Academic Master


Why did Islamic Law put Restrictions on Dhimmis?

Dhimmis was the term employed to describe the status that was granted to minorities living in the Islamic land, which includes the Christians and Jews who were given protection by the authority. The restriction in the laws limited the types of interactions that those under the dhimmis status enjoyed. The situation allowed Christians and Jews to live among the Muslims under a protected status; however, the restrictions limited the freedoms and rights to equality. There are varying reasons why the Islamic Laws restricted the activities of Christians and Jews under dhimmis. They include avoiding erosion of their culture and their perceived superiority. Thus, this text examines the reasons for the restrictions.
The restrictions place other religious beliefs as minorities to those of Islam; thus, the limitation set Islam as a superior religion. In essence, Christians and Jews were not allowed to mingle with any Muslim since they were viewed as a minority. Thus, under Islamic Laws, other denominations were restricted from marrying a Muslim. Moreover, the laws protected the Muslims as compared to the other religious believers. In example, the requirements prescribed that dhimmis could not ride horses, but donkeys and their houses should be made inferior as compared to those of Muslims. In essence, the restrictions ensured the preservation of Islam as a superior religion as compared to others.
Despite the fact that the protection accorded to Christians and Jews, the restrictions are intended to avoid erosion of their beliefs and culture. Hence, the dhimmis were allowed neither to build their places of worship nor to convert any member of the Islamic community. The humiliation and restriction prevented any converts, with the limitation ensuring that Islam remained the preferred religion. Moreover, the limits placed a tax on the dhimmis in such a way that it acted as a conquering mechanism. In essence, the role of the restrictions is to encourage conversion into Islam to avoid humiliation and limitations.
Why is it obligatory for all Muslim Males to be circumcised?
Circumcision has been and still is an essential activity among Muslim males since it is considered a prophetic act. There are different texts about circumcision; however, all agree on it as an obligation which differs on the instance when it is to be performed. Thus, circumcision remains part of the culture and religious belief. Moreover, circumcision is categorized with the other four obligations of a man. Essentially, circumcision runs deep as it is written in the Quran of its importance. With Islam guided by the Quran, it is practical for circumcision to be mandatory. Circumcision, shaving of pubic hair, trimming of the mustaches, clipping the nails, and depilating armpit hair are essential for males. The five features represent the actions of a man with a respectable stature in Islam. In essence, the act of circumcision is obligatory since it ensures that males remain decent and in line with religious laws.
Moreover, circumcision is seen as an obligation for those that have attained puberty, while in other texts it is the obligation of the parents. However, in some versions, there is conflict on its commitment. God rewards some point out that circumcision, but failing to circumcise has no punishment. In essence, the texts are different; thereby, placing no obligation on circumcision. However, all agree that circumcision is essential during or at the end of childhood. Moreover, under Islam circumcision is considered both a religious and legal obligation. In essence, thus, circumcision is obligatory for all Muslim males since it ensures bodily integrity and respect for the laws.



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