As the world population grows, we are faced with the problem of inadequate natural resources because we do not care. Some countries in the world also face water shortages, which is very catastrophic for them. India is the biggest example, as people in the GOA region and its environs face serious water problems, and the same is the case with Pakistan, which lost many crops and irrigation systems due to a severe drought. Other countries such as South Africa, Libya, Brazil, China, the United States, Jordan and Kosovo also face water crises.
Taking into account all these threats and issues, the United Nations proposed to celebrate World Water Day in accordance with Agenda 21 of the UNO. This was proposed for the first time in 1992 at the Conference of the UN on Development and Environment. The first World Water Day was eminent on March 22, 1993.
Importance Of World Water Day And Purpose
The goal of this World Water Day is to remind ourselves that we must follow the guidelines for saving water for human beings and for future generations. The United Nations and its member states of the UN are celebrating this day by promoting and implementing the United Nations’ recommendations for saving water resources. Several organizations are supporting ways to save water, treat waste for cleaning and protect wetlands.
Every year, World Water Day has a different theme and is celebrated according to this theme. For example, the theme of 2014 was “water and energy” on World Water Day. Therefore, according to the theme, strategies have been promoted to use water as an energy source. The theme was Water and sustainable development in 2015.
World Water Day’s main purpose is to suggest and implement policies to save water resources and water scarcity. It is held every year on 22 March to draw attention to the importance of fresh and clean water. World Water Day is also celebrated to defend fresh water and sustainable management. The General Assembly of the UN announced World Water Day on March 22nd.
Water Resources
The land has a lot of water resources of about 1.35 billion kilometres (about 326 million cubic meters). However, over 97% of them are saline and have died for crops and are unusable for human consumption. About 70% of the Earth’s surface is water, but most of the ocean. Only 3 per cent of all surface water is freshwater, most of which is largely absorbed. Three-quarters of freshwater ice and frozen land areas are located in the hills, where most half and only 1 per cent of freshwater is easily accessible. Water is mainly on the shallow surface layer for moderate use in lakes, rivers and soils. This quantity is regularly filled with rain and snow and thus sustained durably.
In general, only 1% of the world’s water supply is accessible to people. (From 12,500 to 14,000 km3) of globalized water use is 12.5 billion cubic meters per year. This per capita amount calculated in 1989 is 9,000 cubic meters per year. By 2025, the global availability of clean water will be 5100 cubic meters, which should be 2 billion people worldwide. The world population, even in this case, if it is shared equally among the world population, will be sufficient to meet the needs of man. It also disorients global knowledge about water. Global availability of clean water is not global, seasonal or all year round. In some cases, water is not enough, but where we can. In other cases, we have a lot of water in the wrong place at the wrong time. New soil reserves totalling $ 38 million Square kilometres (about 9 million cubic meters) are closer. In the last billion years, very little water has been created or lost.
Instead, the number of water during the rotation of the water was plentiful. Antarctic Greenland or cold weather conditions, such as snow rush to protect drinking water, 77.7 percent of the world’s largest polar ice caps and glaciers will become part of it. In warm areas, some of the soil enters the soil and constitutes a water table.
Facts Related To World Water
Water Demand
- The 2.1 billion Population in the world is deprived of clean water.
- By 2050, the world’s population will grow by 2 billion, and the global demand for water can increase by 30 per cent.
- Agriculture accounts for about 70% of world water consumption, especially for irrigation.
- Increase in water pressure and population density.
- Industrial capacity and production dominate a total of 20%. The remaining 10% are for domestic consumption.
- The percentage of water used for drinking water is less than 1%.
Water Accessibility
- 1.9 billion people live in potentially rare water areas.
- By 2050, approximately 3 billion people will increase this number.
Water Quality
- Approximately 1.8 billion people use contaminated drinking water sources that pollute drinking water sources.
- More than 80% of worldwide wastewater is not recyclabilized or reused in the environment.
Climate And Environment
- The number of people at risk of flooding is expected, and it has increased from 1.6 billion to 2,050 units.
- About 1.8 billion people are currently suffering from land degradation and desertification. At least 65 per cent of forest land is degraded.
- As a result of human activities since 1900, about 64-71% of natural water bodies have disappeared.
- Biogas corrosion will occupy between 25 and 40 billion tons of land annually, greatly reducing crop productivity and the ability to regulate water, carbon and nutrients. The current flow of large quantities of nitrogen and phosphorus streams contributes to water pollution.
Water Crises Today
The global water crisis is a serious problem in the modern world. This problem is caused by the fact that people cannot get clean and safe water to meet basic needs around the world. One in 10 people does not have access to clean water. This is a problem because people do not have one of the most basic needs for survival. One of the reasons for this crisis is privatization, drought, political instability, etc. Without access to clean water, this leads not only to health problems but also to social situations in which people are discriminated against because of the absence of such an important source.
As 2/3 of the Earth’s surface is covered with water resources, water is an important element for human beings. Water is not only required for the survival of life but also is important for the economic and social development of any state. Water is an exceptional blessing of GOD for humans and a basic requirement. Due to the high exploitation of man and nature by the hands of man and industries, the global environment changes every day. As a result of it, water resources are decreasing. Issues related to freshwater shortage and food security are linked to billions of people who require fresh water on an urgent basis. Over the past few years, the country has faced the worst water shortage and a small amount of water. Rapid population growth, expansion of irrigation areas and the growth of urban and industrial areas has increased pressure on water resources. The problem of water scarcity, especially in an island in Pakistan and Rajasthan in India and in most African countries, is at a critical end, and irrigation systems are almost decaying.
States should focus on day-to-day activities related to water scarcity and solutions to it, such as making and presenting documentaries related to water resources and conducting conferences and seminars on the development of water resources.