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What Do We Mean When We Say Islamic Art? An Urgent Plea For A Critical Re-Writing Of The History Of The Arts Of The Islam

Summary of the Article

Illustration of the specific term “Islamic Art” is the main concern of the author of this article. Undoubtedly, defining Islamic art comes with many considerations, and different individuals explain it by considering different dimensions. Through this article, the author proposes an effective form of discussion about the historical facet of Islamic art. It also provides necessary insights into the critical framework that considers colonial and postcolonial studies (Shalem, 1). It also addresses the formation and definition of the specific term of Islamic art, referring to its historical foundation from the scientific perspective. The following article also points out the need for a methodical, critical approach to understanding the features of Islamic art.

It is notable to mention that the author also identifies some troubling features that are inserted in the case of the historical foundations of Islamic art. These problematic features occur from the foundation of the following prospect. Some features are closely related to the specific approach of ‘imagined Islam’, which is closely related to the approach of defining the concept of Islamic art. The imposition of universalism is the one major concern that is associated with the overall vision of Islamic art. The features of cosmopolitanism and medievalism need to be effectively addressed in relation to the broader approach of Islamic art. According to the author, the specific models of Classicism and decadence should also be assessed when it comes to the proper understanding of Islamic art. The overall approach to Islamic art is complex as it creates a form of anxiety concerning the proper and definite meaning of the term, ‘Islamic Art.’ Spiritualization is another concept that is connected with the formation and implementation of Islamic art in many different disciplines of life. The association between the concept of spiritualization and Islamic art should be critically assessed to make effective inferences about the development of the art in the case of Islam.

Response to the Article

The author of this article successfully proposes different aspects that need to be assessed, referring to the critical approach of Islamic art. Better investigation or identification of these facets provides the pathway for future directions related to the paradigm of Islamic art. It can be helpful to connect the overall prospect of Islamic art to the contemporary form of art. The overall approach to Islamic art presented by the author gives effective insights into understanding the field of visual culture in the case of Islamic patterns. The interesting aspect identified by the author is related to the unique features of Islamic art. It successfully explains the distinct feature of Islamic art, which is that it can easily be identified and experienced by anyone, even if someone has very little understanding of Islamic civilization.

Work Cited

Shalem, Avinoam. “What Do We Mean When We Say, Islamic Art? An Urgent Plea for a Critical Re-Writing of the History of the Arts of the Islam.” Journal of Art Historiography, vol. 6, 2012.



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