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The New Deal’s Opponents by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was one of the most renowned presidents in the history of the United States. Roosevelt is famous for successfully guiding the United States through the Great Depression and World War II. Roosevelt founded the New Deal program, which profoundly changed the U.S.A. Roosevelt’s New Deal program contained revolutionary economic policies to transform the U.S. into success.

Some of the New Deal’s policies include social security, federal minimum pay, rural and TVA electrification, child labor abolition, workers’ right to form unions, and collective bargaining for better pay and better working conditions. Some of these policies benefit Americans up to date. Despite Franklin Delano Roosevelt being loved by many, many others strongly opposed him and his policies. Those who opposed him developed hostility towards him, which can only be termed as hatred. Only a few presidents, if any, inspired such deep hatred and anger. This opposition to the New Deal program was between the years 1933 and 1941. This paper is a study of the opponents of the New Deal program and why they opposed it. The groups in this essay that most strongly opposed the New Deal program were the Conservatives who viewed Roosevelt as a lawbreaking newcomer, Huey P. Long who claimed Roosevelt did not do enough for the poor, Fortune magazine which presented an article about “The Case against Roosevelt” and Herbert Hoover who claimed that the New deal was an attack on free institutions.

Conservatives were one of the strongest opponents of Roosevelt’s New Deal program. Conservatives are men who love and value customs and traditions. These Conservatives viewed Franklin’s New Deal program as law-breaking. The Conservatives illustrated Roosevelt’s New Deal in a political cartoon published in the Chicago Tribune in 1935 called “Pinched for Reckless Driving.” In this political cartoon, the Constitution is portrayed as a policeman escorting a graduate (the New Deal) from his car, which had crashed. The graduate says, “No hick cop can stop me! I’ll have you fired! I’ll, I’ll.” The policeman (constitution, which is 146 years old) replies with, “I’ve heard that before!” this was the perfect political cartoon to criticize and oppose Roosevelt and his New Deal Program. The Conservatives viewed Roosevelt’s New Deal as non-lasting and one that was too wet and slippery behind the ears.

Another strong opponent of Franklin Roosevelt and his New Deal was Huey P. Long, a U.S. senator from Louisiana. Long criticized Roosevelt vocally mostly over the radio. Long planned to run in 1936, but before he could do so, he was assassinated in September 1935. In January 1935, before his assassination, Long made a radio speech claiming that the nation was in its third year of Roosevelt’s depression, with the state worsening. He requested for the awakening of the people. He asked the people to seek the truth and speak the truth. Huey Long viewed Roosevelt as someone who did not give enough to end poverty.

In June 1936, a cartoon was printed in the issue of Current History that month. This was yet another political cartoon. This cartoon was used to ridicule the Liberty League as vocalists who raised people’s alarm about how Roosevelt introduced communism into the nation. This was an act of criticism and opposition to Roosevelt and his New Deal program.

Another strong opponent of Roosevelt and his New Deal program was Fortune Magazine. Fortune magazine had an audience of business managers and well-educated professionals, as it provided a pro-business viewpoint. In December 1935, Fortune Magazine ran and presented an article called “The Case Against Roosevelt.” The article stated that the business grievance was that Roosevelt’s government was a government of men, not laws. The article views Roosevelt’s federal administration as a dictatorial menace and dangerous thing.

Herbert Hoover, former president of the United States, had been defeated by Franklin Roosevelt in the 1932 presidential elections. Hoover believed that Roosevelt was wasting resources and money on things that were not needed. Hoover claims that Roosevelt’s government monopolized the nation’s economy and freedom and also assassinated businesses. Herbert Hoover was a firm opponent of Roosevelt’s ideas and regime.

Another strong opponent of Roosevelt and his New Deal was the Congress and the public. Congress and the public opposed Roosevelt’s efforts to try to reshape and expand the court’s size to favor the New Deal’s legislation and amendments to the Constitution. Congress and the public opposed these reforms, and they did not become law.

In conclusion, it has been evident that Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal was opposed by a large number of people despite his publicity and fame. This essay illustrated the groups who opposed Roosevelt and his New Deal and the reasons that made them criticize Roosevelt’s New Deal. These groups that strongly criticized Franklin Roosevelt and his New Deal program include the Conservatives who viewed Roosevelt as a law-breaker, Huey P. Long who claimed that Roosevelt did not do enough for the poor and to eradicate poverty in the country, Fortune magazine which ran and presented an article about the “Case of Roosevelt,” Herbert Hoover who claimed that the New Deal was an attack on free institutions and the nation’s economic freedom and that Roosevelt was wasting resources on things that were not needed by the nation. Congress and the public were also opponents of Roosevelt’s New Deal.



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