Academic Master

Health Care

Understanding of Autism


            According to the National Alliance for Autism Research (NAAR), Autism refers to the condition which challenges the behaviours, skills and non-verbal communication of an individual. It includes the speech, unique strength and the differences. The disorder is caused by genetics and the environmental influences over the individual. Without the understanding of Autism, people and children are at risk of isolation. It can lead to the development of mental health problems. Other than thinking of people the disease is much more common and prevalent in society. In the UK, around seven million people are facing the challenge of Autism. In the last two decades, the understanding of the autism developed with the extended research by the psychologist. Various theories illustrate the role of multiple genes and behavioural symptoms in people with Autistic Spectrum Disorder.


The current scientific research has pointed out various links of the autism. The author Goldstein, (2016) describes the global mental disorder that is consistently rising among the people. It is not only limited to the children, but it can be possible for adults. The disease if not appropriately treated became an adult autistic problem. The psychologist is of the view that autism must be considered seriously and should intervene through the proper mental care centre. The theoretical perspective also supported the ideas of the psychologist and explained the disorder as injurious to mental health.

The Uta Frith first propounded the theory of mind in the years of 1985. The approach was the initial research of the first symptom A criteria of the DSM-5. The method has pointed out certain persisting deficits in the social and communicational interactions of individuals with ASD. The theory of the mind revolves around the neurotypical ability of the people which they will have to imply for the mental states of others. The ability unfolded during the initial developmental stages of the child (Abdulla, 2015). The ability is established at the age of 4-5 years. The ability also provides the social cues in an individual’s development. Those children having ASD are impaired in such strength. It is essential to strengthening the neurotypical knowledge which will help the individual to perform socio-psychological functions.

Mental ability is essential for dealing with the anticipating behaviour. According to the theory of the mind, psychological strength helps the child to understand the thinking of others. It also includes primary mental states like dreaming, cheating, and believing. We can anticipate the social behaviour and those people that surround us (Goldstein, 2016). The power of the ability circulates the reading of the other’s mind. It also includes beliefs about what other people think. The individual with mental capabilities can question why another person was reacting or thinking in s specific mood. The requirement of those skills that develop in neurotypical children includes joint attention and emotional empathy.

The joint attention skills steadily pay attention to the action, and it appears in children at the age of nine months. Cognitive and emotional empathy is the capacity which put one in another’s place (Frith, 2003). The ability appears among children at the age of two years. Movement with the mentalist terrain is something complicated for people with autistic disorder. In contrast with people having autism, healthy development has no explicit information. However, individuals with autism have a lot of difficulties in attaining the respective data. People with autistic disorder require breaking the social behaviour into different pieces in order of their understanding.

The assessment to judge the mentalist skills requires two different tasks. Those would be the first-order false belief and the second-order false belief. The first order can be tested through the Sally-Anne tests by the Wimer Perner. The second order can be through the birthday tasks by Sullivan and the Cols.  By applying both tests the psychologist and the examiner can have better result to assess the individual with the mental disorder. It will also help in the intervention process and rehabilitation of the child with autistic disorder.

There are a variety of research and experiment going on by the different organisations and alliances for the understanding and the development that happened during the last two decades. Similarly, the writing and the work of Uta Frith is regarded as the leading expert in the current study and the psychological theory of autism (Bolton, 2018). The work of the psychologist has been positively perceived. The research of Frith profoundly influences the current mental methods along with the neurological descriptions of the disorder. The work contains excellent detail on the subject and helps the researchers in their understanding. The psychology of autism provides exciting information to the students and the professionals for their current knowledge of the issue.

For the future intervention processes and feeding of the theories, the research of the Frith is essential for people of different walks of life. Recent understanding of the complex spectrum condition can be resolved by focusing on the analysis of the work done by Uta Frith. The professionals are working on extending the research and have unfolded the striking enrichments on the subject. The study of dramatic imagining and brain studies is radically revised through various studies (Bolton, 2018). The researchers are approaching the clarification of the fundamental nature of autism.

The recent understanding of the different aspects of autism is consistently developing. Various studies like research on “Autism Speak” a private organisation frequently analyse the characteristics and the difficulties of the individual in behaviour, sensory sensitivities and the gap in communication. These aspects are shared among the people in western and eastern cultures. In the same way, some of the characteristics are common among the people on the spectrum (Cutress, 2014). Other individuals have the typical disability, and all people with autism disorder do not necessarily exhibit it. The behaviour of people with disease exhibit unusual reactions, like the particular focus of intense interest. The reason for such attitude and the response is the feeling of communication or handling the situation at hand.

The heightened sensitivity of people with autism disorder leads to their behavioural problems. They can have stereotyped and repetitive movements of the body which include the flapping of hands and spinning. The increased sound or the things felt by people with the disorder also disturbed their behaviour (Gomot, 2008). These people with their disease can reduce uncertainty by sticking to their routines and spending time in repetitive actions. By doing this, they can also maintain their predictability according to the environment. Other behaviours of autistic people include the repeated use of objects like switching on and off the lights along with lining up their toys.

