Academic Master


Weight Loss Project for Obese Adolescents

The research study emphasizes on the “Weight Loss Project for Obese Adolescents” with the intervention of family practitioner nurses and the possibility of developing an effective weight loss programs that would attract the adolescents and encourage them to stick to it. Therefore, considering the variables and dimensions of the chosen research, the clinical question will be:

In adolescent patients who are obese

  1. Education on lifestyle changes such as healthy eating and healthy food choices;
  2. Education regular exercise;
  3. Education on self-efficacy;
  4. Education on self-motivation;

Adolescence educated as compared to the adolescents who are not educated result in decreased weight and increased participation in weight loss programs over the period of three months.

The above presented clinical question is precisely driven by the earlier developed PICOT question. Critically analyzing the clinical question, it is apparent that it will develop the type of study i.e. the combination of therapy and etiology for the possible weight loss project and effective interventions specifically targeted for the adolescents based on their psycho-dynamics and lifestyle.

The study is partially Therapy in approach as it focuses on inquiring and questioning the treatment i.e. the weight loss project for the achievement of a particular output. To further support this study type, the Etymological approach is also integrated as the study also questions and evaluates the possible adverse or negative impacts of the designed interventions on the selected population.

Precisely, the type of study will be Cohort Study that helps in answering and developing a precise conclusion for therapy and etymological approaches. I believe the combination of these two study types creates a contrasting balance for the appropriate research paradigm.

Furthermore, based on the type of study, the appropriate theoretical framework will be based on the main theoretical research conducted by Alberta Bandura.

Self -efficacy theory according to Alberta Bandura “was originated from Social Cognitive. (a) It is the belief that one has the power to produce that effect by completing a given task or activity related to that competency. (b) Self-efficacy relates to a person’s perception of their ability to reach a goal. (c) It is the belief that one can perform in a certain manner to attain certain goals. (d) It is the expectation that one can master a situation, and produce a positive outcome. (e) Self-efficacy is an important concept in positive psychology.”

Applying weight loss, the theory of Bandura, proposes that individuals will be motivated to lose weight when “they believe that weight loss will reduce their risk of getting a chronic illness, when people have internal locus of self-control with some specific expectation that precise behaviors like reduction of calorie intake, exercising will generate a significant loss of weight. They are sure or have confidence that they will be able to accomplish the necessary behaviors.


Zimmerman, B. J., Bandura, A., & Martinez-Pons, M. (1992). Self-motivation for academic attainment: The role of self-efficacy beliefs and personal goal setting. American educational research journal29(3), 663-676.



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