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The Worldview


A worldview is a way of thinking about the world and how it works. Our experience of the world around us is shaped and influenced by our worldview (Myers & Noebel, 2015). The worldview works on both an individual and a social level. One type of worldview is more dominant than the other and therefore has a stronger influence on the culture of the society. This paper explains the views on the ten ways of looking at the world.

Theology: Who is God?

Trinity theology in Christianity sees God as a single entity that exists simultaneously and forever in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Chapter 8 of the book discuss about the existence of God as “God is no remote deity” and “The World is in God”

Philosophy: What is the love of wisdom?

The word philosophy comes from two Greek words: Philos (friend or lover) and Sophia (wisdom). Consequently, philosophy is the love of knowledge, and the philosopher is its friend, or better yet, its lover. Philosophy is considered as a supreme passion of knowledge. As a result, it is a thought process that attempts to think critically and rationally about life’s most important issues.

Ethics: What is the good life?

The word good life refers to a beautiful state of high life or respect for morals and ethics (Myers & Noebel, 2015). Living a good life can take two forms: living a life rich in food, or trying to live up to the moral, ethical, legal, and religious values ​​of a community or culture. Thus, the phrase may be used to describe the pursuit of wealth, possessions, or luxury, as well as the pursuit of a dignified, honest, and purposeful life.

Biology: What does the natural world tell us about creation?

The term nature is applied to both physical occurrences and life in general (Oliander, 2016). The Nature of Creation is a comprehensive historical examination of what the Bible’s creation narratives have to say about beginnings and how this connects to contemporary scientific thinking about beginnings. The goal of the book is to show what science and religion have in common, as well as how they differ and should differ.

Psychology: What makes a human being a person?

The human being is the personin possession with certain characteristics or traits, such as thought, behavior, conscience, or self-awareness, and is a culturally defined cultural figure in social relationships such as relatives, possessions, and legal services.

Sociology: How should we live in a community?

Becoming part of a community means being a little less selfish and can show generosity, and the most important thing experienced is that the thought is smiling and being positive so valuable that no one is depressed and introverted person (Oliander, 2016). People are designed to develop, play and live in communities. The community is the most natural way to be together, and it is also the best method for a person who is expressed, according to Damanhurian philosophy.

Law: What constitutes a just law?

A just law is a man-made codebook that conforms to a moral law or the law of God. An unjust law is a law that contradicts a moral law. In the words of St. Thomas Aquinas, illegal laws are laws based on human laws, not eternal or natural laws.

Politics: In whom should power rest?

Political power rests with the leaders. They have the political power to organize communities and maintain order (Myers & Noebel, 2015). But citizens have the right to overthrow the government by electing a new leader. Both approaches are used by political scientists in different contexts. True grassroots initiatives can sometimes make a difference in society. In other situations, government officials establish policies and apply them to the general public.

Economics: How should a society be productive?

The productivity of an economy increases when it produce and consume more products and services (Oliander, 2016). Individuals, executives, and analysts value productivity.The social productivity and equity can be increased in many ways. Import the world’s greatest scientists and speak out to ensure that high-achieving youngsters from low-income families receive the education they require.

History: How can the past help future human flourishing?

The past help future human flourishing because human being learns through the mistakes they made in their daily endeavors in the past (Myers & Noebel, 2015). Human flourishing includes both the optimal continued development of human potentials and living well as a human being, which entails being involved in meaningful relationships and activities that are aligned with both their own and humanistic ideals in a way that is fulfilling.


The term worldview can be used to describe a region where values, meaning, purpose, religion, spirituality, and real problems come together (Oliander, 2016). Individuals, as well as companies, have a vision of the world. A principle-based approach enables professionals to work with global perspectives and the principles by which employees develop agreements in the best possible way.


Myers, J., & Noebel, D. (2015). Understanding the times: A survey of competing worldview (5th ed.).

Oliander, L. (2016). Man and World in V. Shalamov’s perspective: writer’s works as a text. Alfred Nobel University Journal Of Philology11, 115-127. DOI: 10.32342/2523-4463-2016-0-11-115-127



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