Academic Master


Why did New York State decide to leave Common Core and form Next Generation Learning Standards?


The common core standards initiative is a program designed to enhance the student and the standards in the curriculum of Mathematics and English language and literacy. The goal of this initiative was to provide the student with knowledge which should make them able to know core things in each grade and develop their skills with a period of time. The program focused to develop necessary skills in all categories students to excel in their academic career. It was needed due to the lack of skills from student side in mathematics and uneven academic development which was affecting their career. The common core considered as the most effective development in the sector of education around the states of the US. Now New York decided to leave this program and moving towards Next generation learning students(Rothman).

The next generation learning standard is a new program which is adopted by the New York states in which they have rectified and improved the common core standards which are highly affecting the new student and increasing their capability. There is an improvement with regards to ELA and Mathematics. Also, the context has been made globalized beside uniformity American old schooling structures. This initiative was taken after the 4000 public comments around the united states regarding reformation in the education sector which were reviewed by the committee in which test companies were not involved while Teachers, administrators, parents and library media specialists were there(“Next Generation Learning Standards”).

In the detailed study of both programs, I think it is a need of time to replace the common core standard with the Next generation education standards. The world has been far off with many things, and now things are changing with time and demand of the skills in the market is getting different which cannot be fulfilled by the common core standards yet. There are many concerns about common core standards which can be founded in several studies in which most strongly is that is vague according to the 21st-century global economic structure. The slogan of college and career readiness is somehow was the slogan in which they tried to innovate, but actually, it is now a professional world where outdoor skills matter more than the bookish. Also in the common core standards, a philosopher like Herbert Spencer and Froebel’s those have developed their theories by materialism dominated by common core standards can affect the students with their actual objective. They will not be able to develop a good thinking and socially responsible behavior which can ultimately effect their life approach(Bascon).

Another problem is the standardized test system in the common core standard which will affect directly upon the students as a teacher only prepare them for the tests which are the part of the curriculum. This thing directly impacts upon their mind nourishment and kill their skills. It also closes the door for them to innovate and think out of the box which is threatening for their future career in this world.

There are many states in which South Carolina and Indiana pull out this system from their education setup as the popularity gone down from 76% to 46%. It gives a core conclusion of the debate that this system of common core standard is no more able to be a part of this new world system. For which Next Generation Learning Standard will develop an impact on the old system which will improve the educational standard and would create the gateway for the future. While still many states are far to implement this different educational initiative but in my view, if the results will get better for them the things will be happening more good with time and will expand all over the United States of America.

Works Cited

Bascon, James. “Why Is Common Core Bad for Children’s Education?” TFP Student Action, 20 Jan. 2016,

“Next Generation Learning Standards.” New York State Education Department, Accessed 14 Feb. 2018.

Rothman, Robert. Something in Common: The Common Core Standards and the Next Chapter in American Education. Harvard Education Press, 2011.



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