Academic Master


Why Kids Should Not Play Video Games


There are some benefits of playing video games for school children, but some education experts reveal that video games are bad for the brain. Playing video games is the favorite hobby of kids, it provides them good entertainment and chance to enhance their sporting spirit, but video games have been observed to make kids violent and adopt criminal behavior as well. Let us explore why kids should not play the video games?

Psychologists from Wisconsin University think that video games are responsible for corrupting the brains of children. The change the physical structure of the brain and they build brain muscles like while playing piano or exercise. But most of the video games are based on the violence and fighting, children who play more violent and fighting games are more aggressive in attitude. They can hurt other kids and society by learning violence from video games.

According to American Psychological Association, video games transmit wrong values into the kids. Their academic achievements and progress are negatively affected by playing video games during exams. The get poor grades and not fresh to appear in exams due to mental exertion.

Kids also pick up bad language while playing the video games. Video games are also addictive for kids, they stay up all night and play with siblings. They eyes hurt and health suffer due to less sleep. They experience attention problems in the classroom.


Even though video games are good for raising awareness and increasing memory, they also provide some negative effects on kids and their behavior. Overall physical health and academic performance decrease due to an addiction of playing video games; kids develop bad language and violent attitude through video games. Vidoe games must be played within limits; kids should not spoil themselves with video game addiction.


Belloc, Hilaire. On. Freeport, N.Y.: Books for Libraries Press, 1967. Print.

Games, The et al. “The Positive And Negative Effects Of Video Games – Raise Smart Kid.” Raise Smart Kid. N.p., 2017. Web. 12 July 2017.

Greenfield, Patricia Marks. Mind And Media. New York, NY: Psychology Press, 2014. Print.

Underwood, Jean D. M, and Lee Farrington-Flint. Learning And The E-Generation. Malden, MA: John Wiley & Sons, 2015. Print.



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