Academic Master


Workshop Management Research Paper

Chapter 3: Methodology

Workplace remains the area where the learning by doing is found the strongest despite the fact that a variety of learning methods have been developed such as competency-based City and Guilds program, formal vocational institutions, and other forms of instruction and accreditation, (Sternberg & Horvath, 1999). Since workplace learning is an effective learning strategy, the formal vocational training regime must be superceded by the workplace form of learning because it is the dominant venue and a fertile field for acquiring practical technical skills and observing this type of skills acquisition in situ. Such observation is critically important because of the interest of the instructors of vocational training programs in learning the process of skill acquisition in the workplace. A set of useful information is collected by delineating these skills acquisition strategies and establishing both limitations and benefits which is later used in the development of vocational training processes. Based on this discussion, the observational methods of interviews and surveys have been selected for this particular study.

The selection of semi-structured interviews and surveys have been evident in the previous literature concerning learning theories, skills acquisition and vocational training at workplace as well. In many cases, the involvement of the leadership in arranging and providing the training to the workers has been found minimal. Rahim and Ivan (2007) quoted that Asian Development Bank revealed that the vocational and technical education apprentice products in several countries including Malaysia were not willing to work nor did they meet the quality standards. Therefore, an increased chance of disinterest of the employers in hiring the skills workers has been observed (Rahim & Ivon, 2007). In the context of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Baqadir et al., in 2011, conducted a research study on the skills gap addressed through vocational training. Although the research was not directly related to the automobile industry of one of the leading oil-producing countries in the Middle East, it provided a great deal of the understanding with regard to the vocational training and its influence in addressing the needs of the private sector employers in Saudi Arabia.

Research Questions

The semi-structured interviews and surveys will be utilized to collect data in an attempt to address the following research questions:

  1. What are the workshop management practices adopted by the car repairing units in an attempt to plan car repairing units of the untrained workers?
  2. What are the workshop management practices adopted by the car repairing units in an attempt to store the available car repairing units at the work cum learning place for the untrained workers?
  3. What are the workshop management practices adopted by the car repairing units in an attempt of maintaining the car repairing units at the work cum learning place for the untrained workers?
  4. What workshop management practices should be adopted by the car repairing units in an attempt to management of workplace facilities for the untrained workers?
  5. What role does repetitive learning procedure play in the process of skills acquisition of the untrained workers at a car repairing unit?
  6. What role does technical rationality play in the process of skills acquisition of the untrained workers at a car repairing unit?
  7. What role does problem-defining play in the process of skills acquisition of the untrained workers at a car repairing unit?
  8. What are benefits of workplace skill acquisition process?
  9. What are the limitations of workplace skill acquisition process?
  10. What should be the level of involvement of owners and managers in the skill acquisition process of the informally trained employees at automobile repairing units?
  11. How are the ethical and human issues tackled at a car repairing unit with untrained workers?

Research Design

The research has been carried out in Jeddah in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is a location with abundance of accreditation and formal institutional influences. Five case study cites have been selected in Jeddah for reasons of convenience. The automobile repairing units only employees informally trained mechanics which indicates that they achieved all of their practical knowledge by working and learning at these car workshops, i.e., through the process of learning by doing. The employees had also not attended nor had participated in any formal vocational establishments in the form of polytechnics, technical colleges and the like. Neither had they sought any kind of formal accreditation during their work routine.

Sample Size and Selection of Sample

However, this study might be criticized for involving only the informally trained mechanics as it compromises the process of generalization of information collected during the research on other automobile training units with formally trained employees. The need for including only informally trained employees was felt due to the fact that the workplace skills acquisition must be studied in isolation from the influences of formal training; this need superceded this otherwise important consideration. Another consideration for only including the informally trained employees is the abundance of such workers throughout the world in general and the automobile repairing industry in particular. Almost eighty to ninety percent of the mechanics are engaged in the automobile industry in KSA today (

Data or sample collection will be purposive i.e. data will be collected in the form of surveys from selected five well reputed automobile local workshops, i.e., Al-Eitany, Mize, Al-Alamiyah, Moda Car, and High Peaks. The limited timeframe of _____ has been decided for this research study because only five case studies would be undertaken. As pointed out earlier, these case studies have been selected with the purpose of increasing the likelihood of generalizability. A pilot study of __ informal, semi-structured interviews of informally trained workers will be conducted concerning customer satisfactory perspective, reputation, high performance, and highest targeted clients as well as repetitive learning procedures, technical rationality, problem defining, benefits of workplace skill acquisition, and limitations of workplace skill acquisition.

