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The Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek

In the year 1829, the innovative two million lands in the Natchez region open to reimbursement had been distended to embrace around one-half the extent of the State, done acquisition by the United States administration from the Choctaw and Chickasaw communities. There was not a fast call for the parks that were previously unbolted. Only about 1/3 of the Choctaw acquisition of 1820, which comprised the Hinds region and the key share of the Yazoo estuary, had been willing of any to colonists or risk-takers. There was a marvelous burden by risk-takers for additional acreage, and the persons usually were simply convinced that it was the stage at which Indians had to transfer from here. In his letter of 1829, Governor Brandon acknowledged that the opulence of the State was importantly backward for such a great share of productive acreages residual in the ownership of violent communities of Indians, who, as they grew in development, became devoted to the area and cannot be persuaded to eliminate by the strategy heretofore castoff discussing them as an independent persons, and will, finally set-up for themselves an administration, admitting to being an autonomous dominion with-in our boundaries, in disobedience of the expert of the national. These belongings cannot be endured, reliable with our best notice, the integrity of the administration, results to the performance of the parliament, 1829, encompassing the authority of the impartialities and law court of assured contiguous regions over all the Indian Territory[1].

Worries were dreaded on this interpretation, but the governor was capable of reporting a year after that “the greeting on the share of the general government, of the right of the United States to work out a limitless dominion over all area inside their leased boundaries, is a foundation of abundant satisfaction, and at once places to respite the query which foretold countless trouble amongst several of the states, our own between the numbers, and their Indian inhabitants. He proposed that the government, if it expected dominion, should also be careful with the documentation of laws for the administration and guard of the Indians, but that would be very problematic[2].

The expert of their heads must first be negated, and this will be indecorous till certain delivery is made for other officers. The governor honestly added that the delay of the regulations of the United States to the Indians would be established by them with spirits of protectiveness and doubt, from the opinion that such a measurement was assumed with an opinion to annoy and thus force them to eliminate it.
The government replied with this act of February 1830, which projected to eliminate all of the Indian rules and societies and cover over them the law of Mississippi, and banned any individual from supposing the office of chief, under the disadvantage of hefty fine and custody. These laws were not extremely imposed. At the call of the United States administration after the agreement of 1830, they were, in force, postponed by the governor up to now as they linked to the Indians. There were similar conditions in Georgia concerning much disobedient conversation and minutes. However, the outcome was similar- the Indians were scared into moving towards the west. In March 1831, the United States federal court obvious that the accomplishment of the Georgia Courts in condemning four proselytizers amongst the Creeks to four years in the reformatory at firm effort was conflicting to the rules and agreements of the United States and consequently insignificant and invalid. In the following month, the agreement was approved by which the Creeks decided to transfer to the west of the Mississippi[3].

Governor Scott, in 1833, banned a bill for the separation of the Yazoo region, declaring the belief of the national constitution that agreements are the highest commandment of the terrestrial. It was particularly specified in the agreement of 1830 that the Choctaws might in part, continue until the fall of 1833 and that the lands inside the Choctaw region would not be vented till then, with the clear purpose of stopping defrayals till that date. Then the government approved the bill nearly solidly over the rejection.

