The sun says there’s nothing new like disasters around the world. This may be true, but due to the growing population, children of school age have problems much earlier than their predecessors. Today’s children face such difficulties; it is important that they have a good support base at home and in school. It is hoped that as well as other school mental health professionals, school social workers will support the needs of the students at risk in continuing public schools. For the necessary support for the positive development of children, the school systems of professionals in the field of social services must be appropriately trained in choosing the right method of intervention and the provision of related services.
The National Association of Social Workers recognizes four main areas of the social school: early intervention to reduce or eliminate stress between individuals or groups; services to solve problems for students, parents, school personnel, or public organizations; detecting endangered students; and work with different groups in the school to improve coping, social and decision-making skills. Social workers for more than one hundred years in public schools, and many social workers in schools can avail themselves of their knowledge, skills, and values to improve their lives. A Service team has evolved over time, but the objective of solving environmental barriers is to have a negative impact on the student’s academic performance (Bowlby, 1998).
Literature Review
There are a number of factors that determine the need for social workers to intervene. All the factors proposed for intervention are problems related to families, attendance problems, and academic problems. Area violence, drug use, non-venture colleagues, teenage pregnancy, and management are major advantages.
Early life experience (although the determinants are not just mental health later and behavioral disorders) could have a significant impact on the development of children and children with significant environmental stress in the near future, which is at risk of aggressive behavior and anti-socialism among adolescents and adolescents. Today’s social workers get more effective strategies to make more effective strategies to reduce and eliminate these behaviors, especially aggressive behavior, as an automatic response to significant conditions in some young people.
Social workers can work directly with children and their families to help students tackle stress or emotional problems. Acting as institutional and cultural intermediaries between parents and their children’s schools, social workers have a very important gap (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2005).
This is particularly important for schools where the least successful students fall from families with poverty and obstacles. It is important to close the gap between the school and the parents because the success of the student usually develops when parents participate effectively in their children’s learning. Given that success in school is crucial to future life assignments, interventions are very important to us.
The prodigious skills of school social workers are essential in the development of the processes of assessment and effective interventions of complicated clinics for a highly generalized approach (with a particular mission, functioning, and processes). Access to the access of school social workers to the universal (or school district) of programs on blood and early intervention focused on the system level of their families and the staff of each student’s school. Their experience is important to work with pupils struggling with behavioral, emotional system, family, and environmental challenges to ensure a systematic and comprehensive assessment.
Employees can address issues such as behavioral disorders, non-school training, teen pregnancy, and problems with drugs and alcohol in order to train teachers on how to deal with difficult students. Some of the methods used by the school social worker – are individual, group, and family / social lorem. Some employees have been taught seminars in all classes, in cases such as conflict resolution. To provide for the case of Workmen of volunteerism in the social occasions of the school, the service may be to another person or to the of their city, and which guides the students to the service of God and the possibilities that exist; to create opportunities for mutual cooperation and help to succeed and in particular the work of their peers and to be beaten, the young students, the students and adults for help; and together in the church (Administration for Children and Families, 2006).
For assistance in crisis situations. Integration of youth development into practice the principles of the importance of social work in school’s flexibility and a strong force to be avoided. Youth development activities in the field, so that services can also be a very progressive movement, and conceptualized as in the affirmative and behavioral interventions intervention or support system.
It is also important for social workers not to forget empathy, to feel it was not right, and to trust relationships with a positive attitude to establishing the students and their families. The presentation is similar to that of the office, but political and ethical norms and behavior are always considered. Social Association and the National Association of Students, in the biblical requirements for specific social work, provide training and competence for social game operators.
Ethical Concerns
Social workers work in good faith of the ethical standards of the profession, and after the due order, the personal nature or contrary to the argument which the values of the profession as well as the Spirit’s work, to meet the needs of members of any other clients. To work on the game, a social worker must have a degree of MSW that is approved for the social education program. Work had to be trained in the game.
As a result, the school social worker system provides an invaluable service. Today, school social workers are present in 50 states, in different parts, all of which are focused on the promotion of systemic changes to support the students.
Administration for Children and Families. (2006). Children’s Bureau child and family services review fact sheet. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved February 4, 2006, from cwmonitoring/recruit/cfsrfactsheet.htm
Bowlby, J. (1998). Attachment and loss: Loss: Sadness and depression, Vol. 3. London: Pimlico.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2005). ASPE issue brief: Federal foster care financing: How and why the current funding structure fails to meet the needs of the child welfare field. Washington DC: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation. Retrieved October 5, 2005, from 05/fc-financing-ib/