Academic Master


What is Plagiarism and how to avoid plagiarism while writing an Essay?


Plagiarism is the act of using someone else’s work, ideas, or words without giving proper credit or attribution. This can include copying and pasting text from a source without citation, paraphrasing someone else’s work without giving credit, or submitting someone else’s work as one’s own. Plagiarism is considered unethical and is often a violation of academic and professional codes of conduct. It can result in severe consequences, including academic penalties, loss of credibility, and legal action. To avoid plagiarism, it is important to always give credit to sources used in one’s work through proper citation and referencing.

Plagiarism is a serious issue that affects many areas of life, including academics, research, and creative industries. It is a form of intellectual theft that involves taking someone else’s ideas or work and presenting it as one’s own. Plagiarism can have serious consequences, including legal action, loss of reputation, and even loss of career. In this essay, we will explore the various forms of plagiarism, its causes, and how to avoid it.

There are several forms of plagiarism. The most common form is copying and pasting text from a source without proper citation. This is called verbatim plagiarism. Another form is patchwork plagiarism, where a person takes different pieces of information from multiple sources and combines them to create their own work without proper citation. Self-plagiarism is also a form of plagiarism, where a person submits their own previously published work as new work. Finally, paraphrasing someone else’s work without giving credit is also a form of plagiarism.

Causes of Plagiarism

There are several causes of plagiarism. One of the main reasons is the pressure to perform well in academics or work. Students, for instance, may be overwhelmed with coursework, and therefore feel tempted to plagiarize. Another reason is the lack of understanding of what constitutes plagiarism. Many people may not understand the rules and guidelines regarding the use of sources, leading them to unintentionally commit plagiarism. Finally, some people may be lazy and not want to put in the effort to create original work.

To avoid plagiarism, there are several measures that one can take. First, it is essential to understand what constitutes plagiarism and how to properly cite sources. This can be done by consulting style guides or seeking guidance from instructors or colleagues. Second, it is crucial to plan and manage time effectively to avoid the last-minute rush. This will give one enough time to research, read, and understand sources and to create original work. Third, it is essential to use plagiarism detection software, which can help identify any instances of plagiarism in one’s work.

How to avoid Plagiarism

To avoid plagiarism while writing an essay, there are several steps you can take:

  1. Understand what constitutes plagiarism: It is important to understand the different forms of plagiarism, including verbatim plagiarism, patchwork plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and paraphrasing without proper attribution. Understanding what plagiarism is and what it entails is the first step to avoiding it.
  2. Use Plagiarism checker URL: There are several plagiarism detection tools available online, such as Turnitin or Skandy. These tools can help you identify instances of plagiarism in your work and make the necessary corrections.
  3. Use proper citation and referencing: When using sources in your essay, it is essential to properly cite and reference them. This includes using in-text citations and a bibliography or reference list. Different citation styles, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago, have specific rules and guidelines for citation and referencing, so it is important to follow them carefully.
  4. Take good notes: When researching and reading sources, it is important to take good notes. This includes noting down the author, title, publication date, and other relevant information. This will make it easier to properly cite and reference sources when writing your essay.
  5. Paraphrase effectively: When using ideas or information from sources, it is important to paraphrase effectively. This means putting the information into your own words, while still giving proper credit to the original source. You should also use in-text citations to show where the information came from.
  6. Plan and manage your time effectively: Finally, it is important to plan and manage your time effectively when writing your essay. This will give you enough time to research, read, and understand sources, as well as to write and edit your essay. Rushing to complete an essay can increase the likelihood of unintentional plagiarism.

By following these steps, you can avoid plagiarism and create an original and well-researched essay that demonstrates your knowledge and understanding of the topic. 


In conclusion, plagiarism is a significant issue that can have severe consequences. It is important to understand the various forms of plagiarism, its causes, and how to avoid it. Through proper education and training, individuals can develop the skills needed to create original work and avoid plagiarism. By doing so, they can maintain their integrity, credibility, and reputation while contributing to the advancement of knowledge and society as a whole.



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