Academic Master

Health Care

The Scientific Method and Innovations: Part 2



The Scientific Method and Innovations: Part 2

The scientific method is a process of inquiry and experimentation. It is used to investigate phenomena, develop explanations for them, and test these explanations (Tang et al., 2009). The scientific method ensures that the results of the analysis are sound enough because it uses a series of steps that have been proven effective in producing reliable results. After defining what the scientist are looking for, they go through the collected data independently and compare it with other data sets. It is used to solve problems in science, engineering, and medicine. It can investigate, predict, and explain anything from the formation of new stars to the behavior of protons. The scientific method is a framework for understanding and explaining the natural world.






Cigarette smoking, alcohol use, diabetes, infection, sunshine, stress, dietary carcinogens, and environmental pollution are the leading causes of cancer (Inoue-Choi et al., 2017).

According to this data:

  • 77% of patients who report having several adverse variables also have cancer.
  • It has came across from reports of studies on the possible ties between certain lifestyle factors and the development of cancer.
  • Those who make changes to their diet and exercise habits, as it is proposed, will reduce their risk of developing cancer.

Correlation between Lifestyle Choices & Cancer Risk


  • 43% of respondents who smoked or used cigarettes had cancer.
  • At least 14 different kinds of cancer may be attributed to tobacco usage.
  • At least 50 carcinogens in tobacco have been related to lung cancer.
  • Almost 90% of people who get lung cancer are heavy smokers, and the consequences of tobacco and alcohol usage may be magnified.


Impacts of Diet & Benefits of Exercise

  • Cancers of the intestines, colon, prostate, bladder, breast, and stomach/esophagus are all exacerbated by a diet heavy in red meat.
  • As a result of alcohol use, the liver may become inflamed.
  • Those who eat a diet rich in vegetables and whole grains have a lower chance of developing cancer.
  • Those who make good lifestyle choices have a lower probability of suffering from cancer.
  • Exercise regulate blood circulation and prevents hormonal imbalance which ultimately diminish cancer risk in human populace.

Harms of Environmental Exposure

  • 20% of cancer patients had exposure to the sun or other forms of radiation.
  • Exposure to the sun without proper protection (including sunscreen), and lack of shade are all linked to an increased risk of cancer over time.


Inoue-Choi, M., Hartge, P., Liao, L. M., Caporaso, N., & Freedman, N. D. (2017). Association between long-term low-intensity cigarette smoking and incidence of smoking-related cancer in the national institutes of health-AARP cohort.

Tang, X., Coffey, J. E., Elby, A., & Levin, D. M. (2009). The scientific method and scientific inquiry: Tensions in teaching and learning. Science Education, 94(1), 29–47.

17 03



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