Academic Master


What the Heart Wants

Romanticism and Existentialism are the movements that implore people to follow their hearts and do the things they want to do (Godawa, 2009). This type of thinking appeals to people as it allows them to unapologetically follow their dreams. This may seem like a selfish and self-centered approach to life but that is not true as these movements allow people to stop doubting themselves and dare to do something bigger than them. This allows following their life purpose as people are gifted different talents so that they may utilize them for something greater than what society expects of them. This thought has allowed so many great thinkers, inventors, scientists, artists, etc. to bring innovations to this world. If they had followed the rules of society then they would never have achieved greatness and we would not have benefitted from their inventions.

For this very reason, I believe that these movements are positive as they allow people to come out of their shells and present the world with something new. Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, etc. are the living examples of these people that dared to be different and bring unimaginable technologies to the people. Internet was invented by Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn, an invention that has improved the lives of millions allowing them to work from home. If these two individuals had not followed their hearts then the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic would have been vastly different. Their invention allowed everyone to be safe and survive from the protection of their homes. This makes these movements essential for humankind as it has allowed us to thrive and keep on the technological pursuit that would make our lives better and better. The world needs dreamer and darers as their vision help the entire world.


Godawa, B. (2009). Hollywood Worldviews: Watching Films with Wisdom and Discernment. InterVarsity Press.



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