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Health Care

What Does a Full Mouth Restoration Cost in 2023?

One of the first things people notice about someone else are their teeth! Many of us even base judgments about others from their smile alone.

Despite our possible insecurities, most of us actually have rather good teeth that only need some care. The trouble for many people arise when things start to go wrong and the cost of keeping good teeth becomes more and more expensive.

That’s where full mouth restoration comes in.

If you are looking for a full mouth restoration cost, this guide will help you find out all the information you need.

Depends on the Treatment Plan

A full mouth restoration cost can range depending on the extent of dental work that needs to be done. For example, if you require multiple extractions, implants, dental crowns, and bridges it could be more expensive than if you just need to fix a few fillings and reshape some teeth.

A comprehensive plan will include three to four office visits, as well as x-rays, impressions and various materials to be used in the restoration. The cost of the restoration will also depend on the type of technique used and materials employed. This could include composite resin, porcelain, gold and others.

An example price range for a full mouth restoration is $12,000 to $25,000. Ultimately, the cost will be determined by the extent of the restoration and anything else that your dentist needs to do to achieve the right outcome.

Considering the Dentist’s Experience and Reputation

If you have a highly experienced and well-respected local dentist office in your area, you can expect to pay much more for a full mouth restoration than the average cost. Highly experienced and reputable dentists often charge per-tooth fees, as well as a flat fee for the entire restoration. As a result, a full mouth restoration that spans multiple teeth and requires multiple procedures can be unbearably expensive.

Looking Into the Location

In locations where technology is more advanced, the cost factor will likely be higher than in areas with more limited technology. Price will also be affected by the type of materials used for the restoration. For instance, a more traditional dental prosthesis will likely be cheaper than cutting-edge alternatives or certain restorative materials add-ons.

A person located in a remote area may be able to save on price by taking advantage of a cheaper clinic nearby. Additionally, if a patient is willing to invest in more advanced treatments, this could also influence the cost.

Adding Preparatory Procedures

A full mouth restoration will cost more than in years past, due to the addition of preparatory procedures. First, dental implants must be placed for any missing teeth, as a procedure prior to the restoration. This is likely to cost between $1,500 to $2,000 per implant.

Afterward, the restoration can begin. This consists of adding:

  • crowns
  • veneers
  • bridgework
  • whitening

Additionally, orthodontic work may need to be done, such as braces, to ensure an even distribution of pressure when biting. A full restoration and dental reconstruction considering adding more extra procedures could then cost up to $50,000. This also depends on what procedures are needed and what materials are used in the restoration.

Find Out the Full Mouth Restoration Cost in 2023

A full mouth restoration cost not cheap, but its cost in 2023 will vary greatly depending on the complexity of the treatment needed. Overall, you should expect to pay thousands of dollars for a successful full mouth restoration.

An experienced dentist can give you an accurate estimate of the cost. But don’t let cost stop you from getting the smile you deserve!



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