Academic Master


The Mysterious Strange Story Analysis

The short story “The Mysterious Stranger” is described by August Feldner, a 16-year-old printer’s learner. The actions of the short story happen in 1490, in the tiny village of Eseldorf, Austria.

August is living and working in a dilapidated ancient fortress where the photocopy workshop is situated. Heinrich Stein, a gentleman of the age of mid-50s and the leader and master of the printing shop, is mentioned in all over the short story as the master. The master is living in the fortress with his partner, Frau Stein, and her 17 old descendants from an earlier wedding, Marie Vogel. The sister of the master, Frau Regent, and her 17-year-old daughter Margit Regent is also living there. In accumulation to August, there are six further people who work in the printing shop, and they all are living in the castle: Ernest Wasserman, Hans Katzenjammer, Moses Haas, Adam Bins, Gustav Fischer and Barty Langbein. A conjurer with the name of Balthasar Hoffman is also living in the castle(“The Mysterious Stranger, and Others by Mark Twain”)

“Nothing exists; all is a dream. God—man—the world—the sun, the moon, the wilderness of stars—a dream, all a dream; they have no existence. Nothing exists save space—and you!”(“The Mysterious Stranger Quotes by Mark Twain”).

Someday, a teenager of around 16 or 17 comes to the castle, outfitted in tatters and supplanting for foodstuff. When he is inquired about his name, he states them it is Number 44, New Series 864,962. On the inquiry of this uncommon forename, a majority of the people of the castle complained that he must be expelled from the castle. But, Katrina, the ancient cook, arises to his protection and asserts that he must be allowed to live in the castle. The master approves to permit Number 44 to start working in the castle doing different responsibilities.

“I know your race. It is made up of sheep. It is governed by minorities, seldom or never by majorities. It suppresses its feelings and its beliefs and follows the handful that makes the most noise.”(“The Mysterious Stranger Quotes by Mark Twain”)

Shortly, the master suggestions Number 44 a post as the trainee in the printing shop. Majority of the men employed in the shop makes an instant hating expressions to Number 44 and starts doing a lot of things as they can to overtask and embarrass him. August textures kindness for Number 44, but sees that if he speaks whatever in Number 44’s protection, he will be disliked by the rest of the people in the castle. The residents of the fortress initiate to consider that Number 44 has enchanted controls, and they undertake that the conjurer, Balthasar, has provided him with these magical powers(“The Mysterious Stranger, and Others by Mark Twain”).

Finally, August furtively makes friendship with Number 44, and Number 44 enlightens that, though Balthasar has given him certain enchanted control, he previously had enchanted controls beforehand he reached the castle. Number 44 says that he desires to endorse the knowledge that his controls originate from Balthasar, to strengthen the conjurer’s standing. Number 44 explains August how to be un-seeable. August also studies that Number 44 can understand and read his opinions and views from his mind(“The Mysterious Stranger”)

The person who was working in the printing shop request that Number 44 should be expelled from the printing shop, but the master rejects to expel him. Lastly, they adapt to starts a strike against Number 44 and until he is expelled from the castle. The printing shop is imagining completing the book of Bibles, but the working was unable to get complete provided that the men are on the walkout. Distressed by these proceedings, the master had come to be severely sick and lay down on his bed.

In the middle of this catastrophe, the traveling copier Doangivadam reaches the fortress. By knowing the circumstances, Doangivadam instantly has taken edge towards Number 44 beside the all the other printing shop employees. One night, they all went up to the shop and discovery that unseen workforces are mysteriously production the Bibles. By the next day, the order to print Bible books is completed, and the catastrophe is ended. However, the men are on strike.

The people of the shop decide that Balthasar has provided Number 44 the magic supremacies to comprehensive the Bible production deprived of them. They loom to have Balthasar scorched as a heretic except he forced to make a promises to stop Number 44 from accomplishment furthermore magical activity. Balthasar said that, if Number 44 accomplishes the further more magical activity, he will be performed an incantation that will diminish the boy to ashes.

After that one night, the men are all taking food altogether, and abruptly everyone discovers that his Identical has seemed in the apartment. The Identical whose appearance was precisely like their Original one, enlighten that they are Mark Twain eager to start working in the printing shop, and they will hand over their salaries to their Original’s one.

The finest method to tactic this subsequent story is to describe solipsism which means alone is signifying self, in the Latin language. The mind of solipsism struggles that the character can be alert of nothing, but it’s hisown involvements and conditions. The viewpoint of solipsism debates that, consequently, the only reality of which one can be categorically unquestionable is the nature.

In this unusual fundamental short story, Mark Twain essentially went outside the idea of solipsism. He is not just saying that nothing but the person can be recognized by the character. He speaks that nothing but the character subsists. Hence, latterly, Theodor discovers himself and this finding of character are expected in the Bildungsroman (psychosomatic story) but at an astounding worth. The personality he determines is just only a supposed story or thought, and the cosmos with which he was allocating is only his creative and imaginary fantasy.

Furthermore to this main disagreement of the story, there are numerous minor melodies. Satan was a seraph earlier to his descent, but meanwhile, God hasn’t figured it in the narrative, Satan takes the rule the domain of the short story. Satan is remarkable and as diverse from Theodor as a monster from a minor inflamed spider; he is uninterested to the dilemma of mortality and completely deprived of ethical consciences.

“Satan was accustomed to say that our race lived a life of continuous and uninterrupted self-deception. It duped itself from cradle to grave with shams and delusions which it mistook for realities, and this made its entire life a sham. Of the score of fine qualities which it imagined it had and was vain of, it possessed hardly one. It regarded itself as gold, and was only brass.”(“The Mysterious Stranger Quotes by Mark Twain”)

The damaging precipitate of human past was attained beforehand in the Origin novel of the Flood and William Godwin’s Enquiry (1793).

However, what outcomes is an unusually delightful and absorbing philosophy example. The complete short story, panache, event, and enthusiasm develop rechargeable each time Satan seems. Existence is certainly cloudy in the middle. The boys love him, beseeching him to stay, adoring him, overjoyed in his attendance. Satan is the lovely, influential counselor all boys pursue, and the person who reads is persuaded that Satan adores them(“The Mysterious Stranger, and Others by Mark Twain”)

Theodor is so truthful and simply worried, at one and in the similar time so loving and interrogative, that one classifies simply with the youngster, no matter what is the age of a person. Throughout the Socratic interchange that follows amongst the 16 thousand years old well-known and the humble infancy, the person who reads the story segments the adolescence’s miracle and wriggles with his uneasiness. In the last part, when he is leftward categorically unaccompanied in that place, the person who reads must be emotionally distressed and spreads out with the relationship for which Theodor aches and which Satan entitlements he could never have.

Works Cited

“The Mysterious Stranger, and Others by Mark Twain.” N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Sept. 2017.

“The Mysterious Stranger Quotes by Mark Twain.” N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Sept. 2017.

“The Mysterious Stranger: Summary, Analysis & Quotes.” N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Sept. 2017.



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