Sources of Data

To collect correct data and assure maximum data quality, high management and the supervisors will be most relied on when surveying.

Collection of Data

Data collected will be quantitative and based upon questionnaires. Data collection will be from three different perspectives,

  • Repetitive learning procedures,
  • Technical rationality,
  • Problem defining,
  • Benefits of workplace skill acquisition,
  • Limitations of workplace skill acquisition, and
  • Level of involvement of owners and managers in the skill acquisition process of the informally trained employees at automobile repairing units.

There will be a separate survey conducted on the strategies of development learning management based upon research objectives as well.

Exposure Assessment

The exposure assessment will be made reliable and valid by statistic data collected through the data collection techniques of questionnaires and survey based on interviews.

Data Management

The data collection will be based on validity, reliability, competence, precision, and integrity.

All this will be done by showing statistical data collected through questionnaires using tables and charts.

Data Analysis Strategies

Data will be analyzed by the comparison of the results of the survey and interviews conducted from those referred five local automobile workshops, by using the critical evaluative study under the umbrella of above mentioned theories of learning management.

Ethics and Human Subjects Issues

The paper will also keep in notice the use of ethical and human Subjective issues during the conductance of interviews and surveys. The researcher or surveyor will also keep in mind the basic ethical and human rights including:

  • Beneficence (Doing Good)
  • Preventing any Harm
  • Fidelity
  • Trust within Interviewer and Participants
  • Personal Dignity
  • Autonomy
  • Integrity of Voluntary
  • Personal Information

Questionnaire Development

The observational methods of interviews and surveys have been selected for this particular study. A total of fifty-eight questions have been developed on the basis of the eleven research questions that this research study attempts to address in order to assess the extent to which the owners and managers of automobile workshops take interest in training their employees in Jeddah, KSA. For the purpose of convenience, fifty-six of these questions have been divided into six categories: responses of workshop owners and untrained workers on workshop management practices adopted in the planning of car repairing units; responses of workshop owners and untrained workers on storage of available car repairing units; responses of workshop owners and untrained workers on maintenance of car repairing units at the work cum learning place; responses of workshop owners and untrained workers on adoption of workshop management practices; responses of workshop owners and untrained workers on the role of repetitive learning procedures, rational technicality and problem-defining in the process of skill acquisition; and responses of the car workshop owners and untrained workers on ethical and human issues.

All of these fifty-six questions were invited on a 5-point Linkert Scale. The participants could choose one of the five options: agree, strongly agree, disagree, strongly disagree, and not sure. However, the participants were allowed to choose the last option for any number of time but they were encouraged to select one of the remaining four options as they would help the researcher collect relevant and valuable data. The remaining two questions i.e., what are the benefits and limitations of workplace skill acquisition process? and what should be the level of involvement of owners and managers in the skill acquisition process of the informally trained employees at automobile repairing units? have been added into the questionnaire as open-ended questions.


Baqadir, A., Patrick, F., & Burns, G. (2011). Addressing the skills gap in Saudi Arabia: does vocational education address the needs of private sector employers?. Journal of Vocational Education & Training63(4), 551-561. Available at: (Accessed: 10th April 2018).

Appendix 1: Questionnaire


My name is (______). I am currently enrolled in the (___) program of the (_____) University. Today, I am surveying to assess the extent to which the owners and managers of automobile workshops take interest in training their employees in Jeddah, KSA. The purpose of this research study is to find out the difficulties and challenges faced by the employees in their initial phase of training with regard to learning and training development. For this purpose, relevant data will be collected from the top five leading and well-reputed automobile workshops in Jeddah, KSA. The list includes Al-Eitany, Mize, Al-Alamiyah, Moda Car, and High Peaks. This study is also aimed at making recommendations for the development of the process of learning and training sessions at the automobile workshops in Jeddah, KSA.

Kindly respond to the following questions with one of the five options: agree, strongly agree, disagree, strongly disagree, and not sure. You can choose the last option for any number of questions. However, selecting one of the remaining four options will help the researcher collect relevant and valuable data. Your involvement is highly appreciated.

Research Question 1: What are the workshop management practices adopted by the car repairing units in an attempt to plan car repairing units of the untrained workers?

Table 1: Responses of Workshop Owners and Untrained Workers on Workshop Management Practices Adopted in the Planning of Car repairing units

S. # Statements Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Sure
01 Should workshop leadership participate in the planning of workshop facilities?
02 Does improper planning of car repairing units lead to failure?
03 Should new entrants be taken into consideration when planning the workshop facilities?
04 Do learning objectives influence the planning of workshop facilities?
05 Should attention be given to topic area when planning the car repairing units?
06 Does planning of workshop facilities assist in achieving the objectives of the system annually?
07 Should provision of the spare parts be taken into consideration when planning the available equipment?

