Academic Master


The Poor Environment In North Korea


I want to say that the media is saying that the most important issue is denuclearization, but before we talk about denuclearization, we should take care of how North Korean people suffer from their poor environment and the disadvantages of their irrational government’s decision. North Korea and South Korea land have faced a great famine and a shortage of all basic necessities of life after the 1960s war. Natural disasters are a problem that the world has faced and has overcome that issue very efficiently, like Japan, Indian Ocean lands and many other parts of the world.

South Korea, with international help, have also built itself very efficiently, but in contrast, North Korea is still at the same point of problems it faced after the 1960s war. The governments of both lands have different priorities. The North Korean government has developed the state with respect to defence and has shown an inability to socialize with the world in a positive way. The country didn’t focus on the people, which caused highly inhuman practices all over the country. It includes unethical laws enforced in extremely inhuman ways. The lack of a positive government response to these issues has raised a number of social, political and economic problems all over the world. Here I am writing that we should realize that it is ignorance if we just accept issue without thinking why it happens and so what action can I take.

The famine, affluence and morality are the main problems, if they are raised, they must be handled quickly and wisely. The governments and the local authorities who show an inability to resolve these issues raise these issues at very peak levels, and the international world starts questioning and interfering in these situations. North Korea has not properly handled its lands for half a century. Due to globalization, real facts are shown, including famine as one of the main problems. The country didn’t accept or ask for any kind of help for a long period of time, and instead, it hid the truth from all over the country, which resulted in a disturbed life cycle and a miserable environment for the people living over there. The economy of the country is disturbed, and people are unable to even fulfil their basic requirements, which include food, shelter, clothing, education and other necessities of life.

On the other hand, there are many other countries that are also facing serious problems, including African countries. The United Nations has reported that there are almost more than 233 million people who have suffered from hunger and malnutrition/undernutrition issues. Poverty is a problem, but it comes after the lack of food. The population grew so rapidly, and the food growth was not considered as equally as it should have been, which resulted in great famines. There are almost more than 500 million people whose per-day income is only $1.90 or even less. Erosion, desertification, deforestation, drought, and the shortage of water are some serious and common issues that have resulted in a greater number of people suffering.

International agencies and conferences have focused on the denuclearization of North Korea and the uncertainty of the safety of the world, including Europe and the USA, because of North Korea. The world is suffering from a number of basic problems, which should be discussed on the international level. The most basic problems are food shortages, basic health requirements, and other social issues.

In my opinion, these issues must be resolved on priority, and the other problems of the world would be left afterwards. Child labour is also one of the main issues in cocoa farms, the food shortage in North Korea and African countries, as well as the lack of advanced medical care all over the world.

I have an argument that these issues exist, so just accept them rather than search for how they arose and what caused them. Most associations only consider the causes and spend a lot of money on them, which results in a lack of action to resolve these issues. Currently, only a few associations, including the United Nations and some other non-government agencies.

There must be actions to resolve these issues, and the media campaigns and the fundraising associations should work more efficiently than before. It will help eliminate the overall world’s problems very efficiently without any kind of delay.

Works Cited

Singer, Peter. “Famine, affluence, and morality.” Philosophy & Public Affairs (1972): 229-243.

Sanchez, Pedro A., and M. S. Swaminathan. “Hunger in Africa: the link between unhealthy people and unhealthy soils.” The Lancet 365.9457 (2005): 442-444.



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