The accord of 1830 with the Choctaws was prepared at the assembly and minced amongst the two spikes of Dancing Rabbit Creek. In what are now the limits of the Noxubee region. The predicament was around a hundred patios west of the famous mechanism that tolerates a similar term as the creek. The Chickasaw track to the southern Choctaw cities (Six towns) sprinted by this coil, and Tecumseh toured that way in 1811. This was the first Indian agreement at which the United States officials attended in bearings. Gen. John Coffee, Maj. John H. Eaton of Tennessee, the near friend of President Andrew Jackson, was the official, and they were trained by the leader to flop, not to create an agreement. Gen. George S. Gaines was the commissary and calm necessities for three thousand individuals for one week. On their influx, the officials discovered a huge number of Choctaws amassed, and the Indians continued to originate and move during the discussions; the approximation is that from first to last, there will be six thousand in the site, transporting with them numerous provisions, as the Indians were very penetrating of their independence. The individuals of the three mangoes, Moshuli-topee, Leflore, and Nittakechi, were provided with separate campuses. Leflore was attired in residents’ dresses, which made certain of the additional oblivious Indians envisage he was in conspiracy with the whites; Moshuli-topee carried a novel blue dress offered by General Jackson; Nittakechi was magnificent in shooting shirt and legwarmers, a cheerful tinted stole, silver gangs and gargets. The Christian party, under the supervision of David Folsom, spent the sunsets in ratification and entreaty; and further pursued the betting tables and consumption areas exposed by the white mob that trailed the officials[4]. By an odd inconsistency in the countryside of the Choctaws, than whom no addition to virtuous contest endlessly happened, there was no extravagance whatsoever at Dancing Rabbit.” The Officials went to great worry to determination away from the preachers and allowed the faro benches to endure un-molested. The conversation initiated on September 18, Eaton exploited the utmost of that effort, and John Pitchlyn was serving as translator. It is pointless to feature what was supposed to. It was a recurrence of what had been supposed in earlier agreements, strengthened by the danger that if the Choctaws did not currently mark a plan with the United States, they would be left to the rules of Mississippi or to seepage from that place at their personal expenditure[5].
At their leading reflection of the proposal, little leader projected to start a conflict to grasp their lands; the other heads narrated the stories of the combats that they had battled for the United States (US) and the injustice of the current request, and only one councilman, Killihota, who was, in fact, a representative of the government, voted in the favor for elimination. Eaton’s self-indulgent response to this conclusion instigated numerous of Indians to leave the camp and they should go back to their home. There was a minor party, though, willing to create the top of need; the leader of these is Greenwood Leflore, who has taken part in enclosing additional plan, which afterward, certain thundery deliberations, was made prepared to sign September 27th. When it was offered, the Indians refused to sign this, and Eaton had made the extreme determination of his lifetime in an expressive depiction of the condition of the Choctaws. He was effective, therefore, in instigating the leaders and headmen to attach their terms in terror, after which there was wonderful enthusiasm and intimidation of individual ferocity upon the officials. Colonel Gaines was named as a pacificator, and he decided to perform as the discovering agent in the west for the Choctaws and link with Reynolds, the Chickasaw agents, in the persuasion that state to move towards the west and live with the Choctaws. The officials have beaten a swift departure and Gaines was capable of reducing the enthusiastic red person to a situation of very misery at last. It was Lincecum’s testament that says that no agreement would be prepared but for the earnest declarations of the officials that all might stay and preserve their homes who did not request to go back, and the Indians understood that this was a critical remark as part of this agreement[6].

The agreement was lastly engaged in September 27, 1830, and amongst additional requirements narrated that the U.S below an endowment particularly to be prepared by the U.S’s President shall root to be carried to the Nation of Choctaw an area of nation which is the west of the Mississippi stream, in fee for them and to their offspring’s, to harden to them though they shall occur as a state and lives on it, starting closer to Fort Smith from where the Arkansas border cross the Arkansas waterway, seriatim onward to the basis of the Canadian Junction, if is in the boundaries of the U.S, or to those bounds; then due to south to Red Stream, and downing the Red River towards the west border of the Land of Arkansas; then north alongside that lines to the starting, the Choctaw Nation of Indians agreement and here-by yield to the U.S, the whole nation they possess and owns, which is east to the Mississippi waterway; and they reach a decision to travel outside the Mississippi River, more earlier as feasible, and will so place their elimination, that as many as conceivable of their individuals not surpassing one-half of the entire number, intend to leave in the fall of 1831 and 1832; the remainder to subsequent in the subsequent fall of 1833. Then resulted convinced conditions given that the independent government should be protected to the Choctaws inside their Western boundaries, focus only on the establishment, rules, and agreements of the U.S; that the United States(U.S) produce the similar guard to the Choctaws that it offers to the residents of the U.S; that criminals in the country be carried up to the U.S. establishments for sentence when the rights of a U.S. Resident is elaborated; that crimes in contradiction of the Choctaws by U.S. residents be mentioned to the president for impartial modification; that only accordingly approved dealers shall be allowable in the country; that all maneuverable watercourses shall be freed to the Choctaws; that post offices, armed post infrastructures, and posts, as though essentially, may be recognized in the state by the U.S; that all interlopers shall be detached from the state; that the rights of private assets shall continuously be appreciated; and only booked for community determinations on the expense of due recompense to the possessor, and that a skilled mediator be selected for the Choctaws after four years, who shall fix his house suitable to the inordinate form of the persons, esteem to be remunerated the requirements of the Choctaw state in the assortment of said mediator directly after the approval of the agreement[7].

Article XLV Declaration:
Every Choctaw head of the family will be eager to endure and become a resident of the United States, shall be allowable to ensure it by ratifying his purpose with the negotiator within 6 months from the endorsement of this agreement, and he/she will immediately be permitted to a booking of one unit of 640 acres of property, to be circumscribed by sectional positions in the study; in like way shall be permitted to one-half of the capacity for all un-married teenagers which are living with them with more than ten years of age to connect the site of the parent. If they exist in upon said lands aiming to be residents of the United States for five years afterward the approval of this agreement, in that situation, a funding in payment simple shall be given; supposed booking shall comprise the current enhancement of the family or a share of it. Individuals who are entitled in this editorial shall not miss the honor of Choctaw residents; however, if they are eternally eradicated are not permitted to any share of the Choctaw pension.

