Academic Master


Western expansion and the Growth of Capitalism in Europe

Please write an essay describing the impact of Western expansion and the Growth of Capitalism in Europe.  Your essay should draw upon at least FOUR primary sources—which can include texts discussed in this module and works of art from the resources listed above—to describe at least ONE aspect of these developments that you consider to be negative and at least ONE aspect of these developments that you consider to be positive.

The western expansion and capitalism growth in Europe have grown from the agricultural sector in great wealth in Europe, and the yields gained from the transatlantic slave trade and African exploitation through the direct control of their lands helped in developing the west. As discussed below, the expansion and capitalization resulted in both positive and negative consequences.

The western expansion and capitalism growth in Europe resulted in art resources in baroque painting. Baroque art is termed a distinctive new style embraced by the artists in terms of dynamism, theoretically, and elaborates ornamentation It incorporates a vast range of art from the dramatic Italian fragments as the saying suggests that more simple life but still excellent Dutch pieces. The baroque arts are not easily contained in one explanation. It describes various types of arts in big parts due to spiritual, socio-economic, and political divisions (Witcombe). The Catholic Church responds to the reformation by generating dramatic pieces that invoke religiousness and devotion. Bernini personified the quintessential Baroque architect and the artists in general for the substance because of his ingenuity, technical skills, and energy. Colonnades’ embracement of the temple obverse to those who enter signifies the welcome of the Catholic Church protracted towards its associates during the recounter reformation. Additionally, the colonnades emphasize the height of the frontage and seemingly bring it nearer to the viewer. Bernini constructs a masterpiece that accomplishes the catholic goals of displaying their extreme supremacy through architecture to inspire the awe of its members using the central designs of Bramante.

Furthermore, it resulted in the Florentine Codex, also recognized as the antiquity of the things of the new Spain, which is groundbreaking for Aztec civilization research carried out in the in the 1540s. It consists of twelve books, and it’s controlled and obliged by one person known as a Franciscan friar (“General History of the Things of New Spain by Fray Bernardino de Sahagún: The Florentine Codex.”). It is the most remarkable detailed study of the culture as it is not biased when it comes to traditions and cultural beliefs. Even though Franciscan was a Christian and his Christianity did not hinder him from taking an unaffected interest in investigated culture and trying to present it without any alteration. The Florentine codex included devoted books with various themes, such as ceremonies and astronomy. The technique used an effective method of communication with the inhabitants to get reliable knowledge that would be of help in their study. Therefore, he interrogated the elders and the learners, who gave explanations and interpretations of the outdated paintings. These paintings visualized the ordinary and traditional life of the Aztecs, so they are an indispensable part of the study.

Moreover, it led to the development of the Heilburn chronology of the art and the art history, which represented the geographical and thematic survey of the world history through the met collection. It is a reference, coaching, and teaching tool recommended for art history students and researchers (“Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History”).

Art period –

Romanticism – 1800 to 1850

Realism – 1840 to 1870

Pre- Raphaelite – 1848 to 1854

Impressionism – 1870 to 1900

Consequently, it led to the development of the Victoria and Albert Museum, which covers a vast number of design styles from the Romanesque art and constructions of the central ages to the 20th-century fundamental postmodernism, reconnoitring the trends’ themes and revolt design over the centuries. They also cover the art of photography, British picture and drawings, porcelains, metalwork counting silver, portrait miniature, post-classical sculpture, and textiles.

Conclusively, Western expansion and capitalism resulted in many positive that impacted various people positively. However, it had negative impacts, resulting in monopoly power where specific individuals had powers over labor markets. The monopoly power that peoples joined led to social benefits being ignored.

Works Cited

Witcombe, Christopher L.C.E. “Art History Resources on the WEB: Baroque Art in the 17th Century.”, Accessed 18 May 2022.

“General History of the Things of New Spain by Fray Bernardino de Sahagún: The Florentine Codex.” Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 20540 USA,

“Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History.”, 2019,



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