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The Wall Between Mexico And America

The border between America and Mexico has been a source of problems for a long time. Many reasons have led to the construction of the wall over the years. The wall does not exist throughout the border; it is just a collection of small physical walls that separate the two countries. Many people argue that this is not just any other wall; it is a border between America and the rest of the world. America believes that by building the wall, they can separate themselves from the rest of the world.

Many immigrants cross from Mexico to America. As a result, America is committed to ensuring that nobody enters their country without the permission of the country. The wall is meant to prevent the Mexicans from accessing the country at any time they might wish to do so. There are many cases of immigrants from Mexico getting into America. They have been associated with crimes and drug deals, which make it hard for the government of the United States of America to accept them without any restrictions. It is always the law in the US that any person entering the country has to state why they are entering the country. They also have to seek permission from the government so that they know whether they can be allowed to enter the country or not.

The two countries have been having problems associated with immigrants, a fact that has made it hard for them to have good relations. Attempts to solve these problems have not succeeded since America believes they should decide who enters the country and who should not. The wall remains to be a big issue that is being tackled to date. People are still looking for the best ways they can use to handle the problem that exists between the two countries.

Many reasons contribute to the fact that there are many Mexicans who are always crossing the border to live in America. The first issue that pushes them is the fact that there are no employment opportunities in the country. Most of the Mexicans believe that America can provide them with better opportunities compared to what they get in their country. They continue crossing the border to get into America and get employment in industries that are not available in their country. The number of people who have been crossing the border has always been on the increase, and this has created a problem between the two countries. Most of the presidents of the United States of America have always thought it wise to come up with a way they can use to control the number of people that enter the country. The problem is always the costs associated with the construction of the wall. There has never been one comprehensive wall constructed between Mexico and America. The governments have tried to come up with walls at different points that are said to be entry points that immigrants use to get into the country.

The effects of the wall in the past have been many, and the new construction is also expected to create a lot of problems. There are also benefits that will be seen as a result of the construction that is yet to start. The following are the results that have been seen to be caused by the construction of the wall. One of the main effects that is expected to result from the use of walls is environmental problems. During construction, it is expected that it is expected to interfere with the environment where it is built. Currently, the world has a lot of concerns about the climate and how the environment is conserved. Any form of construction is expected to interfere with a number of things in the environment. Firstly, the terrain of the land might be interfered with. This might be bad for both countries. High points are known to be a source of rain, and if the United States of America decides to construct a wall by interfering with the terrain of the land, then there is a high chance that they might interfere with the rainfall patterns. It is also expected to interfere with climate because it will involve clearing vegetation in areas where there is a lot of vegetation cover.

The machines used will also emit gasses into the atmosphere, which will not be healthy for the people who live in the region. Currently, countries use heavy machines during construction. The machines emit a lot of gasses that are poisonous to the lives of people. There are many cases when people have beenion processes that have taken place. People who live next to the walls that have been constructed always complain that they do not have the same lifestyle they had before the construction. During the construction, there was a lot of noise from the machines being used. The fact that there are heavy machines being used and the construction covers a long distance makes the people who live next to the region to be affected a lot. There are specific plants that are almost extinct and can be adversely affected by the construction of this wall.

Another way in which the wall is expected to affect the region is by causing the displacement of wildlife. The construction of the wall has already affected the lives of many animals and plants. Previous research projects have proved that there are animals and plants whose natural habitats have been interfered with as a result of the construction of the wall. Different research within the borders of Mexico and America has shown that there are fragile ecosystems that will be interfered with by the construction of the wall. The process of construction has caused many animals to migrate from their natural habitats, and this has threatened their lives to a great extent. Animals and plants can only survive well within a given ecosystem. Some specific plants and animals can only survive within a given ecosystem. Such fragile ecosystems require that the animals should not be disturbed in any way. The construction of the wall is likely to cover a large area, and as a result, many animals will be affected.

