Academic Master

Human Resource And Management

Write an HRM Plan for a hypothetical firm/staff member of your choice, focusing on the following four areas

1. Training and development plan

Training and development plans are used to train the employees in a particular way to improve their performance level and enhance the productivity level (“Top 4 Employee Development Plan Examples – Training Station”, 2017). The performance-based plan is considered as the most appropriate one as the training and development program. The plan should be designed in a way that develops the skills of the employee, on an annual performance basis. The analysis of skill development could be done by evaluating the goals achievements, outcomes, and standard of work by the employees.

2. Remuneration plan

Remuneration plan is used to reward an employee on the basis of his/her performance or achievements. A remuneration plan should be designed in a way that helps to motivate the staff and encourage them to work more. The plan could be based on yearly basis or basis of 6-month performance level. The goals and targets are assigned to employees and set a level of rewards and incentives. When the employees achieve their targets, they receive rewards and incentives in different forms designed by the HR authorities such as bonus money, or some gifts to motivate and encourage the employees (Mayhew, 2018).

3. Labor relation plan

Labor relation plans are designed to promote a friendly and professional organizational culture. Long term and short term goals are defined, and employees are well aware of all their duties and responsibilities. In the labor relation plan, managers are responsible to improve the work culture and motivate the employees also develop an environment of effective consultation. Through effective communication techniques, the relations with employees could be better and developed in a way that promotes the critical thinking skills and creativity skills of the employees. Managers help the employees in any dispute resolution and provide an effective training to develop the problem-solving skills.

4. Safety, health, and welfare

Safety, health, and welfare factors at work are important for the employees. They need specified plans that ensure their safety and health measures in a legal way. Employees should be allowed to take leave when they are sick, and in case of an accident, or injury. The employers are responsible to ensure the work safe environment for their employees as it is the most significant factor of modern world trends in organizations.

Describe what is meant by the term “HRM system”

A human resource management (HRM) system is designed to incorporate many human resource functions such as benefits administration, payroll services, recruiting and training purposes, incentive measures, performance analysis, and safety measures. HRM system is required and necessary for the success of any organization.

Explain the advantages and disadvantages (if any) of using an HRM system.

HRM system is a significant pattern that promotes several benefits and advantages for an organization. However, it does have some disadvantages but as a whole, the system is required for an effective business and for the development of any organization. The system helps to determine several important factors regarding the performance, productivity, and satisfaction level of the employees (Joseph, n.d.). It helps to save money and reduce time to make plans for each employee separately. It handles the most time-consuming tasks such as recruitment, selection, and hiring processes.


Joseph, C. Advantages & Disadvantages of the HR Retrieved 27 March 2018, from

Mayhew, R. (2018). Example of an Employee Compensation Retrieved 27 March 2018, from

Top 4 Employee Development Plan Examples – Training Station. (2017). Training Station. Retrieved 27 March 2018, from




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