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Why Abortion is Immoral

Abortion refers to the end of pregnancy and refers to eliminating fetal or fetal activity before preparation for childbirth. There are two main types of abortion: abortion, usually named as the “miscarriage” and it is not willful while the other form is willful abortion or common abortion respectively. The term “abortion” is commonly used for induced abortion and this abortion may be filled with different opinions. In developed countries, induced abortion is one of the safest medical treatments for medicines implemented according to domestic law. Why is abortion immoral? This problem has been discussed for decades, but recently it has become a matter of enthusiasm. There are many researchers who think abortion should not be ethical and those are grouped as “Pro-lifers.” Many scientists, on the other hand, think that this should be ethical. Most of the ladies tried abortion and removing baby from the body as they think that this is not the right time to become a mother (Marquis).

It also blesses human life, and its sacred character is indispensable in both religious and social prospects. The Bible, whether born or not, is a sacred religious supporter of life. In addition, the human life accumulates, starting from the original at the moment when a person died or was vibrated by various factors such as accidents such as roads and rest. Without them, people are represented by the holiness of life, the sanctity of life, the religious groups and other social practices, regardless of the circumstances, living and appreciating life and making it worldwide. Therefore, in particular, it ends in the sense that the group ends prematurely and justifies the activity. It denies the existence of the fetus, the early birth to refuse the situation of human rights and sacredness of life is not true (Marquis).

The fact that abortion should be avoided along with this research another argument of the problem is set to the ground, which under any circumstances gives the privilege of others living in someone else life. No doubt God has given people life and created everyone to accept. Nonetheless, it is necessary to ensure that human rights around the world can be achieved no matter how harmful everyone is. This is a moral and moral mistake to see the various reactions received with similar topics. Since the group is never allowed to harm or carry out other people in a similar group, it is embarrassing and misleading due to the fact that the fetus becomes dies before birth. His disagreement within the group motivates us to preserve the human nobility and the privilege of life respectively.

The US Department of Health ensures that the number of official and private abortions made at medical institutions always requires a considerable amount for criminals. An increase in production cost leads to a criminal who uses tons of money at the end of the early period and uses this amount to inspire the lives of the mother and the child. For those cash emergencies due to abortion, they go to additional mines to gain a huge amount of money so that they cannot be thrown away. The result has disjoint relationships among perpetrators (Marquis, “Why Abortion Is Immoral”). A child’s mother may be discouraged. In addition, some people accept and participate in various suspicious attempts to obtain the necessary money. Therefore, the costs associated with premature birth are excessive and must be retained later. Conversely, cash books for newborn babies can be aimed at carrying out various possibilities.

It can be interpreted critically as meaning abortion and its activities mean weakening financial development. Many financial analysts have recently concluded that unsuccessful activities will be a true activity with negative impact for people financially living in the pressure-pressurizing country as a result of their immoral actions like abortion. Finally, abortion adversely affects the person’s monetary situation and the national financial situation. Therefore, taking into account the ultimate goal of reducing unknown wisdom, it is important to take various measures to protect freedom and protected birth. Appropriate methodologies should be developed for this.

Ethical and moral issues underlying abortion are not licensed in many countries around the world. Let pregnant women go to abortion and decide to remove children so that they have such important problems for mothers. Secret abortion threatens the lives of children and mothers. It also applies to the case of authorized abortion appointed before the mother died. The situation of such dangers in human life, especially for mothers and children, is another reason why people have to protect from exploitation and negligence. Allow pregnant women without reservation and usually deliver creators’ blessings after all her children (Marquis).

According to statistics, many women lose their lives in the process of abortion, especially in the case of inadequate people. Abortion includes life and extinction. And it is wonderful to see various people fight verbally or physically because of malicious and corrupt people’s activities. Increased confidential abortion brings the risk of changing the economy in those who do them, and in countries that trust these genera. This effect is a decline in GNP, that is, GDP that affects the economy, which is detrimental because of the high risk of life between children and mothers. Give children the opportunity to maintain and evaluate the basic and basic privileges of life.

As health management practices are covered, people who think that the mothers of children may have health risks. One of the most famous and dangerous problems among lactating women is breast cancer. As soon as the baby or fetus is prematurely aborted, the mother does not have a nipple eater, so it interferes with the normal cycle and secretion of the breast, leads to milk development and milk development.

Furthermore, many persecution arise from non-breast abortion. These deficiencies characterized by therapeutic experts include ectopic pregnancy, subsequent infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease, spontaneous abortion, dislocated placenta and premature infants, among many other complications. These complications are very unpleasant. For example, it may contribute to the future fertility or affect the future, which may lead to youth’s desperation. Another case is a provocative watershed that greatly affects the mother’s pool, in which an important part of happiness is related to environmental difficulties and maternal lives. As medical service experts suggest, they need to avoid distractions, avoid stopping ways to eliminate fetuses and treatment respectively.

In conclusion, many researchers are trying to explain the possibility of abortion as being ethical and passionate, but others find that part of abortion is unpredictable for various parts of the legislature and the group, And taking into account all of this, the authors’ research has confirmed that the authors have clear prerequisites for supporting fight against abortion or cannot help fight abortion It is. In the opinion of the authors, for this kind of election the courtesy of this situation is left only to this person. As long as a woman needs to have all the choices and options, she has the right to choose the ideal one, paying little attention to our feelings about religious beliefs and abortion.

Work cited

Marquis, Don. “Why Abortion Is Immoral.” Applied Ethics: A Multicultural Approach, 2017, p. 367.

—. “‘Why Abortion Is Immoral.” Bioethics: An Anthology, vol. 2, 2006, p. 51.



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