Research Question 2: What are the workshop management practices adopted by the car repairing units in an attempt to store the available car repairing units at the work cum learning place for the untrained workers?

Table 2: Responses of Workshop Owners and Untrained Workers on Storage of Available Car repairing units

S. # Statements Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Sure
01 Should hand tools be kept in the tool room?
02 Should hand tools be kept in the tool cabinet?
03 Should effective tool inventory system be adopted?
04 Are bench tools properly stored?
05 Are workshop facilities stored according to their traits?
06 Are tools stored in rack and boxes?
07 Is there adequate storage space available for the available facilities?
08 Is a proper record of facilities kept?
09 Are car repairing units kept under the care of car workshop owners?
10 Is the workshop leadership actively involved on the storage of car repairing units?
11 Are car repairing units kept under the care of store keeper?
12 Are car repairing units are always audited regularly?

Research Question 3: What are the workshop management practices adopted by the car repairing units in an attempt of maintaining the car repairing units at the work cum learning place for the untrained workers?

Table 3: Responses of Workshop Owners and Untrained Workers on Maintenance of Car repairing units at the Work Cum Learning Place

S. # Statements Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Sure
01 Are tools and equipment refurbished after they worn out?
02 Are damage tools and equipment abandoned without an attempt of repairing them?
03 Are untrained workers encouraged to clean their tools after usage and before storage?
04 Is the maintenance of tools a regular practice in the workshop?
05 Are the workers forced on replacing any damage tool?
06 Is oiling of machines done on regular basis?
07 Are lubricants such as oil and grease commonly available in the workshop?
08 Are appropriate principles for equipment maintenance adopted by the owners of the workshops?
09 Is there a planned maintenance policy in the workshop for equipment maintenance?
10 Are the operating manuals available?
11 Is preventive maintenance observed regularly?
12 Are the car repairing units serviced regularly?
13 Are adequate fund provided for maintenance activities?
14 Are outside maintenance personnel involved in maintenance?

Research Question 4: What workshop management practices should be adopted by the car repairing units in an attempt to management of workplace facilities for the untrained workers?

Table 4: Responses of Workshop Owners and Untrained Workers on Adoption of Workshop Management Practices

S. # Statements Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Sure
01 Should disciplinary action be taken against any theft case?
02 Should security be provided for car repairing units?
03 Should workshop owners be engaged in the in the management of car repairing unit?
04 Should there be regular training for car workshop owners?
05 Should conferences/seminars be organized regularly for car workshop owners?
06 Should adequate possible supervision be given to oiling of machinery?
07 Should tools be organized on the shelves and tool boxes based on the function they perform?
08 Should workshop personnel with good character be employed?
09 Should a proper layout of workshop to show clearly carriage ways and location of machine tools be made?

Research Question 5-7: What role do repetitive learning procedure, rational technicality and problem-defining play in the process of skills acquisition of the untrained workers at a car repairing unit?

Table 5: Responses of Workshop Owners and Untrained Workers on the Role of Repetitive Learning Procedures, Rational Technicality and Problem-Defining in the Process of Skill Acquisition

S. # Statements Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Sure
01 Should processes such as how to change tires, how to operate tools, or how to remove vehicle components be supervised?
02 Will learning process be facilitated by repetitive learning technique?
03 Is there a practical proficiency attached with repetitive learning procedure?
04 Is important internal tacit knowledge gained through repetitive learning procedure?
05 Is the rational technicality practiced at the car repairing units?
06 Is the problem-defining skill practiced at the car repairing units?

Research Question 11: How are the ethical and human issues tackled at a car repairing unit with untrained workers?

Table 6: Responses of the Car Workshop Owners and Untrained Workers on Ethical and Human Issues

S. # Statements Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Sure
01 Beneficence (Doing Good)
02 Preventing any Harm
03 Fidelity
04 Trust within Interviewer and Participants
05 Personal Dignity
06 Autonomy
07 Integrity of Voluntary
08 Personal Information

Research Question 8-9: What are the benefits and limitations of workplace skill acquisition process?

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Research Question 10: What should be the level of involvement of owners and managers in the skill acquisition process of the informally trained employees at automobile repairing units?



It is to inform that you are not obliged to reveal your name. You can keep it anonymous. However, you must specify your status as either the workshop owner or the untrained worker. This information is critically important for this research study.

Your response is highly appreciated. Thank you!

Survey Coordinator Participant’s Name (optional)

___________________ ______________________________

Participant’s Status (mandatory)




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