Another result that many people continue to discuss is the fact that there have been many deaths that have been caused by the construction of the wall. Currently, there are many people who have been reported dead as they try to cross the wall. Mexicans have been trying to cross the border using any means, but many of them have ended up dying. The death of people does not in any way prove that the United States of America can prevent people from getting into the country. The relationship between the US and Mexico continues to get bad as a result of the deaths caused by the wall. People have different ways to avoid such death. The animals do not know that they can be electrocuted in case they get close to the wall. It is the reason why there are many people who continue to complain that the wall will bring more bad than good to the neighbors of the country. Some people have also found it hard to accept that the construction of the wall will in any way create a peaceful coexistence between the people in the US and those who live in Mexico. Most countries are of the opinion that the United States of America is not in any way helping the neighboring countries by constructing the wall. There are also other people in the US who are opposed to the idea of building the wall.

The relationship between other countries and the United States of America will also be affected by the construction of this wall. In regions where the wall has been constructed, business is not as usual. Business people have to go through a lot of scrutiny to be allowed to sell their goods in the US. Mexicans continue to complain that the idea of the wall is not healthy for business. It makes it hard for the businesspeople who want to sell their goods across the border to access the market. There has been business between the two countries for a long time. The wall is likely to reduce the rate at which the two countries do business. Business will not only be affected by those people who come from Mexico to sell their goods in America. Even those American businesspeople who want to sell their products in Mexico will experience a lot of problems. Mexico will also be forced to put strict guidelines for business people to follow. They will also be expected to follow the guidelines they have set for their Mexicans from their end. This means that business will be very difficult for the two countries.

Another effect of the wall will be on jobs. Many people work in either of the countries and live in the other country. The fact that they will have to cross the border every day means that they will have to go through a lot of checks every day to prove their citizenship, which will make it hard for them to continue working in the countries. This will make many people have the feeling that it is not possible for two countries to coexist and do business without any bad regulations. For a business to thrive well, people must always create a free environment where both countries can get products without any restrictions. People will also feel that they cannot work in other countries since there are a lot of restrictions. The United States of America also has people who live in America and work in Mexico.

The international community is also interested in what is going on between Mexico and America. Most nations view the two countries as countries that have developed and can be examples of developing countries. When the wall is constructed, it will be evident that other small countries will also feel that the best way to solve their problems is by creating a wall. There are many countries that are not on good terms. Such examples can make them think of building a wall as it is being done in the United States of America. The international community will feel that the United States of America is trying to separate itself from the rest of the world. Peace is for any business. If countries will start building walls to protect their territories, then it means that the business environment will not be good for business.

The wall does not only have a disadvantage, as seen above. There are also merits that the natives of America will enjoy when they decide to use the wall. One of the merits that the country will enjoy is the fact that there will be a reduced rate at which illegal drugs get into the country. There are many Mexicans who have been arrested and detained within the United States of America as a result of drug trafficking. The wall will make it hard for such people to get into America, and this will reduce the number of illegal drugs in circulation. There are also other people who enter through Mexico, yet they are not even Mexicans. Most of them are criminals who have committed crimes in their countries and are now looking for places to hide. The fact that they get into America through Mexico makes it hard for the security agencies to trace them. The wall can be used to reduce the crimes that are always committed by illegal immigrants within America.

The wall might be a good idea for America, but the good thing that should be done is to consult Mexico before the wall is constructed. It is the only way that the two countries can reach a consensus on the manner in which the wall should be constructed. Both countries might find the wall to be very useful in case they come up with rules that favor both of them. Consultations can also be very important in a situation where the two countries want to share the cost of building the wall. They should share the costs because it is very expensive. It will also reduce the chances of people destroying the wall since they believe that they were not part of the decision to build it. By looking at the merits as well as the demerits of the wall, the two countries will be able to come up with solutions to the problems that affect operations within their borders.

Works Cited

Ruth, David (August 3, 2017). “Border wall would put more than 100 endangered species at risk, says expert”. Science X Network. Retrieved August 4, 2017

Alouette, Nicole (April 2, 2008). “Border fence will skirt environmental laws.” Archived from the original on April 14, 2008.

Flitter, Emily (July 21, 2017). “Trump administration seeks to sidestep border wall environmental study: sources”. Thomson Reuters. Reuters.

Hand, Mark (September 12, 2017). “Homeland Security waives environmental review for California border project”. Think Progress.



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