Academic Master


The Planning and Staging Flavors of China Town Food Tour: Asian Cuisine & Culture Event

Festivals and events

The concept of the event

Festival refers to the fact organized by a particular group of people to achieve specific objectives. In this assignment, it is going to plan and stage Flavors of China Town Food Tour: Asian Cuisine & Culture event. The main aim of organizing this event is to educate the people around China on the presence of the variety of culture in the region and the meals preparation according to Akhoondnejad (2016). The game will give people an opportunity to interact and know the range of traditional food in the area. On the other hand, a strategical place is required while organizing such bog event. After a comprehensive consultation with several stakeholders, the planning team in the development chooses hall Sydney that is located in China town as the most suitable place. The reason why this place is the best one is that it is located in the center of China and everybody can reach to this place in reference to Andersson et al (2014). Secondly, the site has a history of organizing several events. In addition to that, most games hosted in this particular place have been successful citing Bachman et al (2016). The reason behind the success of the most active in this place is that it has almost all the resources that an event may need to stage its objective. Apart from the venue, the planning committee was tasked with the responsibility of choosing the best date. The committee decides Friday 27th April as the preferable date. This day many people will be off work, and the students will have finished their school time hence creating time for this remarkable event.


Barron & Ali-Knight (2017) says that, the current lifestyle in the China region has made people forget the traditional lifestyle they were living. This conventional lifestyle includes the conventional foods that were prepared in the past. The aim of organizing this prestigious event is to educate the members of the society on the importance of the cultural foods in this current world. Many people have developed several complications in their body due to poor lifestyle and diet they consume. The traditional foods have little ingredients, but they are sweet and healthy. However, in the China region, there are diverse culture, and each of the learning has a way of preparing their food. In this event, several cultural groups have registered, and each one of them is going to have ample time in showing the audience their cultural sweet food.

It is evident that after the remarkable event, the members of the community will know the beneficial foods available in the region in reference to Jepson & Stadler (2017). It is not only the availability of the cultural food that the society will get familiar with but also the importance of including these particular foods in their daily meals. The benefits include the health impacts that assist people to live longer than they would have lived without using the refined grains. They should not waste more time in the big restaurants but focus on the preparation of this food. However, in everything there exist barriers. In this event, the obstacles that may lead to lack of phenomenal achievement is the low turnout of the people. The primary target here is the members of the society comprising of both young and the old. Therefore, it will be vital that they show up.

The scope of the event.

As stated earlier in the objective, the event will mainly focus on the local community. The event aims at bringing back the traditional culture to the local community. It aims at creating awareness to the local community, and from there, the city can continue doing the same according to Jones & Jones (2014).

Feasibility of the event.

For the organizing team to achieve the set objectives in this event, there are necessary resources according to Masterman (2014). The first required resource is the event facilitators. These people will help the audience to know what is going on at each point of the event. Besides that, they are the ones to welcome the targeted group in the game. The cost of employing these people can run up to $800. The second vital resource is enough chairs for the audience. No one is expected to come to this event and stand while watching the game. Consequently, display boards are necessary. They will help the audience to interact with the proceedings so efficiently. They will also make the audience to feel that they are part of that event. The primary challenge to achieving all the above resources is the financial constraints. However, the planning committee has put in place the practical way of handling the barrier. The first strategy includes borrowing and getting support from the well-wishers. The remaining time from now until the last day is enough for the planning committee to handle the challenges that may arise. It is with great hope that all the problems are going to be addressed before the D-day.

Planning and preparation

Murrell (2016) says that, every useful event needs the serious plan. In this event, a planning committee has been established to oversee the entire requirement of the game. The event coordinator leads the preparation committee. On the other hand, the other members of the committee have duties related to the specific area. Their work is to analyze all the requirements on their sides and give back the report to the event coordinator. In addition to that, there might be some minimal challenges arises during the planning. The members are given the task to communicate the problems and possible solution to the event coordinator. This early communication will enable the team to finalize everything required on time. Apparently, the event aims to inform and entertain. All the members of the planning committee should work together to ensure that the goals of the development are achieved appropriately. The resources including the communication devices should be put in place early enough. Moreover, before the D-day, the planning committee should establish various ways of creating awareness to the members of the public on why the event is essential and the need to come. When the planning committee does these many people will attend the event hence the committee will achieve the objective of the game.


Akhoondnejad, A. (2016). Tourist loyalty to a local cultural event: The case of Turkmen handicrafts festival. Tourism Management52, 468-477.

Andersson, T. D., Getz, D., & Mykletun, R. J. (Eds.). (2014). Festival and event management in Nordic countries. Routledge.

Bachman, J. R., Norman, W. C., Hopkins, C. D., & Brookover, R. S. (2016). Examining the role of self-concept theory on motivation, satisfaction, and intent to return of music festival volunteers. Event Management20(1), 41-52.

Barron, P., & Ali-Knight, J. (2017). Aspirations and progression of event management graduates: A study of career development. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management30, 29-38.

Jepson, A., & Stadler, R. (2017). Conceptualizing the impact of festival and event attendance upon family quality of life (QOL). Event Management21(1), 47-60.

Jones, M. L., & Jones, M. (2014). Sustainable event management: A practical guide. Routledge.

Masterman, G. (2014). Strategic sports event management. Routledge.

Murrell, A. (2016). Alaska Greek Festival Event Management Plan.



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