Academic Master

Business and Finance

Sustainability Analysis of Dassault Systems

Describe the company and its products.

The company that was the best sustainable company this year is Dassault Systems. It is a French company based in Villacoublay, France. Dassault Systems produces Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) software, 3D designs, and 3D digital mockups. Dassault Systems is a subsidiary of Dassault Group, which was created by Avions Marcel Dassault in 1981. It first started producing computer-aided design (CAD) software. In 2003, the French government sold the company’s 15.74% stake in the market. In 2011, the Dassault group had 42.2% of the market share. The company moved its headquarters to Villacoublay from Suresnes in 2008. This new headquarters is now known as the 3DS Paris complex.

Discuss the efforts the company has made in the area of sustainability.

  • Non or low-emission footprint

Dassault Systems, being a software company, has been sustainable in many areas, which is why it is at the top of the Forbes Sustainable Companies list. The company has made efforts to be a non-emission company, where they have made centers with centralized emissions that do not harm the surroundings of their plants.

  • Conservation of energy and natural resources

Conversing energy and natural resources are most important aspect for every company to take account of. Dassault systems, being a software production company consumes a lot of electricity, but they have made flexible shifts to work effectively and for the purpose to ensure measures to reduce the usage of electricity.

  • Economical efficiency

In economical terms, they have hired more females employees recently to match the female and male in their company. It has helped to become a more economical firm.

  • Health care for workers, community, and consumers

For the employees, they have provided yearly insurance programs for each level of the organization. It helps create a sustainable environment for the company. For the community and consumers, proper safety measures of their products are provided where the customers can use their product with the description provided with it.

  • Creative reward for workers

Dassault systems has made efforts to reduce the gap of salaries from CEO to the average workers. Now, this figure is down at 26%, where the company tries to offer bonuses to the employees which are equal to the CEO of the company.



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