The consistency with the same routine shows that the individual was having the problem of autism. Doing the same things every day and sticking to the same home route each day exemplify the behaviour of the individual with autistic disorder. Sniffing of the objects and the staring intention towards a moving object reveal the unusual sensory interest of autistic people. Similarly, the avoidance of the typical sound and the textures like vacuum cleaners and sand are signs of the disrupted behaviour of ASD. The social interactions of people with autism are limited.

The limited relations with other people show that autistic individuals are facing difficulties in establishing their social contacts. They do not respond to non-verbal forms of communication (Silberman, 2015). A reasonable person can react to those non-verbal acts of dialogue like the exchange of facial expressions, eye contact, and physical gestures. They cannot understand their needs and cannot express those needs. The limited use and the interpretation of nonverbal communication like gazing eyes make the difficult situation for people with autism. Suck kind of impairment restricts these individuals from sharing of activity and the interests of other people.

The impairment that restrains autistic people leads to their isolation from social activities and events. These impaired individuals are often delayed in their speech and reaction towards interacting expressions and other forms of communication. Tired of internal mental complexities these people withdraw from the repetitive play and avoid any interaction. They are unable to form and sustain friends. They lack the ability to enjoy, share and do other activities with other individuals. They cannot respond to the emotional, and responsive calls form society.

People with autism play an insufficient role in the progress and development of society. They cannot help a needy person. It is difficult for them to manage social events and activities. Similarly, social problem is attached to them. Other than the social aspect these individuals also lack communication. In one form or the other, these people are facing numerous difficulties (Gomot, 2008). However certain people with autism speak fluent language. The divide between these people shows that some of them are the half speaker or chat with some trouble. In the same way, there are individuals that are unable to speak at all. This unfolded that there level of degrees among these people having the autistic spectrum disorder.

The latest research and the understanding of the Cure Autism Now (CAN) foundation reveal that those people that speak little language cannot convey their message to the person they confront. The usual way of expressing thoughts and the limited use of language lead to the creation of problems for people with autism (Le 2015). They repeat the same phrase and words to the person they converse with and also ask the repeated questions to him. These people use exciting topics in their communication which create difficulties for them. They focused only on their appealing issues and problems of conversation. Similarly, they have trouble in revealing and interpreting nonverbal forms of the discussion.  The delay in the development of language leads to impaired communication.

The impaired conversation implies restrictions in initiating and sustaining the talk. It includes repetitive phrasing and the language of the stereotype. Paul Collins describes the impairment of speech as overexpression of the traits that make our species unique. Following this scientists are trying to unfold the real issues and the meaning of the autistic disorder. According to Simon Baron and Cohen autism and Asperger syndrome consist of the lifespan approach (Baron, 2008). He includes the intervention process by applying the theory of empathising and systematising (ES). Through the application of the method, Simon has outlined all the psychological features that are associated with the conditions of the autistic spectrum. The books include the individuals along with their families and the people with ASD conditions.

Social and biological scientists are exploring autism through the review and understanding the book of Simon. Professionals are implying interventions that are provided in the book. It will also help the teachers, professionals and psychologists that are contributing to diagnosing and caring for the autistic spectrum. Simon has included the prevalence, assessment, intervention, and influence of depression in autism. Intervention issues are there when considering the role of low autism and the Asperger syndrome. Social withdrawal and the disturbance in sleep are the elements attached to depression. The illness of depression influences impaired communication and the exchange of ideas.

Verbal and nonverbal conversation is linked with the cause of depression by Simon. The elements of autism-like obsession and the injuries by the individual might be increased with the attack of depression (Le 2015). During the intervention process for autism and Asperger syndrome scientist are considering the measurement of depression that could influence the disease. They are developing scientific tools for tackling the combination of low with autism. Current technological development can elevate the distress caused by the intervening illness. Simon through his work has helped the psychologist and clinician to look into the recent development and association of autism with other mental disorders.

The current understanding of autism includes the classic account of the disorder. The research in neuropsychology and the implication of practical theories are under process. The recent investigation of the neurological impacts and psychological impairments in autism have elaborated on by the scientist of mind. The research is broadened to the ordinary reader so that people know the real effects of autism. People in the post-modern era are not aware of the causes and problems of autism (Baron, 2008). For some the word is new, and they ask what it implies. For that matter, various psychologists and professionals are trying to expand their knowledge of ordinary individuals for restricting the further expansion of ASD.

One of the social scientists and the author of Neurotribes, Silberman has regretted the idea of familiar feelings towards the problem of autism. His work is one of the best sellers in different states. He argues that there should be a broader model for the participation and understanding of those people who have opposite views about autism. According to the writer, autism is a lifelong disability that implies a natural occurrence. It is a form of akin that which compares it with the genius mind. The reporter further explains autism by pointing toward the level of understanding of society about autism (Silberman, 2015). The future of our generation will depend on the current diagnostician and active intervention of the disease. The most important contribution of Silberman is the explanation that autism has a long history.

