Academic Master

Health Care

Three Phases of the Nurse-Patient Relationship

Q. Identify three phases of the nurse-patient relationship and discuss how the phases can be helpful in communicating effectively to patients, patient’s families, and other healthcare professionals.

A healthy nurse-patient relationship is significant for the growth of the patients and the eradication of their problems. This connection between the nurse and the patient exists so that patients and their families can be benefitted through interactions. A healthy relationship is maintained through the self-awareness of the nurses to prevent unnecessary requirements from impacting the perception and conduct of the patients. Following are the three stages of a nurse-patient relationship.

1. Orientation Stage

In this stage, a therapeutic environment is established. The appropriate mode of communication is set between the patient and the nurse. Acceptance and non-judgmental attitude are built. Acceptance of the patient implies encouragement of the patient through verbal and non-verbal expressions for the indication of both positive and negative sentiments even if they are not according to the norms and general viewpoints. Patients are fully encouraged to open up regarding their feelings. During this phase, a path is drawn towards the recognition of the problem. Patients’ thoughts, sentiments, and feelings are welcomed and accepted.

2. Identification or exploration Stage 

In this phase, the main problem of the patient is realized, and remedies are found, employed, and assessed. The patient’s behavior and feelings are focused on assessment. This realization is important to the nurse that being consistent at all times gives a sense of security to the patient. Discernment of authenticity, managing appliances, and maintenance schemes are recognized. Coping skills are developed in this phase with the help of the nurses.

3. Termination or Resolution Stage

This stage comes when the problem is resolved, and objectives are achieved when the patient is either discharged from the hospital or transferred to some other room or duty is ended. This phase is essential concerning the improvement and growth of the patient with the nurse’s assistance and how the patient has become independent enough to make his own decisions. The nurse must observe firm maintenance of professionalism until the end of this relationship. Personal relationships must not be established.

These phases of the relationship help patients efficiently overcome their problems if the goals and objectives associated with them are met.


Station, N. (1970, January 01). Fundamentals of Nursing. Retrieved March 07, 2018, from

N. (2014, July 06). Three Phases of Nurse-Client Relationship. Retrieved March 07, 2018, from




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