Academic Master

Health Care

Why Do I Want to Become an MRI Tech?

The day I first visited a healthcare facility, I was fascinated with the medical field although I did not exactly know what I would do in that field. The care for the people suffering from different chronic diseases, my passion to be a helping hand and a better person, and my fascination for medical technology always consumed my heart. This all turned into an enthusiastic feeling when I was hit by a car and my back was severely injured. During my treatment process within the hospital, I had an MRI done under the care of friendly and highly trained technicians that further projected my love and intrinsic motivation for medical technology practice. I am a manager at a Golf Club where I socialize with different people of diverse backgrounds and ethnicities which gives me the confidence as well as the experience to deal with and help people who get minor injuries at the Club. So, I came to realize that for a social person like me this is what I always wanted to do throughout my life as this profession requires knowledge, passion, and effective communication skills which I am well-versed in. I accept this self-acclaimed challenge to get a sense of self-confidence and accomplishment that I can do what I aspire to and even much more in life. The reason why I want to be an MRI technician always is to help the unhealthy and suffering population and to inspire others as that friendly radiography technician inspired me during my critical time.

To accomplish this goal, I would love to work hard as I am big on teamwork, enthusiastic, caring, outgoing, and very determined on accomplishing my goal. Another reason why I want to be an MRI technician is that this profession requires people to be ready to experiment with different types of hidden illnesses that might cause people their lives. The knowledge of human anatomy and X-ray will help me understand the location of the diseases and what potential harm they pose to the human body which would help me learn about the right methods of treatment for different disorders. The profession will facilitate my interprofessional growth in the medical field as working experience with expert MRI technicians will help me learn how to use and handle radiology tools and how I can obtain results from them. Being an MRI technician in any healthcare setting will be my first gateway to a competent medical career, payment benefits, fulfillment advantages, and above all my primary motivation to help people suffering from different disorders in the diagnosis process.



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