The successive article had made unusual doubts on four divisions of property to every one of the principal rulers: Nittakechi, Moshuli-topee, Greenwood, and Leflore,  all together with minor incomes to last for 20 years; also prepared distinct endowment in currency and dressing to convinced of the minor rulers, heads, and combatants[8].

Then makes it sure that some articles linking to the elimination of the Indians by the U.S., foodstuff goods, the fee for cattle, investigation of the yielded acreages, misgivings of properties to particular sessions of persons, mainly to those who had convinced lands in farming, orphans children, etc. The United States had further decided to teach more than forty Choctaw children for up to 20 years; to create a Council House for the Nation, a home for all of the chiefs, and an ecclesiastical and a school-house in all district; to offer educators for twenty years; black-smiths for sixteen years; a millwright for five years, and to supply 2,100 coverlets, a ransack to every of its soldier who migrated; 1,000 battleaxes, rototillers, weeds, helms and passes to everyone; and 400 emerges; it also includes approximately one ton of iron and 200 weights of steel yearly to every Region for up to 16 years[9].


The day after Sept 28, certain additional terms were decided upon and contracted. These conditions primarily linked to distinct misgivings of properties to indicated persons, amongst which were two Childs of the U.S. translator John Pitchlyn and John Donly, for twenty-five years postal carrier over the Choctaw state, providing for a traveling party of Choctaws to inspect the novel nation; similarly for the expense of assured arrears unpaid to George S. Gaines and Allen Glover, qualified dealers.
In accord with this agreement, Parliament in March 1831 issued 80,248 dollars for the Choctaws – from which 9,593 dollars are for wages of heads, uniforms and clothes and broads-words for ninety-nine captains; 12,500 dollars for the cattle planning; 10,000 dollars to form assembly house, head’s houses and cathedrals in the west; 5,500 dollars for educators and manufacturing clothes; 27,650 dollars for coverlets, ransacks, farming tools, etc., and 5,000 dollars for transport services. The yearly suitable for the Choctaw state in 1832 and in following years was 66,000 dollars totaling to numerous further grants[10].


Champagne, Duane. “The Choctaw People Resist the Treaty at Dancing Rabbit Creek.” Choctaw Language and Culture: Chahta Anumpa, 2001, 280–87.

Crawford, Colin. “Uproar at Dancing Rabbit Creek: Battling over Race, Class & the Environment.” Eco-Notes 2 (1996): 1.

Dillard, Anthony Winston. “The Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek between the United States and the Choctaw Indians in 1830.” Transactions of the Alabama Historical Society, 1898-1899 3 (1899): 99–106.

Gibson, Michael M. “Indian Claims in the Beds of Oklahoma Watercourses.” American Indian Law Review 4, no. 1 (1976): 83–90.

Hudson, Peter James. “A Story of Choctaw Chiefs.” Chronicles of Oklahoma 17, no. 1 (1939).

Lankford, George E. “Trouble at Dancing Rabbit Creek: Missionaries and Choctaw Removal.” Journal of Presbyterian History (1962-1985) 62, no. 1 (1984): 51–66.

McKee, Jesse O. “The Choctaw Indians: A Geographical Study in Cultural Change.” Southern Quarterly 9, no. 2 (1971): 107.

Peterson, John H. “The American Isolates: Assimilation, Separation, and Out‐Migration in an American Indian Group.” American Anthropologist 74, no. 5 (1972): 1286–95.

Wright, Bobby, and William G. Tierney. “American Indians in Higher Education: A History of Cultural Conflict.” Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning 23, no. 2 (1991): 11–18.

Young, Mary E. “Indian Removal and Land Allotment: The Civilized Tribes and Jacksonian Justice.” The American Historical Review 64, no. 1 (1958): 31–45.

[1] Crawford, “Uproar at Dancing Rabbit Creek: Battling over Race, Class & the Environment.”

[2] Dillard, “The Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek between the United States and the Choctaw Indians in 1830.”

[3] Champagne, “The Choctaw People Resist the Treaty at Dancing Rabbit Creek.”

[4] Wright and Tierney, “American Indians in Higher Education: A History of Cultural Conflict.”

[5] Young, “Indian Removal and Land Allotment: The Civilized Tribes and Jacksonian Justice.”

[6] Hudson, “A Story of Choctaw Chiefs.”

[7] Peterson, “The American Isolates: Assimilation, Separation, and Out‐Migration in an American Indian Group.”

[8] McKee, “The Choctaw Indians: A Geographical Study in Cultural Change.”

[9] Lankford, “Trouble at Dancing Rabbit Creek: Missionaries and Choctaw Removal.”

[10] Gibson, “Indian Claims in the Beds of Oklahoma Watercourses.”



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