Academic Master

Health Care

Excellent Healthcare Professionals

As of the nature of life sciences, the healthcare profession gives one the ability to craft a panorama of some of the utmost mundane happenings in the world. The love of life sciences is a relentless exertion to explore the limits of biology by exceeding expectations. Medicine is a field where resilience and science are evident for the success of an individual in this profession. The course of pursuing such a profession never really runs smoothly for everyone, but be as it may, this dexterity has taught me the pride of resilience, punctuality, and loyalty in bringing out the best of me (Bayley et al. 3). This can be seen from the experiences our doctors encounter in their dealings with patients at the hospitals where they work.

The healthcare profession requires a range of characteristics in an individual for you to make a good or rather excellent healthcare professional. It requires many sacrifices one has to make in life for the betterment of one’s work performance and success. A healthcare professional should be good at verbal communication. This character provides them with the ability to keenly listen to patients’ needs, empathize, and, at the end of communication, provide tangible information on the diagnosis and treatment in a manner that patients can easily understand and emulate. An excellent healthcare professional should be altruistic. This character will make them feel for their patients. It makes them ready to sacrifice their luxury and put the patient’s life first. Excellent healthcare professionals must have a robust sense of service, where they always have the feeling of making patients and healthcare workers become well day-by-day and, of all, give back to their communities (Hemphill et al. 2050). Lastly, excellent healthcare professionals should always feel motivated by a sense of professionalism in which integrity and honor are devoted to upholding the timeless values of medicine.

Work Cited

Bayley, Helen, Ruth Chambers, and Caroline Donovan. The good mentoring toolkit for healthcare. CRC Press, 2016: Pp 2-5.

Hemphill, J. Claude, et al. “Guidelines for the management of spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage: a guideline for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association.” Stroke 46.7 (2015): Pp 2032-2060.



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