highest way to fasten metabolism is through exercise. Physical activity aims at reducing body fats and increasing lean muscles. Through the increase of lean muscles, the metabolism rate increases hence the weight is cut to lead to a healthier body. What is the point of living the rest of this life yearning for a slender physique when you can just begin exercising and gain it in no time?

Despite exercise being a physical activity, it is also a mental activity. Researchers have proved that people who conduct exercises have high confidence and self-esteem. It is also evident that physically active people do not have anxiety and depression issues (Scully et al. 115). Activity grants people energy, enabling them to have positive outlooks on life, and it helps reduce stress and tension. Through exercises, the body discharges endorphins, which creates a feeling of relief in the brain. Exercising also improves brain and memory functioning. Exercise classes also improve mental positivity and hence a sense of physical self-worth. Being stronger, better, and faster at exercising causes an increase in self-worth, therefore, as a matter of fact, physical exercise is significant to all humans. This also sweeps away anger feelings and frustrations enabling people to relate efficiently to each other in a friendly way.

Exercise is perhaps not only attributed to physical appearance but also related to actual health and well-being. Individuals should conduct physical activities as they keep themselves healthy. People nowadays consume high levels of fats in fast foods unknowingly making heart diseases to be rampant. People should, therefore, exercise to avoid this common illness which has contributed to massive deaths over the decade. The primary cause of this condition is obesity. However, this situation can easily be prevented or controlled by exercising. Exercising prevents a couple of diseases such as stroke, diabetes, some types of cancer as well as heart diseases. Although diet offers rich nutritional value, it is not an efficient and reliable method of ensuring a healthy body.  Most researchers have indicated that many people who acquire a fit body grow big again after a while. To worsen the dieting method, the regained fat intensely harms a person’s body. Exercising improves self-esteem and confidence.

Exercise is superior in ensuring long-term effects. After losing the excess pounds one may feel relieved, but the real struggle is maintaining that weight for the future. A small increase in physical activity should be enough to stay balanced. More exercises should regularly be conducted to maintain muscle gain and fat loss. By keeping things at a high-intensity level, the whole body will utilize more fat, resulting in a lean and healthier body. People should know that exercising does not necessarily mean that one has to overpressure himself by going to the gym or running all day. It merely implies that one should add a couple of minutes to their daily usual exercise routine. To ensure the workout’s effectiveness, an increase from light to moderate exercise of forty to fifty minutes is a good practice that causes long-term success.

Physical exercises have led to the emergence of new disciplines such as Sporting and Exercise Psychology.  The sporting discipline has enabled the rise of new professional practices involved in physical activities, including health promotion, physical activity teaching, and exercise instructors. Psychologists in the sports and exercise field have varied views of physical activity. Physical exercise is a medium for health and well-being, a medium for deploying human potential, and a medium for social transformation. High-performance athletes are consistently near their maximum potential as far as physical ability and strength are concerned. Physical exercise provides body fitness and a financial source for investors and professionals who build their careers around this discipline.

Statistics show that people exercising every day for about fifteen minutes have lower mortality risks than those who do not exercise (Warburton and  Darren 805). Sick people who exercise each day are less likely to die earlier. As a matter of fact, exercising each day decreases the all-cause mortality risks and cancer mortality risks. Therefore, the best thing to do is exercise to remain healthy. Males who take time for physical exercise regularly are less likely to experience erectile dysfunction than those who do not. According to many current researchers, many men who indulge themselves in physical activities have a low risk of sexually related complications as compared to those who do not exercise at all. Prevention is always better than cure, just as the proverb goes, exercising offers people the platform to prevent many complications in health matters. It is therefore essential to consider exercising as a routine that should be prioritized before other things.

The best thing about exercise is that it can be integrated with other hobbies, and people like to make it more interesting. For instance, exercise can be enhanced by listening to music while doing workouts. This gives the exerciser more energy to continue the exercise routine. The exercise follows an effective disposition strategy through listening to music, reducing fatigue and effort. When someone does something passionately, he or she easily attains the set goals and objectives. Integrating hobbies and exercise and making exercising a hobby by itself is a bold step towards healthy living for everyone in society. This is because health matters to everybody. Training should not be perceived as a tedious activity but as a crucial routine for improving our lifestyles.

Even though exercising has a wealth of benefits, several drawbacks stand out. Firstly, some physical exercise requires finances to be able to access training facilities. Subscriptions as gym members can prove costly, especially for middle and lower-class people. Also, hiring personal trainers and sports psychologists take expensive measures regarding cost. Most employed and overworking entrepreneurs lack the time required for exercise. another drawback is that exercise requires dedication to maintain a regular exercise timetable. Constant workouts are of great importance in the bid to successfully experience the effectiveness and benefits of exercise. Additionally, too much exercise is never good for anyone. Most people do not know the limits of regular physical exercise and overwork their bodies with the aim of attaining their anticipated training goals in a short period. It is mostly catastrophic to old and middle-aged people as well as out-of-shape people who are bound to strain in physical exercise to gain a balanced weight. It is essential for all people to follow a regular and sound exercise program.

In conclusion, exercise is the key to establishing a healthy weight and hence a healthier society. With exercise, one can maintain perfect health by building muscle and boosting metabolism to shed off unwanted fat. Practice, not diet, is the primary method to keep a long and healthy life. Physical Exercise does not necessarily have to be dull and feared. It should be a source of fun and a reliever of depression, anxiety, and stress. Exercising allows one to be involved in activities that give them pleasure and relief. The useful physical exercise calls for regular workouts to add value to one’s life. The significance of physical fitness can never be emphasized enough.  In the current society that is driven towards a more desk-bound lifestyle; there is a higher demand for the increase in daily physical activities to ensure weight maintenance and a fit cardiovascular Unfortunately, most people do not exercise due to the various misconceptions and myths about exercising.

Work Cited

Fletcher, Gerald F., et al. “Statement on exercise: benefits and recommendations for physical activity programs for all Americans: a statement for health professionals by the Committee on Exercise and Cardiac Rehabilitation of the Council on Clinical Cardiology, American Heart Association.” Circulation 94.4 (1996): 857-862.

Scully, Deirdre, et al. “Physical exercise and psychological well being: a critical review.” British journal of sports medicine32.2 (1998): 111-120.

Warburton, Darren ER, Crystal Whitney Nicol, and Shannon SD Bredin. “Health benefits of physical activity: the evidence.” Canadian medical association journal 174.6 (2006): 801-809.



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