He argues that the disease was suppressed before and some cases soared in recent years due to the suppression of autism by the scientist. Unfolding the early symptoms of autism the author has provided the gripping narrative of Leo Kanner. The pioneer of autism according to the author has described autism in an entirely different way. He unfolded the changing phenomena of neurodiversity. In the Neurotribes he discusses the idea that nature does not cause the differences in neurology. These are autism dyslexia and ADHD. There is no influence of a toxic world over these syndromes. Due to the natural variations in the genome of humans, these syndromes are affected (Masataka, 2017).

The book has contributed to changing and reshaping history, functions and the implications of neurodiversity in our world. It has also helped the scientist of the present era to discover new things in intervening the autism. In the same way the writer of the book Uniquely Human Prizant has provided a different look at the science of autism. He has won an award for his literary work. Scientist has implied the word unique to patients with autism. He portrays autism as a unique way for human beings. The book included a simple and profoundly positive approach. The therapy of autism revolves around ridding autistic symptoms. Those are the issues in interacting socially, sensory challenges, and repetitive patterns of behaviour.

Dr Barry has provided a new and compelling approach to the problem of autism. According to him the most convincing method of autism is not fixing an individual through the elimination of his symptoms (Prizant, 2015). He emphasises that we need to understand the old face of a person along with the issues that underlie personal behaviour. The doctor has chosen a pure understanding and a humane approach to the issue of autism. He does not characterise the sign of autism as a form of pathology. He looked at them through the strategies with the thoughts of feeling overwhelmed and chaotic. He was of the view that curbing the behaviour that implied autistic influence is not a solution. He asks for the promotion of those abilities and the strengths that offer support to the improvement and enhance the quality of the individual’s life.

The four-decade career and experience of Dr Barry are reflected in his book. Uniquely Humans has provided inspirational and practical lessons to the teacher, scientists and professionals that are involved in the research and study of autism. The author applied an honest approach to people with autism and praised their lives. Through his book, he conveyed positive humanistic thoughts and appreciated the unique qualities of autistic people. He also provided hope to the parents and the children that are facing autism. Giving them the special status the writer has to reassure the disabled that they break their heart and instead enjoy the speciality and the uniqueness of their life (Prizant, 2015).

During the last two decades, the understanding of autism has developed through the writings and the research of people that are associated with the complex problem of autism. Studies show that the joint disease of autism has drastically affected the lives of people across the world. In the complex and post-modern era, autism is silently killing many individuals. There are one in three adults that lacks support and experience mental health and autism issues. Around sixty-three per cent of the children are out of any care centre with autism spectrum (Le 2015). Parents are observed saying that they will handle their children. Certain social and economic disparities hinder the health of adults and children.

The psychological war and the complexities have led to the increased development of depression. Depression is primarily linked to autism. The national autistic society of the UK has revealed that other than children adults can be affected by the problem of autism. Seventy per cent of autistic adults said that they are not getting any support to over their issues. In the same way, those who are having proper treatment reveal that are consistently recovering their mental health.


In concluding the discussion on the problem of autism it is estimated that the autism spectrum disorder is consecutively increasing among the nationals of various states. Finding and comparison from the different regions of the world suggest that autism should be counted through the proper intervention. Other than the contribution of Uta Frith, there are considerable development and understanding in the last two decades, which was done by researchers and the organisations like the National Autistic Society in combating the problem of autism.


Abdulla, S., 2015. Uniquely Human: A Different Way of Seeing Autism. Nature523(7562), pp.SB2-SB2.

Baron-Cohen, S., 2008. Autism and Asperger syndrome. Oxford University Press.

Bolton, M.J., 2018. With the silence of a thousand cries: extremes of autistic advocacy. Disability & Society, pp.1-5.

Cutress, A.L., and Muncer, S.J., 2014. Parents’ views of the national autistic society’s early bird plus programme. Autism18(6), pp.651-657.

Frith, U., 2003. Autism: Explaining the Enigma, 2nd edn. Blackwells.

Goldstein, G.M., 2016. Deaf and Autism Spectrum Disorder: The Impact on Child and Family.

Gomot, M., Belmonte, M.K., Bullmore, E.T., Bernard, F.A., and Baron-Cohen, S., 2008. Brain hyper-reactivity to auditory novel targets in children with high-functioning autism. Brain131(9), pp.2479-2488.

Le Couteur, A., and Szatmari, P., 2015. Autism spectrum disorder. Rutter’s child and adolescent psychiatry, pp.661-682.

Masataka, N., 2017. Neurodiversity, Giftedness, and Aesthetic Perceptual Judgment of Music in Children with Autism. Frontiers in psychology8, p.1595.

Prizant, B.M., and Fields-Meyer, T., 2015. Uniquely human: A different way of seeing autism. Simon and Schuster.

Silberman, S., 2015. Neurotribes: The legacy of autism and the future of neurodiversity. Penguin.



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